Hello Beloved,
Today I am going to write about being rooted in God's Word.
All we seem to hear about today is " The Last Days". That is good but, it is not enough. We need to take a look at what we NEED to survive the Last Days, not physically but spiritually . In the book of Revelation 2:5 it tells us to REPENT ( regret, be sorry, change) and do your first works. ( read it )
What were your first works? When you accepted / received Christ Jesus as your personal Savior, what did you do? You showed Him to everyone, everywhere you went. You showed the LOVE of Christ. In your attitude, words, your service, your money, willingness to LISTEN to God, Your desire to know more about Him. You were so in love with Christ. What happened?
You started the race very well. You were excited and full of the Spirit of God and showed it. LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, GENTLENESS, GOODNESS, FAITH, MEEKNESS AND TEMPERANCE. Fruits of the Spirit. Galatians 5: 22-23. These are what came out of you and these are what we need to get back too.
We need to Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks for everything, DO NOT QUENCH ( extinguish, put out, stop ) the Spirit, Despise not prophesying ( the preaching of the Good News), Prove ALL things and hold fast to that which is good, Abstain ( voluntarily do without) from the appearance of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24
Did you notice that what we need to do is taken from both books in the chapter 5? Five (5) is the number of GRACE.
God sent His son, Christ Jesus, to die for us. We are evil people, sinners; BUT Christ Jesus cam and took our sins ; Yes, OUR sins , even tho we had not been born yet. He died for us. He had done no wrong and yet He took our punishment.. He went the the cross knowing all of our sins and He paid for them in FULL with HIS shed blood. THAT IS GRACE.
Now is not the time to be falling away from the Word of God. Don't fall for the wiles of the world. Easy is NOT always the best way to go. If you want something you have to work for it.. Relationships need work too. You have to spend time with God to learn about Him. Don't let others fill you with themselves... LISTEN to the Word of God. Your pastor, teacher, apostle, prophet, or evangelist can NOT get you your salvation.. They can show or teach you how to get salvation ( and that is what their job is) BUT only the Blood of Jesus Christ can bring salvation. Romans 5:9; 1 John 1:7; Exodus 12:13
This relationship should be the one you really want... This relationship is ETERNAL. The ones we have here now, are just temporary .. Once you have a relationship with Christ Jesus ,,,NOTHING can separate you , NOTHING. Romans 8:35-39 Read it. The ones we have here can be separated. By anger, lies, divorce, death, and on and on.. So your relationship with Christ Jesus is the most important one you can or will ever have.
Start your relationship with Christ today.. Just talk to Him and tell Him your sorry and ask Him to forgive you and come live inside your heart right ow. John 3:16 says that WHOSOEVER believes in Him should not perish.. You are a WHOSOEVER. Yes, there is more but today ask Christ into your heart and know that it is a promise.. Start getting rooted in Christ. Being rooted and grounded in Christ is not belonging to a church but belonging to THE CHURCH. It is all about being in LOVE with Christ Jesus.. Now finish the race you started. Maybe not to fast but slow and steady will win the race. In Christ Jesus love and blessings to you .. vickie