Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Reading Through

Hello Beloved,

I don't know where this is going but I am just going to start OK? I just started reading , The Student Bible,NIV . I have read several different versions now and this is the one I have been using when I do my Bible studies with Beth Moore. Anyway, I am in Chapter One and I wanted to expand some on what I have already written about in another blog spot called 2500 Miles.
It is about the stars and heaven. Genesis 1:14-19
" God said, " let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, 15. and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. 17. God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth, 18. to govern the day and night and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good.19. And there was evening, and there was morning--- the fourth day.
As I was reading it just came back to me what I had seen in the movie at the Creation Museum.
It is something I just can't seem to get out of my mind...
The stars. How many are there? I just looked up and on one page it says that it is something like 10 to the 21 power.. that would be a number like this long
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 I don't even know what that would be!!!!!!! I know that it is a lot of em. and just think God created them on the 4th day. He spoke and they came into being... Is that not just AMAZING !
Out of all those stars He created He chose this one , Earth, to send His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ to. THAT my beloved is Incredibly Amazing!! Of all that He created He chose Earth where you and I live to come down too... I just can not fathom the vastness of the stars and planets.. It is to much for us to comprehend. In one day He created all the lights, the sun, moon, and stars..
Now , just how awesome is that. On the sixth day , He created man.. Then He rested... Do you think He is resting now? I think not... We , man, human, have really thrown the monkey wrench into His rest , would you agree? I am not even out of the first chapter of Genesis and I am already having my mind boggled.... God loves us so much , look what He did for us in just six days.. You and I could NEVER have done any of the things I am reading about .... NEVER.
I tell you true, I love my God so much,,, I can never ever thank Him enough for what He has done for me and for where He has brought me from.... Oh, How I love Jesus.... I just thought it might be something to help keep your mind working to think about just what happened on Creation Day # 4.. It sure has made my mind work...just thinking about it...
Remember to Smile today,,, someone needs it and you are dressed the most beautiful you can be when you Smile...
God Bless, tenderly with arms wrapped about you, your sister in Christ Jesus , vickie

Monday, June 28, 2010

I have a Question

Good Evening Beloved,

I have a question for you. How do you know you are being called? Now the called I am talking about is of course being called by God to go and do something or say something. How do you know your being called? I ask because today I spoke with a lady I know and she is leaving on Wednesday to go overseas for a undetermined amount of time because she was called.
I asked her how she knew.... her answer was something like this.....
"I didn't say anything to anyone because I thought it might just be me but my husband said to me that I would be leaving soon and going back so maybe we should look for an apartment, and then a lady I know told me that she knew I was going back... so she just took it all as conformation that God had called her to go on another mission trip. "Is that being called?
I really do not know the answer... I would really like it if someone could help me out here...
I do not feel like I am being called to do something that big or important... I know that we are all called to be witnesses of The Gospel... I do try to be that.... I am just wondering if anyone has a answer. I know we have a still small voice inside of us that we should be aware of and listen to..
So can anyone help me? Thanks for listening ... God Bless
Remember to Smile: You are dressed as beautiful as you can be...
Sincerely, your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Learning Wisdom

Hello Beloved,

I have so much I would like to share with you today. But I am not sure how to really go about it yet.. I am still thinking on it... but, I would like to share one thing right now with you. I have just finished my Beth Moore , Bible Study called Breaking Free. I have not broke free altogether but I am in the process. Anyway, a thought occurred to me a few days ago and I would like to tell you about it and maybe it might also help you if you are trying to " break free"...

Several years ago , my sister sent me a letter and in it she told me something pretty important. I did what she ask not really putting my whole heart in it.. ya know what I mean? Well, after this study I decide a few days ago to go back and do what my sister had ask me to several years ago.. ( Why is it that we always have to do things the hard way?) She told me that I should read
Hebrews once a month and Proverbs every three months.. I did . But now, I would like to tell you how I am doing it now... Instead of every three months I am doing one chapter each day for a month.... There are 31 chapters in Proverbs and you can do one a day for a whole month... This way I can read it each morning and reread it throughout the day so it will hopefully stick with me all day long.... I am calling it ( for myself) getting wisdom... I am praying for wisdom and understanding in my life right now... Maybe you are too... I really think this is going to help me... I hope it will also help you. Well that was my thought for today.
I am recommitting my life to the Lord Jesus Christ and doing so each day... I am such a human that I make mistake after mistake everyday so by recommitting each day I am in hope of learning something new. May God smile down on you today and Bless you as He has me..
Remember : Smile , you are dressed the most beautiful you can be when you do...
Tenderly with arms wrapped about you, your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Big Birds

Hello Beloved,

I only have a minute to tell you about a strange thing that happened to me today.
I was out on a mower, mowing a large open field and I thought I heard something overhead.
I did it was a helicopter coming down out of the sky and was going to land in MY big open field.
It did and it was really kinda cool... Ok, I go back to mowing and pretty soon I looked up and
yes, you guessed it ANOTHER helicopter circled around the field and came back and it landed too! I have never had something so large fly so close to my head as I did today.. Not one but two beautiful dark blue / creamy white big birds dropped by today as I was just mowing a field.

God is so good.... He loves you so much... He died for you.
Remember to Smile today as you are the most beautiful you can be.
tenderly your sister in Christ Jesus. vickie

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Do you ever wonder?

Hello Beloved,

I was just sitting here looking out the window .. I see the corn has started to stand back up from where the wind and rain laid it down... Do you ever wonder how things like happen? The corn, for instance, it was put down by the wind and rain and yet it stayed rooted in the ground... Do you ever wonder if we are like the corn? I do.
Do you ever wonder why you get the drolldrums/ I do... I have been in them here of late.. I dislike that place alot.... I feel like I have been in a negative field for ever so long... Do you ever wonder about things like that?
Do you ever wonder, why your siblings are so much different then you but ever so much alike? I do... I have great siblings... smart , handsome, beautiful ,loveable brothers and sisters and then I go and see a mirror and it's just me.... Do you ever wonder?
Do you ever wonder why we wonder? I do... I love to think about lots of things... I wonder why alot too... Like I wonder why I like to write and no one likes to read. I wonder about crazy things sometimes... I often wonder why God would love someone like me. Do you ever wonder that?
I hope that if you are reading this and you have a wonder that you would write to me and let me know how you wonder.... I love you so much...... God does too.... He wonders why we have waited so long to let Him in our lives... Do you wonder that too?
Please remember to Smile today,,, someone needs to see you at your most beautiful.
tenderly with my arms wrapped about you.... your sister in Christ... vickie

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Worldy Influences

Hello Beloved,

What a beautiful day it is... Have you ever thought about how after a storm the sun shines, or after tears comes joy? That is what popped into my head this morning after a night of thunder and lightening... I looked out the window and saw the sun shinning and a smile came to me... God is so good to us!
I want to tell a Praise before I tell you why I am writing today OK?
Earlier this month I went on a short vacation with my grandchildren out to see my sister in Kansas..... I have to Praise the Lord because I drove out with them alone... I did all the driving, and planning and driving on the way out and back..... Now to you that may not be such a big deal... but to me it was HUGE!! I had to go thru St. Louis, and Kansas City, and Wichita, and not only thru them but also along side of and around semis!!!! Now again maybe not a big deal to you but to me it was a BIG DEAL!!!!! So I want to thank and Praise God for getting us there and back without any mishap..... It was a big growing spot for this old gal , let me tell ya. So Thank you Jesus for being there for me...... again.
Now, to what I wanted to tell you.....

Worldly influences,, what are they? How do we get over them? Are they always there?
Well, I say yes, they are always present and what are they? Well, it is anything in this world that you hold dear above how you should be holding God.... How do we get them? Hey listen,
we were born in sin, yes, tiny little newborn babies are born already knowing how to sin.... that is a fact. So we get them because , we get them..... Now the big question is , Can we get over or around them?/ The answer is , Yes, we can... How... Well, lets look at some scriptures and see, OK?
I am by the way still reading out of the book, The Prayerful Spirit.
In I John 2 15-17
( paraphrasing) Love not the world, the whole world is lust of the flesh and will pass away,
but, he that does the will of God abides forever. ...
We can never have a close relationship with our Lord in prayer if we have an affection for things of this world...( taken from page 61) That is correct, do you not agree? How can we be in a relationship with one and think of another? That is what we do when we pray too... We start out praying and then something pops into our mind, what's for lunch, what will I do today, or something about someone or something, ect.......... and that is what is meant by the close relationship. When we pray we should be thinking only of our Heavenly Father... not this nasty old place that is going to self destruct... I am so guilty of this... I have such a long way to go to become what God intended for me to become....
You know even Jesus was tempted by Satan , Look at Matthew 4: 8-9 and then verse 10. We can do the same thing..... " Get thee hence, Satan! ( or get thee away from me..)
KJV Matthew 4:10
Get thee hence, Satan, for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
When we become a child of God we receive His Spirit and should learn to listen to His Spirit .
John 17: 15-16 Please read this it is a prayer from Jesus for you.
Sitting in church and praying and something else pops into your mind is NOT having a close relationship with Christ Jesus.... Satan is subtle and powerful in his tactics.. We cant be preoccupied with things of this world and still pray... God deserves our undivided attention.
( taken from page 62)
I am as guilty as the next one... but I am still learning and want to learn... I hope you do too.
God Bless you ... and remember to Smile,, you are dressed the most beautiful you can be...
tenderly your sister in Christ. vickie

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

2500 Miles

Hello Beloved,

I would like to tell you about a place we went to see... One of them was in Kansas. It is called the
Cosmosphere and it is such a neat place... It was all about air travel... We saw the Apollo 13 space capsule and Lunar Module and other earlier rockets and planes it was really a very neat place to see.... and then we went to the Zoo and a Children's Museum.. All in all it was a busy time and fun too! The best part of the trip for me was getting to see my Sister and her family... It had been some time.... Family is more and more important to me as I grow older....
After coming home from Kansas. I received word that my cousin had passed away in Tennessee. So I made a trip down there.... I will miss Mazie so much... We had so much fun growing up . Memories that is what I have now... and that is what I hope my grandchildren will have of the trips we took this past week....
On the way home from Tennessee made a stop at another really neat place in Kentucky... It was called the Creation Museum Oh what another neat place to visit.... While there I saw a short
movie on the planets..... It sure did put things in perspective for me.
All of the stars and planets in this vast place called space.... things we can only think on and let me tell you it is hard to imagine just how vast it really is. For example: ( use your imagination
now) take a watermelon, then a apple, a grape and then a mustard seed... now place them in a row.... the melon is HUGE then the apple not so big and then even smaller a grape, and last is the mustard seed and you can hardly see it! that is the same with our universe .It may seem so big and large but when you put it the order of things we are really pretty small... and the best part of all of this is that God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to this place! Just for us... Now, I have been thinking about this .... and I was really angry for some reason and then I started to think about this and you know what? Anger is really nothing....not in the vastness of the plan of Heaven... Why then do we all waste time being anger, proud, or any of the other things we are?
I now have to ask myself alot of questions and hope that I can find the answers in God's Word..
I know the answer is in there... I can not even fathom the depths of how much God loves us...
He really does.. I think I will look at the night sky a little different now.... God spoke each one of the stars into existence all of them and they are many... that is how much he really loves us...
Beloved, if you live close enough to go to this Museum please do yourself a favor and go...
If you just put in your search engine : Creation Museum it should tell you all you need to know... It is worth the trip.
God Bless each of you and may your day be filled with the Love of Christ Jesus and forgiveness in your heart..
Smile, when you do you are dressed the most beautiful you can be...
your sister in Christ,

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Hello Beloved,

Well, just wanted to say that I have received the most wonderful gifts that you can get today,
Yes, today is my birthday ( the one where my mama had me day) and I was awaken by
a phone call from a friend of all my years. My Darling Sweet sister called and it was so good
to just hear her voice. And emails and snail mail cards .... You get to thinking that no one cares and then all this happens! WOW.
I have another birthday too that I needed even more than today.. It is in October on the 7th. and I will be 3 years old this time!! ( happy , happy , happy).Yes, of course I am talking about
the day I fell in my bathtub and ended upside down broken. The absolute best day of my life!
Jesus Christ has always been apart of me but on this day I FINALLY knew it. So that was and still is the GREATEST gift I have ever received.
I have always thought that gifts given of your time is more important than any other...
I still believe that... when you give your time to someone else, in a phone call, a card, an email, a visit, a smile or whatever you chose to do , you are giving the best part of you and that is YOUR TIME. something that no one else can give but you ,,, TIME.
My mama use to tell me that instead of spending money on her just give me your time... It was so much more important than anything else... I guess that is why I feel that way to this day.
SO if you have given me your time today, in thought , word or deed, thank you... I really do
believe you have given your best... God Bless you today.. and everyday!
Just remember to Smile, when you do you are dressed the most beautiful you can be...
Thank you Lord for all of the gifts of time today.
with much tenderness, vickie