Sunday, January 29, 2012

Prayer Cloth

Hello Beloved,

I have had family issues on my mind the last little bit and it is things that disturbed me to the point of finally reaching out to an outsider ( someone not
in my immediate family)... I am first and foremost thankful for the friendship of
this person..... She is the most wonderful and knowledgeable person I know. I trust her with my heart. So I thank her. I soon found out it was not just her that I would be so grateful and thankful for today..
I ask if I could have a prayer cloth for my son and family and in a very small group of people we prayed over this cloth... ( I don't know how all of you feel
about a prayer cloth or even if you know of such a thing) a prayer cloth is a
cloth that is anointed with oil and then the elders of the church and anyone else
who loves to pray and loves the Lord come down and pray and then you put the cloth under a pillow of that person or they carry it on their person and miraculous things happen... prayers are answered. I did that today and I can tell you the power of the Lord came down and I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW, that
all is well for the future.
Do you remember my friend the "Yellow Road Warrior"? Well, she taught today
in class about the Holy Spirit. It was good.... After church was out several of us went into the sanctuary to pray over the prayer cloths and I am here to tell you
that the power of God cam down. If you have never felt that then you need to get in a close personal relationship with God. We prayed through to get a answer and I believe I got one.. May not have been the one I was thinking about
but I believe I got the answer. I am so thankful and grateful for the men and woman in our church that they will stay and help you pray through...
I wrote this all down in my " yellow warrior book" and I will let you know when
it is answered , OK? I love my church family.
Remember to Smile: It is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet.
Tenderly with arms wrapped about you... your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year 2012

Hello Beloved,


Wow! Another year has come and gone. Do they seem to fly by really fast for you too? 2011, what a year of ups and downs.. I am sure we can all say that.
Are you ready for the New Year to start? How did you start your New Year off?
With it being on a Sunday this year, we started our New Year by going to church and hearing about The Tabernacle.. It was a good service... then Sunday evening we had a beautiful service.. Foot Washing and Communion.. If you have never experienced this , I am sorry... It is a very humbling and beautiful service.
This past year has been filled with struggles and failures but it has also been filled with miracles and victories. Out of tragedy we saw this past year a very real , powerful, and awesome miracle. A friend of mine was on life support and in a coma and they wanted to " pull the plug" and as the family got themselves
ready to do just that, BEHOLD my friend wakes up and sits up and talks and feeds herself and knows where she is and who she is.. .. She was brought back from the dead !!!! God is so totally AWESOME!!!! We saw people healed from cancer, babies hearing restored,woman get pregnant that couldn't, new babies born, hearts that were broken healed, the list goes on and on. These may not sound like miracles to everyone but if it had been you, then you would know the awesome blessings behind each one.. God is still on the Throne and still in the restoration business... If you are in need of a miracle then you need to ask God for it.....
If you don't know our Lord Jesus as your personal Savior and your not sure your ready to face the coming tribulation then it is really pretty easy to fix... You just have to ask Him into your heart... John 3:16 says that " WHOSOEVER believes in Him shall not perish , but have everlasting life." Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Do you believe he lived and was raised from the dead? Do you believe that He died on the cross for your sins? Do you believe that He is who He says He is? Then please don't delay in asking Him into your life... He will change what needs to be changed and you will spend eternity with Him... He just wants to have a close personal relationship with you, His Beloved. There is more, oh so much more but for now just asking Him into your heart is a good start . Then you need to according to the Holy Scriptures , Matthew 3:13-17, Luke 3:21-22,
St. John 3: 1-8, Acts 2;37-41 , so you can see the need to move forward as the scriptures tell us... Please find a good Bible believing church and learn. Study to show yourself approved.. I will be here if you need help.. PLEASE don't delay in making a decision today time is so, so short. JESUS IS COMING AND COMING SOON!!!!!
Remember to smile, it is a gift form God for you to share with all you meet...
God Bless you in this the New Year of 2012!!!!!!
tenderly with arms wrapped about you, your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie