Hello Beloved,
I have had family issues on my mind the last little bit and it is things that disturbed me to the point of finally reaching out to an outsider ( someone not
in my immediate family)... I am first and foremost thankful for the friendship of
this person..... She is the most wonderful and knowledgeable person I know. I trust her with my heart. So I thank her. I soon found out it was not just her that I would be so grateful and thankful for today..
I ask if I could have a prayer cloth for my son and family and in a very small group of people we prayed over this cloth... ( I don't know how all of you feel
about a prayer cloth or even if you know of such a thing) a prayer cloth is a
cloth that is anointed with oil and then the elders of the church and anyone else
who loves to pray and loves the Lord come down and pray and then you put the cloth under a pillow of that person or they carry it on their person and miraculous things happen... prayers are answered. I did that today and I can tell you the power of the Lord came down and I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW, that
all is well for the future.
Do you remember my friend the "Yellow Road Warrior"? Well, she taught today
in class about the Holy Spirit. It was good.... After church was out several of us went into the sanctuary to pray over the prayer cloths and I am here to tell you
that the power of God cam down. If you have never felt that then you need to get in a close personal relationship with God. We prayed through to get a answer and I believe I got one.. May not have been the one I was thinking about
but I believe I got the answer. I am so thankful and grateful for the men and woman in our church that they will stay and help you pray through...
I wrote this all down in my " yellow warrior book" and I will let you know when
it is answered , OK? I love my church family.
Remember to Smile: It is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet.
Tenderly with arms wrapped about you... your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie
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