Hello Beloved,
Genealogy, is it important? I spent over 15 years (active) years doing a family history
for myself.. It was fun learning about who my ancestors were and what they did, how they lived , where they were from , that sort of thing.. I started out doing it for a medical genealogy.. Every time you would go to the doctor they wanted to know about your family's medical history.. Well, I didn't know much, so I set out, to find out.
Like I said it was fun... it was also expensive! I did my research by " snail mail" , going to graveyards, digging into history books, stuff like that.... today you can do most of it in the comfort of your own home at a computer and with the touch of a few buttons you can know all about who you are and where your from...
Now lets take Jesus and His genealogy.. We find one in Matthew 1: 1-16. It tells us from Abraham to Joseph,( husband of Mary, who is the mother of Jesus Christ.) In it is lists five woman.. The Jewish people needed to know only the line of the father to make things legal. So, why then do you think that in Matthew it lists these five woman? Were they important? What did they do? How did they live day by day? What makes them so important that they had to be listed in this genealogy?
As I heard from a pastor on TV. " No person is beyond God's supernatural grace"
A genealogy reveals what kind of people are in it...So let us look at these woman in Matthew 1: 3, 1:5, 1:6.
Matthew 1:3 KJV Thamar ( Tamar) Go to Genesis 38:1-30 tells the story of this woman... She married a wicked man and he died and then the brother of this man was to take and give her a child , but he did not and he died... now the father-in-law, Judah, says go and when my youngest son is ready to marry I will give you to him.... He lied. Now Tamar had waited as a widow for sometime, then the father-in-laws wife died and Tamar found out where Judah would be and she went there... She dressed as a harlot and slept with Judah.. She then found herself with child. She gave birth to twins, Pharez and Zarah. We see that this woman did a dishonest thing but we also see that she is in the genealogy of Christ Jesus.
Matthew1:5 KJV Rachab ( Rahab) Now go to Joshua 2:1-21 . This tells the story of Rahab, who was a harlot by trade. Joshua sent two spies to Jericho to see what the land was like and they went to Rahab's place and she hid them.. The king sent unto Rahab and said where are these men? She said they were here but they left and I don't know where they are.... So this Rahab lied to the king. Now the spies told her to keep quite and she put a scarlet line out her window and all her family with her and was saved and she too became a part of the genealogy of Christ Jesus. She lied and was a harlot.
Matthew 1:6 KJV " wife of Urias"( Uriah) Go to 2 Samuel 11: 1-5 to start. This tell the story of how King David took up with another man's wife.. Bathsheba was her name. She is the mother of King Solomon. Now, Bathsheba was another man's wife ,yet she went and slept with the King and conceived a child out of wedlock.. Yet she is in the genealogy also of Christ Jesus...
These woman were not of high moral standards, yet they are listed in the genealogy of
Christ Jesus. So I repeat " No person is beyond God's supernatural grace."
If you are thinking that God can not use someone like you, then you need to think again. Look again at just these 3 women, God used them and He will use you too... but you have to let Him..
Smile: It is a free gift from God for you to share with others... God Bless each of you..
Tenderly with arms wrapped about you, your sister in Christ Jesus. vickie
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