Good Morning Beloved,
Well today is my 4th day of the 30 day challenge. I get up and spend time reading God's Word and I write about it... I got stuck on one verse yesterday in James 1. It was verse 12.. Something had happened and I came home and was reading and it just struck me and I could not go on until I had a clear understanding of the verse..
Everyday we are tempted in one way or another. It may be about money, children, thoughts, sex, food, something ... The thing we need to do is learn how to resist temptation.
I am a work in progress and I needed this lesson .. I have to learn how to resist temptation and I hope that by doing this challenge I am...
This is what I did today when I was doing my daily reading.
I started my prayer and as I was praying this is what came from it...
Do you believe God created Heaven and Earth? The Sun, Moon, and Stars? Do you believe God created Man and Woman at the same time?
In Genesis 1:1 God.( Elohim means creator). Genesis 1: 3 God spoke...1:14-16; lights to divide day from night and stars. Genesis 1:26...created them.... male and female. Now, with that said go to Psalms 139. This talks about God knowing all about you while you were yet not born. He knew when you would sit down, stand up, what you would think and what would come out of your mouth. He goes before you and behind you. As imperfect as I am( we are) He wrote in His book all of my ( our) members ( every little detail of who you are). Your hair color, eyes, how tall or short you would be, the color of your skin, boy or girl. ect.... This is something to really think about..... God loves you so much that He knows how many hairs are on your head.. If you believe one thing about God's Word , you need to believe that it is a love letter written to you. It is filled with so much life, love and truth in it for you to learn .... You will never know it all not this side of heaven. In the last two verses of Psalms 139.
" Search me, O' God, and know my heart. Lead me in the way everlasting."
It is time to believe and ask God to Search me and lead me....... God did create all things , you included. Thank Him for that today. Remember to Smile it is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet.
tenderly your sister in Christ Jesus,
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Monday, June 16, 2014
Day One : 30 Day Challenge
Hello Beloved,
Today has been a " just thinking " day. Thinking about this and thinking about that. Just think I will talk about my day a little.
I started a 30 day challenge this morning from something I heard from a preacher on T.V. yesterday.
The challenge was having a Personal Relationship with God. He gave four tips and reasons so I will show them here. He said that this is NOT the only way but it was his way of doing it.. So I say that again...THIS IS NOT THE ONLY WAY TO GO ABOUT A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD.
1.) MAKE TIME. Matthew 6:33 " But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
Psalms 119:18 " Open thou mine eyes"
If you have to SCHEDULE IT. Just put it on your calendar like you would any other appointment.
2.) READ YOUR BIBLE. This is the way to hear from God. Ask questions.
2 a.) What does this passage say?
2 b.) What can I take from it?
2 c.) How do I apply this passage to my life?
3.) RECORD YOUR THOUGHTS. Keep a spiritual diary. Write down what you are learning from each passage you study. Prayers you say and that are answered.
4.) REACH OUT IN PRAYER. Real prayer is hard work.. Make a planner for your prayers, ie... on Monday I will pray for people who are sick,. Tuesday I will pray for lost souls. Wednesday I will pray for .......... these are examples of how you can do it.... Do this for 30 days and see if you draw closer to God. I have accepted the challenge.
Well, this is how I started my morning off. I got up early and read in my Bible and I have prayed and I am writing down my thoughts.. So I did what I set out to do today.. Then came my first test and I do believe I flunked it.
I had to go and pick up grand kids for school. I called to tell them it was time to get up and they hung the phone up on me. Not a good way to start the day. Then when we are all in the car to leave, not one word was spoken to me on the 10 minute drive. Not a good way to start the day. So , they are off to school and I am on my own for a bit. I am so angry and hurt that I was ignored. I thought how rude and disrespectful this was.. I really was just beside myself with anger. I am driving along and talking to God about how this was just not right and guess what! BAM!! BAM! it hits me .Is this sometimes how God feels about us? Do we ignore him and hurt His feelings? Are we disrespectful and rude to God? This is not what I read about in my challenge today but I was challenged today. I have work to do LOTS of work to do before I can say I have what God wants for me in this relationship.. I am a work in progress. I will just keep on keeping on.....May God Bless your day with all you need .
Smile: it is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet...
your sister in Christ Jesus
Today has been a " just thinking " day. Thinking about this and thinking about that. Just think I will talk about my day a little.
I started a 30 day challenge this morning from something I heard from a preacher on T.V. yesterday.
The challenge was having a Personal Relationship with God. He gave four tips and reasons so I will show them here. He said that this is NOT the only way but it was his way of doing it.. So I say that again...THIS IS NOT THE ONLY WAY TO GO ABOUT A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD.
1.) MAKE TIME. Matthew 6:33 " But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
Psalms 119:18 " Open thou mine eyes"
If you have to SCHEDULE IT. Just put it on your calendar like you would any other appointment.
2.) READ YOUR BIBLE. This is the way to hear from God. Ask questions.
2 a.) What does this passage say?
2 b.) What can I take from it?
2 c.) How do I apply this passage to my life?
3.) RECORD YOUR THOUGHTS. Keep a spiritual diary. Write down what you are learning from each passage you study. Prayers you say and that are answered.
4.) REACH OUT IN PRAYER. Real prayer is hard work.. Make a planner for your prayers, ie... on Monday I will pray for people who are sick,. Tuesday I will pray for lost souls. Wednesday I will pray for .......... these are examples of how you can do it.... Do this for 30 days and see if you draw closer to God. I have accepted the challenge.
Well, this is how I started my morning off. I got up early and read in my Bible and I have prayed and I am writing down my thoughts.. So I did what I set out to do today.. Then came my first test and I do believe I flunked it.
I had to go and pick up grand kids for school. I called to tell them it was time to get up and they hung the phone up on me. Not a good way to start the day. Then when we are all in the car to leave, not one word was spoken to me on the 10 minute drive. Not a good way to start the day. So , they are off to school and I am on my own for a bit. I am so angry and hurt that I was ignored. I thought how rude and disrespectful this was.. I really was just beside myself with anger. I am driving along and talking to God about how this was just not right and guess what! BAM!! BAM! it hits me .Is this sometimes how God feels about us? Do we ignore him and hurt His feelings? Are we disrespectful and rude to God? This is not what I read about in my challenge today but I was challenged today. I have work to do LOTS of work to do before I can say I have what God wants for me in this relationship.. I am a work in progress. I will just keep on keeping on.....May God Bless your day with all you need .
Smile: it is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet...
your sister in Christ Jesus
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