Monday, September 19, 2016

IRVIM: one who crosses over

Hello Beloved,

This morning I was talking to God and I ask Him :  What is it I am suppose to do?  Well, a few weeks ago I heard James Merritt say "  When you don't know what to do; Do what you know to do."
So, as I was sitting at the table talking to God. ( I am not the best listener ) I ask, what is it I am suppose to do?  Well , after lunch today I picked up the book I have been reading.. " THE BOOK OF MYSTERIES by Johnathan Cahn.  I had not read it since last week.  The first two pages I read today, ( the only two I have read so far) seemed like answers to my question this morning..   What is it I am suppose to do?  
The first talked about the DAVAR and the  OLAM.  The Word and the world. We should be choosing the DAVAR over the OLAM.   NOT our circumstances, problems or anything else. Okay I got the message here.  Get into the Word of God for all your answers. 
The second page spoke of the IRVIM.  IRVIM means the one who crosses over. Abraham was the fist Hebrew IRVIM.  He was commanded to GET OUT of where he was and cross over to the promised land.  So I think I got this message too.
Before you can go anywhere, do anything, move up or out you have to be the one to  cross over.
So you have to ask yourself some questions.. Where is it you are wanting to go?  What is it your going to have to do before you can get there?  At the bottom of the second page I read these words "" the secrets of change and breakthrough.  YOU have to get out of the way.  I am still trying to find my way through the Word of God... Some days I think I may make it and other days I fear I won't .  There is one truth I do know..... That Jesus Christ loved and loves me.  I am forever and eternally grateful for that.
Smile today: It is a free gift for you to share with all you meet.

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