Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 Happy New year!!

Well to all of my family and friends, Happy New Year , 2010!!!!

Thank you, Lord Jesus for this new start.

'Oh give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever." Psalms 136:1

What would we do without his mercy? I would like to start this New Year out with Praise
on my lips for my Lord Jesus Christ.... I love Him, I honor Him, I give to Him ALL my Praise!
Thank you Lord Jesus for saving me.
I am going to take you on a journey with me through the writings of this blog. I don't know how
long that will take...I want to share with you all that has happened in my Spiritual life...

I guess a little background would be good at this point...(smile)

I am from a rather large family, three boys and four girls. I was # 7. Do you know that in scriptures the # 7 is used to represent perfection? Well, I have a NEWS FLASH!!!!!!! I am so
far from perfect but I was the completion of a family. I was spoiled by my brother and sisters.
I come from a poor middle class family.. We didn't have lots of money but we sure did have lots
of fun!!! I don't know really where to start my journey at, I will probably start in one place and
as thoughts come to me I will jump around.. I hope you will stay on board for the ride. ( smile)
I like to have a good time don't you? I have been learning a lot recently and one of things I have
learned is that I need more Joy ( Jesus or you) in my life....
I think I will start with the one I feel is one of the most wonderful days of my life.

Sunday A.M 7, October, 2007
I feel like this is my " new" birthday... I was home alone getting ready for work. My family had
already left to go to church. I went in and got in the shower.. ( this is a important part of my story)
I had decided that this day would be my last day.. I just did not want to go out dirty. Yes, I was
planning on taking my own life this day... BUT...( and there is always a but!) I think God had
other plans for me... When I went to reach for the shampoo I slipped and fell upside down with
my face in the running water and I could not move . I was on my neck, no air, and wondering
how I would move... You know how fast thoughts can come and go in your mind? Well , I had
some first thoughts at that moment too. First one ,was I have to work today and right smack
on top of that was " someone, please help me" . Now right here will be the place you will
either believe me or not, your choice, but I am telling you the truth.. ( I don't want to be in the Lake of Fire!) No one was in my house but me. I could not move anything. I had no air in my lungs because when I fell the air was knocked out of me... For a split second I had the thought of
I DO NOT want to die... Now, the next thing to happen to me was that I was LIFTED out of the
tub and placed on the bathroom floor. Yes, I said LIFTED.. I was home ALONE. I could not move.... So, I believe with all of my heart, mind and soul that I was lifted out of the shower by
a very strong angel... ( I am a little big, smile) Some how I managed to use a phone and called
a co-worker and she came to the house and took me to the ER . I sat and waited for a couple of
hours before they called me back.. When I got back there I was taken to have some tests run,
and MRI was taken and came back and said I had broken my back at the T1 and T2 level...
Now I had no idea what that meant nor what it would mean to me later on... But this is the beginning of my Spiritual Journey.

Smile , when you do you are dressed the most beautiful you can be... God Bless. billiemae


  1. Oh my I had no idea. You never told me the whole story. Thank God you didn't go through with taking your own life. There are so many people who love you and whose lives you have brought joy to. I could tell so many stories of memories I have with you. Losing you would have been a great loss to so many.I am blessed to have you back in my life. Love you, Vicki

  2. The world and many, many of us would have had a great loss that day if your thought had not been "God, I don't want to die".
