Saturday, July 31, 2010


Hello Beloved,

Are you a Christian? Do you claim to be? Do you tell people you are a Christian? So what is your fellowship with Christ Jesus? Do you claim to have fellowship with Him?
According to 1 John 1:6

" If we claim fellowship with Him and yet we walk in darkness, we lie, and do not live by the
( Now if that doesn't make you sit and and take notice of how you are living, what is is going to take?)

fellowship: companionship, company, association
So according to the definition of the word fellowship. Do you still claim to have fellowship with Christ Jesus?

darkness: devoid of light, dismal, gloomy

light: something that makes vision possible, spiritual illumination, truth.

Now, we have the definition of the above three words.. . fellowship, darkness, and light.. Can we tell if we are in fellowship of darkness or light? I believe we can. If we live in a world of lies, deceit, and frustration then that is a world of darkness ... but if we live in the world of truth, love and peace then we are living in a world of light..

So what is truth? Truth: sincerity in action, character, and utterance.

In John 8:12 (KJV)
Jesus spake unto them saying" I am the light of the world: "
John 14:6
Jesus said unto him, " I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
So we know that God is truth and light... so that only leave darkness and Satan is the father of it... So, now we have to figure out which one we follow or that we want to follow.. Light or darkness?
You would be walking in darkness if you had fear , or worry or were anxious about anything or your thoughts were always negative.
If you fear, you have no faith. If you have faith, you have no fear.
Read what 1 John 1:7 says:
" But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, ......
Now we know that Jesus Christ is the Light of the world and we do not have to walk in fear, or worry because we have faith in Him and if we have faith we have no fear...
So do you want to walk in fellowship with the Light or darkness? It is your choice...
Remember that when you smile you are the most beautiful you can be...
God Bless and keep you, tenderly your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie

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