I am so happy to talk with you today.... I just prayed a pray for you today.. I am praying that your day will be all it can be with God in it. Oh, I am so happy to be on here with you today! Praise God!!!!
God is love. 1 John 4:8 ( KJV)
God is Just. 2 Thessalonians 1:6 (NIV)
God does not lie... Numbers 23:19 (NIV)
God is righteous. Psalms 7:11 (NIV)
I am studying the Harbinger again... I now have a study guide from the author, Jonathan Cahn to study from... I hope I can do this to help not only you but myself as well... I hope your up to sticking this out with me.... Here goes.
HARBINGER: a person or thing that comes before to announce; forerunner
So we know that the title of the book means that someone or something is about to announce what has taken place or will take place in or on America.
The book starts out telling about a ancient mystery that takes place over 2700 years ago.. It tells about what happened to Israel when the Lord's anger was against them.
You may be saying but, what has that to do with us in the U.S.A., right? Well that is what we will be learning as we go along . So I really hope that you will come back and stick with me on this journey into learning about the future of this country.
God Bless and remember to smile it is a gift from God for you to share with all you meet.
tenderly your sister in Christ, vickie
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