Sunday, January 3, 2016

Unconditional Love Luke 15:11-31

Good Morning Beloved,

Want to talk about Luke 15: 11-32 today.  If you have your Bible out you can read it, okay?  It is the parable of the lost son.  A son goes to his father and asks for his part of the inheritance.  Father gives it to him and the son departs for another country.  He lives it up and parties hardy.. He wastes all of his inheritance on nothing.  Soon he runs out of money ( famine) and he now is in need of ....., So he have to take a job.   Well he was so hungry that if it had been offered he would have been happy to eat what the swine ( pigs) ate.  He thinks to himself , back home on my father's place the servants are fairing better than I. So he decides what he will say to his father and he heads for home. He is not worthy to be called a son, so he thinks. As he approached closer to his father's place , his father sees him coming.  He is so happy that his son is alive and alright, before the son reaches home the father is running out to meet him.. The son is dirty and smelly and hungry and scared but the father does not see that... No, he sees someone he thought was gone forever standing in front of him . Someone whom he loved so much and now he is returned... 
Now, do you have a child that you felt like was lost?  Someone who left and maybe some hard words were said between you?  Time has passed by but the pain of not knowing has not left. The love you felt for that someone has not left.  The desire to be with that someone is still there.  Maybe the other someone feels that way too but pride is standing in the way.. Or maybe it is fear of not knowing what you will do or say. Maybe it is guilt that keeps them away or maybe it is just that they need a nudge in your direction..
Now, the son is home and the father dresses him in the finest robe ( probably the father's own robe ) and he has sandals for his feet, and he has the ring put on him( this is what they used for authority)  and the father says kill the fatted calf we will have a party in honor of my son returning..  Now, does this sound like a father who is still upset with his son?  Sounds like a father with unconditional love to me..
Your someone wants to come home and make peace between you what will you do?  Will you fix up a nice huge meal and invite your friends over to celebrate with you?  Will you fix a place for your someone to lay his head?  Will you have new clean clothes there for them to wear?  Will you have your arms opened wide to receive them?
Call them and tell them all is forgiven. You take the low road ( the one where you take the first step towards reconciliation )  tell them you love them , show them you love and forgive them and let things start afresh (  a new beginning) between you.
This is what happened in Luke.. The father forgave his son and welcomed him home with love and forgiveness.  You can do the same...
God Bless and remember to Smile : It is a free gift from God for you to share .  Blessings to you. your sister in Christ , vickie

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