Good Morning Beloved,
It is cold outside but the sun is shinning and looks so pretty glistening on the snow. Onward.
I have so many things running through my mind today. January was kind of a hard month this year.. I missed a lot of church for one reason or another and I don't like not going to church. It is where I get fueled up for the rest of the week. Okay moving on....
I have been re reading a book by Johnathan Cahn called " The Mystery of the Shemitah" . I came across something in it today that I thought pretty cool. On page 250 it is titled YESHUA. It says
" How can one be safe in the days of judgment ? " The answer is that in Hebrew, the word for safety is yesha and also means salvation. Jesus Christ is our safety and salvation.. If you are living outside of Christ on judgment day then you have no safety or salvation.. Pretty scary if you ask me.. So, take time today to talk to God and ask Him to come into your heart and make yourself ready to stand before Christ on judgment day.
Here is another thought running in my head. In Luke 16:19-31 it tell about a rich man and poor man.
I don't know why preachers don't teach this.. It is so important.. I will just paraphrase it. Rich man had everything, food, clothes, home, and lived having a good time. While the poor man , Lazarus , had to beg for alms ( money, food) he was covered in sores and the dogs licked the sores. Now, Lazarus was carried by angels to the bosom of Abraham; the rich man was buried and in torment in Hades( place of the dead). Rich man looked up and saw father Abraham and Lazarus and cried out send Lazarus to dip his finger in water to cool my tongue. Abraham tells the rich man , you had your comforts and delights , and Lazarus had his discomforts and distresses , now Lazarus is being comforted and you are in anguish. The great chasm ( a deep crack in the earth's surface ; gorge, abyss) we can not come to you nor you to us. The rich man begged for Lazarus to go back and tell his brothers what it was like where he was.. Abraham told him they have Moses and the prophets to listen too . Rich man: But if someone from the dead were to go and tell them they will repent. Abraham: If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets they will not even listen to someone raised from the dead... Moral here. Heaven and Hell are both real places.. You will have all your senses in either place. If you want to be where Abraham and Lazarus are then you better listen to what Moses and the prophets were saying.. If you want to be like the rich man and be in that place of torment for eternity then go ahead and not listen to Moses and the prophets and do it you r way. Just remember this from 2 Peter 2:4 " God did not even spare the angels that sinned , but cast them into hell". Beloved, YOU HAVE TO BE BORN AGAIN . Take time today to start your relationship with Christ Jesus..
The fearful, unbelieving, abominable( to hate) murders, whore mongers ( pimps, pander) sorcerers( witchcraft) and idolaters ( putting anything before God) and ALL liars will join the devil and his demons in the Lake of fire and this will be the second death.
Beloved, please today talk with God and make your calling sure.
In the love of Christ Jesus, your sister in Christ vickie
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