Hello Beloved,
Just sitting here thinking about different things and it popped into my head to write , probably more for me then anyone else. I will just take you along for the ride OK?
ETERNITY. How important is it to us? Do we ever think about it really? Do we just go along
with our life and not think about forever? Are we so busy that we can not take time to think
for ourselves? Do we really have what we want? Is there an emptiness inside of us? Have we tried all the things we can to fill that void? Do we work more, play less? Do we drink or do
drugs because it gives us a high? What is the high we are looking for? Do we really have a close friend that can help us? Are you concerned about the future of your children or grandchildren?
I think about things like this all the time. Eternity is very important to me... I sure don't want to spend it in a lake of fire... I hate the pain of burning! Yes, I really do think about it... I sure don't want to live in a place that is full of terror and fear but more importantly I don't want to live in a place where God IS NOT.... I use to be empty too.. I filled my time with my children and reading and gossip; but I was still empty.. I have never been one to drink , even in a social setting and taking pain medicines is just not my idea of fun either.... So my high was I don't even really know...
I think I have been searching all of my life for God. I watched my older sister as I was growing up and I wanted to be like her so badly... She just always seemed UP! I loved that!!!!!! She was
raising a child alone but she seemed so happy all the time.. She was always so bright and lovely.
She sang pretty songs about Jesus all the time.... So I thought I would like that too. I started going from church to church ( mostly looking at the cute boys that were there) and then I got married and started settling in to raise my family and sorta forgot about church. I would go from time to time and take my children but never stayed in one church long enough for them to get established . I say this to my own shame... My children are grown now and on their own and I feel like I have failed them as a mother...... Why? Because , I did not raise them in a good church so that they would have Christian values with Christian friend.I have now grown and I have started to learn what it is to have the ultimate high.. That is a relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ.. The more I learn about Him and share with Him the more the high is.... I have for the first time in my life a friend who sticks closer to me then a brother would.... I can not believe that anyone would love me so much.... but Jesus does.. He loves you that much too.... I can prove it. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that WHOSOEVER believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. I found out I am a WHOSOEVER, so are YOU!
Yes, I was very concerned about my grandchildren , after all I feel like I had failed as a mother.
I wanted my beautiful little babies brought up in the House of the Lord.... and you know what they are.... My son, is doing a lovely job of getting them to church so they can learn about their Savior.... They love it... my little granddaughter loves to sing and dance before the Lord ( and the whole church!) my little grandson, prays and prays and he will preach too if you give him the chance.. They love the Lord and I am ever so grateful for that...
In Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go : and when he is old , he will not depart from it.. My grandchildren are being trained in the way to go.. I am so grateful for the life I have had, been many trials and lots of bumps in the road but " I wouldn't take nothing for
my journey now" ( yes, song title :) )
When I pass from this life to the next I hope to hear , Well done my good and faithful servant.
So is eternity important? I would have to answer that yes, it it..
Remember to smile today at someone they may need a friend today and it is a gift to you from God to share with others.... Have a Blessed day in Christ Jesus.
tenderly with arms wrapped about you... your sister in Christ Jesus vickie
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Do You Ever Wonder # 2
Hello Beloved,
I have been doing some more wondering... so here goes. Are you with me? :)
Have you ever wonder just how big God really is? Did you ever wonder just how small
we are in the universe? Have you ever wondered just how much more there is out there?
Do you ever wonder about things like ; what does the voice of God sound like? Why did
he chose earth to send His Son to? Why did He chose to die for us? Have you ever really
wondered about what it means to FEAR God? What about the trees, bugs, water, grass, air? Do you ever wonder about them? Do you ever wonder why we can not get along with each other?
Do you ever wonder what it will be like in eternity?
I wonder about lots of different things , do you?
Do you know that in scriptures you can find answers to all of the wonders you wonder?
In Proverbs 1:7
It talks about the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.. Isn't that cool?
In Genesis it tells us about birds, bugs, grass and trees, in the very first chapter.
Do you ever wonder why people say they believe in God and think that is all there is to it?
Do you wonder where you will go and spend eternity?
Well , for right now I have to wonder where did the time go I need to finish so I can be someplace else..... I will be wondering again and again.. Hope to see some of your wonders on here. God Bless and have a great day in Jesus Christ our Lord!
Smile: you look most beautiful when you do... tenderly with arms wrapped about you.
your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie
I have been doing some more wondering... so here goes. Are you with me? :)
Have you ever wonder just how big God really is? Did you ever wonder just how small
we are in the universe? Have you ever wondered just how much more there is out there?
Do you ever wonder about things like ; what does the voice of God sound like? Why did
he chose earth to send His Son to? Why did He chose to die for us? Have you ever really
wondered about what it means to FEAR God? What about the trees, bugs, water, grass, air? Do you ever wonder about them? Do you ever wonder why we can not get along with each other?
Do you ever wonder what it will be like in eternity?
I wonder about lots of different things , do you?
Do you know that in scriptures you can find answers to all of the wonders you wonder?
In Proverbs 1:7
It talks about the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.. Isn't that cool?
In Genesis it tells us about birds, bugs, grass and trees, in the very first chapter.
Do you ever wonder why people say they believe in God and think that is all there is to it?
Do you wonder where you will go and spend eternity?
Well , for right now I have to wonder where did the time go I need to finish so I can be someplace else..... I will be wondering again and again.. Hope to see some of your wonders on here. God Bless and have a great day in Jesus Christ our Lord!
Smile: you look most beautiful when you do... tenderly with arms wrapped about you.
your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie
What is to fear?
Hello Beloved,
I have a question to ask you today. Have you ever awaken with fear in your heart?
I did that this morning and almost as soon as it came I starting praying and thinking and praying some more... I ask myself this question. Why should I fear what man can do to me if I have Christ Jesus in me? What can man do to me? If I have Christ Jesus in me I should have no fear , except the Fear of the Lord.. Because as it says in Proverbs 1:7 " The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge:"
I laid there talking to God and myself for a long time... When I finally put my feet on the floor, the fear was gone.. What can man do to me that can make me so afraid; NOTHING! That's right nothing. I believe with all of who I am that I have the I AM in me..
Yes, check it out in Exodus 3: 13-14. Moses says to God , What is his name and what shall I say unto them? v.14 God says to Moses, " I AM THAT I AM. Say to the children of Israel ,
I AM sent me...
So, see the I AM lives in me. I have nothing to fear from man... This is what went through my mind this morning as I was laying upon my bed to afraid to move. The I AM is my God who is faithful and dependable and full of trust who I call upon when I am weary and afraid and I love His name; Jesus Christ.. So I will go forward in this day without fear of anyone for the I AM is always with me...
Dear Lord Jesus,
I thank you that you are so personal with us that when we wake with fear and tears that you would show us who you are ... I love you with all that I can.. my heart , mind and soul... Thank you for what you did for me on a old rugged cross on Calvary.. Your shed blood is what covers me today... I ask that your will be done today in my life.... In the precious name of Jesus I pray. Amen
Remember: A gift from God to you to share with the world everyday is your smile. So please share a smile with someone today .. I love you all with the love of Christ Jesus in me.
tenderly with arms wrapped about you.. your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie
I have a question to ask you today. Have you ever awaken with fear in your heart?
I did that this morning and almost as soon as it came I starting praying and thinking and praying some more... I ask myself this question. Why should I fear what man can do to me if I have Christ Jesus in me? What can man do to me? If I have Christ Jesus in me I should have no fear , except the Fear of the Lord.. Because as it says in Proverbs 1:7 " The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge:"
I laid there talking to God and myself for a long time... When I finally put my feet on the floor, the fear was gone.. What can man do to me that can make me so afraid; NOTHING! That's right nothing. I believe with all of who I am that I have the I AM in me..
Yes, check it out in Exodus 3: 13-14. Moses says to God , What is his name and what shall I say unto them? v.14 God says to Moses, " I AM THAT I AM. Say to the children of Israel ,
I AM sent me...
So, see the I AM lives in me. I have nothing to fear from man... This is what went through my mind this morning as I was laying upon my bed to afraid to move. The I AM is my God who is faithful and dependable and full of trust who I call upon when I am weary and afraid and I love His name; Jesus Christ.. So I will go forward in this day without fear of anyone for the I AM is always with me...
Dear Lord Jesus,
I thank you that you are so personal with us that when we wake with fear and tears that you would show us who you are ... I love you with all that I can.. my heart , mind and soul... Thank you for what you did for me on a old rugged cross on Calvary.. Your shed blood is what covers me today... I ask that your will be done today in my life.... In the precious name of Jesus I pray. Amen
Remember: A gift from God to you to share with the world everyday is your smile. So please share a smile with someone today .. I love you all with the love of Christ Jesus in me.
tenderly with arms wrapped about you.. your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The Journey Continues
Good Morning my Beloved,
The sun is shinning and the air is crisp. Oh, what a great day to be alive. Ya know today is the kind of day when the air is so crisp but the warmth of the sun is just like having the arms of
our Savior, Jesus Christ wrapped about us.... To think that He would want to love us so much even when we have been so bad.... That is a wonder to me.... ( I am mostly speaking about myself here so as not to offend anyone.)
Well, I stated in the last post that I would update you on this 40 week journey I am on... So here goes. Are you ready?
Today I was reading in Ephesians 1: 15-23 , Ephesians 2:8 and I read them out loud as a prayer for my loved one... I inserted the name of my loved one in it so that it became more personal...
I believe that prayer is powerful and wonderful., and I know it works.... I will continue on with this journey until my loved one is delivered...
Pray for wisdom and knowledge not only for yourself but for the loved one you are praying about... I love Ephesians 2:8. " For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of
yourselves: it is a gift of God..."
Grace and Mercy renewed each morning.... God is so good to us... In the past week or so our Pastor has been talking about , Hope and Faith. Hope is the expectant " baby" and Faith is the name..... No faith , then you have no hope... no hope then your faith is not there. He makes things so simple that even I understand them... So as I read through the O. T I have hope of what is to come . In the N. T I have now receive my hope it is called faith... This is a journey of many lessons to come.... I pray that each one who reads this will continue on this journey with me, together we will learn about our Savior.
Smile: It is a gift from God to you for you to share with others...
Tenderly with arms wrapped about you, your sister in Christ Jesus , vickie
The sun is shinning and the air is crisp. Oh, what a great day to be alive. Ya know today is the kind of day when the air is so crisp but the warmth of the sun is just like having the arms of
our Savior, Jesus Christ wrapped about us.... To think that He would want to love us so much even when we have been so bad.... That is a wonder to me.... ( I am mostly speaking about myself here so as not to offend anyone.)
Well, I stated in the last post that I would update you on this 40 week journey I am on... So here goes. Are you ready?
Today I was reading in Ephesians 1: 15-23 , Ephesians 2:8 and I read them out loud as a prayer for my loved one... I inserted the name of my loved one in it so that it became more personal...
I believe that prayer is powerful and wonderful., and I know it works.... I will continue on with this journey until my loved one is delivered...
Pray for wisdom and knowledge not only for yourself but for the loved one you are praying about... I love Ephesians 2:8. " For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of
yourselves: it is a gift of God..."
Grace and Mercy renewed each morning.... God is so good to us... In the past week or so our Pastor has been talking about , Hope and Faith. Hope is the expectant " baby" and Faith is the name..... No faith , then you have no hope... no hope then your faith is not there. He makes things so simple that even I understand them... So as I read through the O. T I have hope of what is to come . In the N. T I have now receive my hope it is called faith... This is a journey of many lessons to come.... I pray that each one who reads this will continue on this journey with me, together we will learn about our Savior.
Smile: It is a gift from God to you for you to share with others...
Tenderly with arms wrapped about you, your sister in Christ Jesus , vickie
Monday, October 18, 2010
Positive Prayer
Good Morning Beloved,
Do you have someone in your life, a loved one or a friend that is struggling with a heavy burden?
Do you, yourself struggle with something, an addiction, anger, pain, or anything that takes away your joy? Have you prayed about it over and over? I have been there and I would like to share with you something that was shared with me.
I was at a church meeting and I ask for prayer for my loved one who suffers from an addiction and it was instant.... I love these people in my church . They believe in a right now God.
When you or a loved one is going through a struggle it is a battle within . We need to start treating it like a battle and fight back with our strongest weapon, the Word of God. It is sharper than a two-edged sword.
One lady in our church who I will refer to as the Wise Young Woman told me something I want to share with you.. Maybe you already know this.. I didn't. I thought about this most of the night and woke up thinking about it.... so to me it is important...
If you or your loved is struggling with something powerful like a drug addiction or some immoral act and it is bad for you then you need to do something about it... But , what if it is not about you? Well if it is your loved one then you do it and then watch God work... I have been told I will be amazed at what happens..
This Wise Young Woman told me that if I wanted to see things change in my loved ones life I would need to start praying positive prayers. Find in the Word of God all the good things about God and start to say them out loud . Faith comes by hearing the Word of God... So my first choice was Psalms 139.. I love this Psalms..It is about the Omniscience of God, the Admiration of God, the Omnipresence of God and a request for godliness. So I did as she suggested I do... I read this out loud and in place of the Me's, My's and I's I put in my loved ones name... Now, I have started the 40 weeks of the planning of the rebirth for my loved one..
We need a rebirth for this person... and that takes about 40 weeks to have a baby correct?
Well , for the next 40 weeks I am going on a learning journey and at the end of it I expect a new birth to take place.... This is what the Wise Young Woman told me to try... I will try and I really do expect at the end of 40 weeks to see a new person... That is my hope and faith. I believe in my God , Jesus Christ to do what He says He will do.. Pray out loud with the Word of God as your sword and fight for the life of your loved one... I will keep in touch on this journey..
Remember: To smile, it is a gift from God for you to share with all around you..
Tenderly with the love of Christ Jesus, your sister in Christ, vickie
Do you have someone in your life, a loved one or a friend that is struggling with a heavy burden?
Do you, yourself struggle with something, an addiction, anger, pain, or anything that takes away your joy? Have you prayed about it over and over? I have been there and I would like to share with you something that was shared with me.
I was at a church meeting and I ask for prayer for my loved one who suffers from an addiction and it was instant.... I love these people in my church . They believe in a right now God.
When you or a loved one is going through a struggle it is a battle within . We need to start treating it like a battle and fight back with our strongest weapon, the Word of God. It is sharper than a two-edged sword.
One lady in our church who I will refer to as the Wise Young Woman told me something I want to share with you.. Maybe you already know this.. I didn't. I thought about this most of the night and woke up thinking about it.... so to me it is important...
If you or your loved is struggling with something powerful like a drug addiction or some immoral act and it is bad for you then you need to do something about it... But , what if it is not about you? Well if it is your loved one then you do it and then watch God work... I have been told I will be amazed at what happens..
This Wise Young Woman told me that if I wanted to see things change in my loved ones life I would need to start praying positive prayers. Find in the Word of God all the good things about God and start to say them out loud . Faith comes by hearing the Word of God... So my first choice was Psalms 139.. I love this Psalms..It is about the Omniscience of God, the Admiration of God, the Omnipresence of God and a request for godliness. So I did as she suggested I do... I read this out loud and in place of the Me's, My's and I's I put in my loved ones name... Now, I have started the 40 weeks of the planning of the rebirth for my loved one..
We need a rebirth for this person... and that takes about 40 weeks to have a baby correct?
Well , for the next 40 weeks I am going on a learning journey and at the end of it I expect a new birth to take place.... This is what the Wise Young Woman told me to try... I will try and I really do expect at the end of 40 weeks to see a new person... That is my hope and faith. I believe in my God , Jesus Christ to do what He says He will do.. Pray out loud with the Word of God as your sword and fight for the life of your loved one... I will keep in touch on this journey..
Remember: To smile, it is a gift from God for you to share with all around you..
Tenderly with the love of Christ Jesus, your sister in Christ, vickie
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Eternity ?
Hello Beloved,
I just want to ask a question to each one who would read this....
Where is your eternal home going to be?
I just watched a short clip about a young man who did NOT share Jesus Christ with his friend and in the clip the young man who died wrote a letter back and wanted to know why his friend
didn't share Christ with him. It was quite moving.
Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? Do you know Christ as a friend? Have you
shared Him with someone else lately? Do you want too ? What is holding you back?
Did you know that you can share your friend Jesus Christ with anyone, anywhere? Did you know it really is not so hard to do? Do you have someone you know who is in need of Jesus Christ as their personal Savior? Won't you please share Him today.. You may be the water on the seed that makes their faith grow, won't you please try today.
I would love to see you in my eternal resting place, Heaven with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.. Today is a new beginning , renewed fresh with Grace and Mercy. It is there for you and for all that you can tell it too... John 3:16 For God so loved the world, who is the world???
It is anyone who is alive and you can talk to anyone of them .....God loves them all.
Please share Jesus Christ with someone today and have a Blessed day in our Savior..
Smile: it is a gift from God to you to share freely with all you meet...
Tenderly with the arms of God wrapped about you.... your sister in Christ Jesus,
I just want to ask a question to each one who would read this....
Where is your eternal home going to be?
I just watched a short clip about a young man who did NOT share Jesus Christ with his friend and in the clip the young man who died wrote a letter back and wanted to know why his friend
didn't share Christ with him. It was quite moving.
Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? Do you know Christ as a friend? Have you
shared Him with someone else lately? Do you want too ? What is holding you back?
Did you know that you can share your friend Jesus Christ with anyone, anywhere? Did you know it really is not so hard to do? Do you have someone you know who is in need of Jesus Christ as their personal Savior? Won't you please share Him today.. You may be the water on the seed that makes their faith grow, won't you please try today.
I would love to see you in my eternal resting place, Heaven with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.. Today is a new beginning , renewed fresh with Grace and Mercy. It is there for you and for all that you can tell it too... John 3:16 For God so loved the world, who is the world???
It is anyone who is alive and you can talk to anyone of them .....God loves them all.
Please share Jesus Christ with someone today and have a Blessed day in our Savior..
Smile: it is a gift from God to you to share freely with all you meet...
Tenderly with the arms of God wrapped about you.... your sister in Christ Jesus,
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