Hello Beloved,
Just sitting here thinking about different things and it popped into my head to write , probably more for me then anyone else. I will just take you along for the ride OK?
ETERNITY. How important is it to us? Do we ever think about it really? Do we just go along
with our life and not think about forever? Are we so busy that we can not take time to think
for ourselves? Do we really have what we want? Is there an emptiness inside of us? Have we tried all the things we can to fill that void? Do we work more, play less? Do we drink or do
drugs because it gives us a high? What is the high we are looking for? Do we really have a close friend that can help us? Are you concerned about the future of your children or grandchildren?
I think about things like this all the time. Eternity is very important to me... I sure don't want to spend it in a lake of fire... I hate the pain of burning! Yes, I really do think about it... I sure don't want to live in a place that is full of terror and fear but more importantly I don't want to live in a place where God IS NOT.... I use to be empty too.. I filled my time with my children and reading and gossip; but I was still empty.. I have never been one to drink , even in a social setting and taking pain medicines is just not my idea of fun either.... So my high was I don't even really know...
I think I have been searching all of my life for God. I watched my older sister as I was growing up and I wanted to be like her so badly... She just always seemed UP! I loved that!!!!!! She was
raising a child alone but she seemed so happy all the time.. She was always so bright and lovely.
She sang pretty songs about Jesus all the time.... So I thought I would like that too. I started going from church to church ( mostly looking at the cute boys that were there) and then I got married and started settling in to raise my family and sorta forgot about church. I would go from time to time and take my children but never stayed in one church long enough for them to get established . I say this to my own shame... My children are grown now and on their own and I feel like I have failed them as a mother...... Why? Because , I did not raise them in a good church so that they would have Christian values with Christian friend.I have now grown and I have started to learn what it is to have the ultimate high.. That is a relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ.. The more I learn about Him and share with Him the more the high is.... I have for the first time in my life a friend who sticks closer to me then a brother would.... I can not believe that anyone would love me so much.... but Jesus does.. He loves you that much too.... I can prove it. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that WHOSOEVER believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. I found out I am a WHOSOEVER, so are YOU!
Yes, I was very concerned about my grandchildren , after all I feel like I had failed as a mother.
I wanted my beautiful little babies brought up in the House of the Lord.... and you know what they are.... My son, is doing a lovely job of getting them to church so they can learn about their Savior.... They love it... my little granddaughter loves to sing and dance before the Lord ( and the whole church!) my little grandson, prays and prays and he will preach too if you give him the chance.. They love the Lord and I am ever so grateful for that...
In Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go : and when he is old , he will not depart from it.. My grandchildren are being trained in the way to go.. I am so grateful for the life I have had, been many trials and lots of bumps in the road but " I wouldn't take nothing for
my journey now" ( yes, song title :) )
When I pass from this life to the next I hope to hear , Well done my good and faithful servant.
So is eternity important? I would have to answer that yes, it it..
Remember to smile today at someone they may need a friend today and it is a gift to you from God to share with others.... Have a Blessed day in Christ Jesus.
tenderly with arms wrapped about you... your sister in Christ Jesus vickie
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