Good Morning Beloved,
I was just reading in Deuteronomy 1: 19-40 . Do you know it? Well, it was about Moses talking to the
whole of Israel. He was talking about the journey from Egypt and what had taken place.. How , the older
ones who left Egypt would not get to see the Promised Land....and why. In v. 32 it says: " Yet in this thing you did not believe the Lord your God."
As I was reading that I was also thinking about the things I have done and not believe and one word jumped
out at me and that was the word " consequent".. Just like what happened in Israel . They had to pay for their disbelief and so do I...
Why do we not learn from our mistakes? Throughout the entire Bible we see where God has had to punish
Israel for disbelief . They would repent and then do it again and again... We are no different are we? I don't
know about you but I have to repent on a daily basis.. I repeat mistakes and so I have to repent for them every time.. But , I am so grateful for a God who loves me so much that he will forgive me if I repent with a humble heart.
Consequences: a result: effect, following as a result of.
So when we do something whether go or bad it has a effect on us.. So, we need to watch what we say, and do and make sure that it is in line with the Word of God.
Smile: this is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet..
With arms wrapped tenderly about you.... your sister in Christ Jesus. vickie
story about a Pastor who was retiring .. He was told they were building a new house for the new pastor and they wanted him to pick out all the things for this new place and to not spare any costs.. The old pastor was jealous and he chose all cheap things for this new house... When it was finished the congergation presented him with the keys to this new place... so he had to live with the consequent of his choices.. So becareful of how you choose ..You have to live with it.