Hello Beloved,
I was suppose to tell this at a Ladies meeting at church but sometimes things just happen. So I will share this with you on here.
Now, I had been praying for God to help me change: The first step was admitting that I needed to change.
Well, I went to the doctor because of my ears and itching.. They were about to drive me crazy! I itched all over and was putting lotion on all the time because I thought it was winter dry skin itch.. NOPE, it wasn't. I was tired and sleeping all the time, sad, moody and very irritable from all the itching, going to the bathroom all the time...I was a MESS! I was not a very pleasant person to be around. I ate anything and everything I wanted and did that mostly after 9 p.m. Chips, pizza, ice-cream, cookies , candy, bread, . ( I love to bake and make goodies.) I would drink sugared drinks right before bedtime and end up getting up three or so times a night. I ate just to eat most of the time.
Well , I ended up at the doctor's office and when I went in and told him how much my ears bothered me, itching all the time and how my skin itched. It was driving me nuts!!! He looked at my chart , checked my weight and B.P. and all that and said : I am going to send my nurse back in to take a blood sample. That's what he did too! He did not even ask me about my ears!! The nurse came in and took the sample and said that they would call in a few days with the results. I went home and just ate. I was upset and angry because the Dr. had not even bothered with my ears.
Well, the few days passed and the nurse called with the results. I was NOT happy with what she told me.( In the back of my mind I think I knew what was coming and I did not want to hear it) She told me that they had done a three month panel ( A1C ) on my blood and it came back at an average 214 level. ( per day) Okay, what does that mean? I had HIGH BLOOD SUGAR. NO!!!!!! You must have done it wrong( this was my reaction) NURSE: Dr. wants to start you on some medicine. ( I don't know what she called it) NO. I told her I would do my own research and find out what I should do. I was a very ugly, rude woman to that nurse. ( Yes, I did go out and face to face apologize and ask for forgiveness from the nurse.) This meant I was going to have to do some research on what to eat, how to count carbs, watch how food was going to affect me... I was going to have to CHANGE my way of living.
Before finding out all of this I had been praying for God to change me. Everyday I would start out saying TODAY.. I will not eat and will lose weight I will not be this huge ugly glutton. I said it for months, but I did not change..( Repentance is required to inherit eternal life. What is repentance? It is having regret for all the evil and carnal ways of you, changing direction and turning your life towards Christ as your Savior.) I was living a carnal life of GLUTTONY! I NEEDED CHANGING! I wanted a life that was living for Christ Jesus.
While praying about change in my spiritual life things were changing in my physical life.. I am going deaf. I have had trouble with my hearing for many years but over this winter it seemed to escalate .. So changes were on the way..
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