Thursday, November 11, 2010

How Puny is Man

Good Morning Beloved,

I am sitting here just praising the Lord and it suddenly occurs to me that I need to write to you..
Do you ever just wonder just how puny man is? Do you ever think just how much your problems are so small? Do you ever wonder what we think we are doing?

I love the Lord Jesus Christ with all my heart, mind, soul and spirit..... I just don't understand so much about him..... I don't understand why he would choose this place called Earth to come to and why he would go to a cross and hang there for me. Do you? I think I know myself pretty well but do I really? Jesus loves me so much he died for me.... He did that for you too..
I get up everyday and think today will be the day I don't make mistakes and low and behold, I have just made the first one thinking that!
We sometimes get into this depression and think only of ourselves.. We don't think of what we are doing and how it might affect other people. I am so guilty of this... I am just so selfish..
My problems are really naught. I have the same problems I did before but right now, in this minute I am thinking " you big dummy, what is your problem that it is to big for God to handle"? Don't you know ,that when he was thinking about this place he spoke into existence, he was also thinking about you.. He knew me before the world began... and yet he still came down here and he CHOSE to die on that old cross for me.... Folks, I don't know about you but this sure has put me to thinking I need to do some RE thinking.

Have you ever just went outside when it is dark and looked up in the sky and wondered just how many stars there really are? It is so vast our puny little minds cannot even begin to comprehend just how much is really out there.. and you know what ? In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.. Genesis 1:1 He created EVERYTHING!!!!!!! Now, if he created everything , then that means he can fix what he created right? Well, guess what?
He CREATED US. So stands to reason he can fix us right? I love this!!!!!!!
God created me and he can fix me... NOW, I have to chose to let him. How? By letting go and letting God have it all... Yep, ALL.. I am still in the learning stage,( Yes, even oldies like me can still learn) I know of not one person who knows it all... not one... I am letting God have all of me and in this process I am learning that as much as I want to not hurt it still hurts to let go..
I am a mom and grand mom and I love my children so much that I just knew no one could love
them as much as I could .... strike 2. Jesus does..... now I have to let them go and let God have them and TRUST him to know what is best for all of us...
Are you having trouble letting go? I am learning as I go and reading God' Word most everyday now... I have a long way to go and time is really getting short so can I just ask you to think about letting go and letting God have his way? I really am pleading with you to let God into your life not just when you are having a crisis but in EVERY single thing you think and say... Jesus Christ loves you and me.... Do we really love him?
Dear Lord Jesus,
For anyone who would read this and want to give everything they have in their lives to you I say this prayer...... Dear Lord, please come into my life and forgive me for any doubts and fears I have .... Help me to trust you and learn daily from your Word... In Jesus name.. Amen.
Beloved, I love the Lord Jesus Christ with all that I am... He has shown me so many ways in
which he loves me.... Please won't you accept him and let him in your heart today...

Now go and find a good Bible based church to worship in and be careful and really study the
Word and then you will know if what is being said is true.... Praise God all the time even when
trouble comes.... If you live here in the mid- west let me invite you to come church with me.. We have a really good pastor/teacher... Please just let God be # 1 in your life and let him have control.... I think I may even be writing this to me today...

Remember: Smile, it is a gift from God to you , for you to share with all you meet.
I love you all .
Tenderly with arms wrapped about you ..... your sister in Christ Jesus.


  1. Another beautiful post. Wish more people read your work. But that, too, is in God's hands. You are putting it out there like you are supposed to do. Love you, Sue

  2. I LOVE reading your writing. I always feel as if you are talking directly to me. I have been so down lately. There is so much going on in my life right now. I feel lost. And reading your words just have comfort in them. I had to take down my blog for the time being due to some issues going on with my kids, but I miss it. I miss writing, although I was not doing much of that recently. I have been so down and just feel like I will never get out of this hole. Thank you for your words.
