Hello Beloved,
We last talked about Revelation : Two Witnesses, and how the " rapture" can and will take place.. Now I would like to address something else... It's about the
evil one; Satan, Lucifer, serpent, dragon, the devil; and where he will be spending the Millennial Reign ( 1000 years).
While some may think that he will be spending them here on earth with those left behind,in a sense that may be true.. If you are talking about the anti-christ being here.. Yes, the anti-christ is a man indwelt of Satan. But if you are speaking of the 1000 years after the tribulation then I would say , no I disagree. In the Bible ( KJV) , we learn from the book of Genesis 3:1-6 that the serpent has been lying since the very beginning of man. Please , I ask you to go and read this for yourself...
Genesis 3:4 " And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die." Now we know that this is a lie.. Please read this for your self..
Throughout the entire Word of God, ( The Holy Bible) we read about how this old serpent, the devil, has lied to man and cause him to fall so far from God.
Idol worship, greed, lust, to name just a few is how Satan gets to us... It will go this way until the return of Christ Jesus....
Please go now to the book of Revelation; We know that a time is coming when the world will accept the anti-christ as the world leader.... That time is upon us now. Throughout this time( the Tribulation) I believe that the " church" will be gone and the ones left behind will go through so much bad stuff... horrible things, things so bad we can not truly image what it will be like.....read the book of Revelation to see what will happen...This will all take place in a seven year period.... The anti-christ will be in charge and then after the seven years ... Then Armageddon happens, Christ returns and this takes you to Chapter 20 in Revelation where you find that in Revelation 20:1-3, " And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand."
" And he laid hold on the " dragon" that old serpent, which is the devil, and Satan and bound him for a thousand years." (1000 years) " And cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a seal upon him that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years should be fulfilled; and after that he must be loosed a little season."
So, I believe that Satan will be bound for a 1000 years and not with those left behind. I believe that the ones who are left behind will have a second chance in accepting Christ as their Savior , it will not be an easy choice but I still believe that some will make that choice..... IF not true then who are the " tribulation saints"? This is how I understand the scriptures.. Right or wrong that is up to my Lord and Savior.... Have you made a decision to follow Christ now while there is still time? I pray you have.. I am not intending to upset or offend anyone.. I am praying for all out there.... that you would find peace in our Savior Jesus Christ..... tenderly with arms about you ... your sister in Christ Jesus.. vickie
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