Hello Beloved,
Today in Sunday School, the lesson was about Joseph.. It was a good lesson... it was taught by my
friend , the " Yellow Road Warrior".. she really did a bang up job.
Her lesson was taken from Genesis 42: 1-13. You really need to read it , it talks about how Joseph
is in Egypt and the famine has started and Jacob and his family are needing food. So 10 of the sons of
Jacob travel down to Egypt to get some grain, but Jacob won't let them take Benjamin.. In case something
should happen to him.. Now, Joseph is in Egypt and he is the Governor ( second only to the Pharaoh).
Now , the 10 brothers come and need grain and Joseph sees them and knows them but they don't know
Joseph. So when Joseph speaks to them he is sorta rough sounding.. Joseph remembers his dreams of his
youth and he tells them they are spies. They tell him they are not... but are there to buy food. Joesph asks
where are you from . They answer and tell him they are 12 brothers , the sons of one man, but that the youngest brother is with his father and one is not. Now , I will tell you what I got from her lesson on these
scriptures today..
First thing, Joseph recognizes his brothers and that sees they don't recognize him.. He remembers the dreams he had. Can you think of what might have been going on in his thoughts? Do you think he might be thinking back on how he came to be in Egypt? Maybe he is thinking about being put into that well and sold
into slavery or how they made fun of him all the time when he did have these dreams.. Maybe he is thinking about the father and brother he lost. How do you think you would have handled this ? They did not forget him either.. and one is not... They counted him as a brother.. Maybe some remorse? Well.......
In the lesson this is what I got from it....
Let go of the past. The things that happened yesterday are gone and can not be brought back,,,, wash it off. Sherry, told about how when you are outside and you get dirt on you, you get up and brush it off and then when you go inside you wash it off and it is gone. So, LET GO of all the things that have happened to you and wash it off and start a fresh new day... When you read about Joseph you will see that he was a
man who feared God... He never lost hope and finish the story and you see that he was a man full of
forgiveness. He lived his love and faith in God everyday ... I don't know about you but just hearing it
put into words like she used and being where I am in my thought process it was just an amazing story
lesson for me.. She told us , don't lose heart, hope is there for us too... and if you want things to happen
in your life then you need to do what Joseph did. He worshipped God and praised God... He did it everyday .... So if you want to see God work in your life ,, make praise and worship a habit to do everyday. Is that not just good teaching? I think so... She finished with " Let God sift you and all the
good will come out . " I pray you will go and read the book of Genesis about Joseph and what happened to him and his family.. It is a great way one to learn many, many lessons from.. ex... you will see that
he had perseverance ( he was steadfast or not changing) , had patience( lived without complaint), and
forgiveness( pardon or to cancel) these are a few things you will learn about Joseph.. I know I am going
to be looking into Genesis and really watching Joseph in the next few days.. I want to learn how he lived.
I pray that you will too .. I pray that we can hang on and keep reaching for the prize.... a home in heaven.
Well , God bless and I pray that your day is filled with all that you will let God put in it...
Remember to Smile: it is a free gift from God for you to share and you are the most beautiful when you do..
tenderly with arms wrapped about you ,,, in the love of Jesus Christ, vickie
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