Hello Beloved,
I am going to try to tell you about a sermon I heard while visiting a church down in Texas. It was a good lesson I think... I don't know if I can remember all of it but I want to try and hit the highlights ok? I am not the author of this just the one trying to pass on a message ok?
Well here goes..
Process: is created for man, not man for process. Think about that for a minute... Process:
is created for man, not man for process...
When you think or ponder on that a while it becomes pretty deep. eh? I thought so anyway.
Luke 22:32 ( KJV)
'But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted , strengthen thy
a point that was made in the lesson was .... your faith should not fail; and the word converted was called process. When you have faith in something or someone you should not let that faith become something else; like fear, doubt, pride or angry ect..... Your faith should be strong enough to endure the conversion( process)..
What is conversion? It is a process that turns around or transforms.
When you are converted you go through a process of change.. For ex: When you go down to
an alter in a church service and you give your life back over to God and you leave that service
changed then you are converted.. A new process of change has taken place. You no longer want to do the things the way you used to. You have a renewing of your mind, soul and spirit. It starts as a process... Maybe you used to be a old sour face person but now you start seeing things in a different light... that is process...
We were told that there are three steps of process.
Step 1.
The Purpose of Process:
Achieving Change
1. Seeds
2. Minds
3. Relationships
The questions was what happens in each of these?
The answers given were a seed has potential , growth, DNA, process
Minds: power, change
Relationships: challenge, change, development, growth, agreement
So it was tied up like this...
When you plant a seed it has to be in agreement with your mind to grow.
What you think is developed in your mind. It is about the process of growth.
Step 2
The Power of Process
Becoming more.
Matthew 13: 31-32 ( KJV)
The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took , and sowed in his field. 32) Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof."
We all go through a process of growth, no matter how small we are( this is in the mind) ..We need to get our thoughts right to become more like our Lord; remembering to say to ourselves,
I am a child of God!!!! I am the light of the world..... We need to remember that we have THE LIGHT living inside of us now.... Christ Jesus IS The Light...
Matthew 13: 33
it speaks of leaven and we were told that it was the power of process.
Step 3;
The Beauty of Process.
1Corinthians: 3:7 ( KJV)
So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth, but God that giveth the
He who plants: the ignitetor; he who waters: the facilitator; God who gives the increase:
1. Proves God, the universe is working.. beautiful
2. Process is observable
3. Process is dependable.
Psalms 8:6 ( KJV)
Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet.
Let what you are out. What mask do you wear? Plant a good seed today in your spouse, child, friend , yourself... We will talk more later on these things... God Bless... and remember to Smile today. your friend in Christ Jesus. billiemae
sorry hit the wrong key before I finished. I will repost soon. thanks