Hello Beloved,
Today is a rambling day.. my thoughts take off in a hundred different directions. I got up
in a sour mood today and I don't like being sour. I ask myself what happens when you don't
like yourself much? I awoke with that feeling today... What happens when you lose your
pray? I don't like to start a day without pray and thanksgiving, makes for a looooong day.
I went and had a haircut and it looks terrible ... that made my day bad and then my husband
and I had a bit of a tiff, to end the day... Not a good way to go to sleep. ( what sleep?) So I know why I lost my pray, it's about finding it again..
In today's news ( online) I saw these things,,, Super bacteria, how it is growing, earthquakes affecting the length of the day, churches being told to move the food line for the homeless because it upsets the wealthy neighbors, things such as these.... It made me think about how
close to the second coming we are....
Like I said my thoughts have been all over today in different subjects and places.... I don't know how to keep up! How we talk to God. I have had that on my mind today.... People needing prayer today for things rather serious and thinking only of myself.. How selfish can that be?
I just read on my sister's blog that she likes things going in a straight line and that for this minute it was straight.. and she thanked Jesus for it... That was just " spot hitting" for me..
I talked with someone today I haven't seen for awhile and she uplifted me... This after telling me she had just been laid off from her job and she was up lifting me.... She said something I knew,
but just had not applied to myself...... When bad things happen, stand, because you don't know who may be watching.. I want to repeat that,,
" When bad things happen, stand, because you don't know who may be watching."
I knew that but to have it said out loud was what I needed today... I need to remember to
put people around myself who stand on the Word of God.... Sometimes we just have a bad day.
I have to ask Jesus everyday to forgive me for getting in the way...
What an awesome Father we have. It make no difference if we are naughty or nice if we ask He
will forgive and love us anyway.... I love you, Lord Jesus... and I am so sorry for all my shortcomings and I ask you please Jesus to forgive me... Now , I feel better for having ask,
No one , no one, is perfect... no matter how hard we try we can not be. I love the Lord, and I love each one of you ... Thank you for listening to my ramblings today. I don't always make sense to myself either...
I made a blunder the other day.. I hurt some one's feeling without meaning too.. and I want you to know it has bothered me to no end.... yes, I ask for forgiveness, I called them , I wrote to them and I was still feeling bad... " Mission Friend" said,,, go and tell Jesus that He was not enough..
Well, that helped more then she will ever know... Jesus is enough.. My flesh just got in the way and wouldn't move.... but Praise God,,, for more than one friend....
Just remember if you have a bad day it only makes you human...
God Bless you and remember to Smile, when you do you are the most beautiful you can be.
Your friend in Christ Jesus, billilemae
Bill- you should never question the way you think, pray, speak or act- because you STAND with the best of them. You ARE the best of them. Glad you liked my post. Give Rick a big ol' kiss for me and have a great time! Love, Sue