Monday, August 16, 2010


Hello Beloved,

I found this on my fridge this morning and thought I would share it with you.. I wrote this to myself several years ago....

How are you different then the Hebrews of the Exodus?
Answer: Your not.
They were there when the Red Sea became a dry floor, they saw the bread fall from the sky, they saw water come from a rock, YET, did they have fear?
Answer: Yes.
Their hearts were hardened. They needed someone to follow. So do you!
Now the choice is : Follow God or follow your fear.
Which one do you chose? Think about it.... Remember it is going to be a daily, minute by minute
follow... so now what do you chose to do?

The Hebrews turned to a statue for help, what do you turn to? Got ya didn't I?
Now be truthful here and say what do you to turn to? For example: smoking, sleep, food, or maybe you just like to be sick all the time. It can be any number of things.. so have you been truthful yet and looked at what makes you so like the Hebrews of the Exodus?
Fear is fear. Fear is darkness. Fear is without God. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.. Philippians 4:13
Fear is a closed mind. So are you going to open your mind today , or leave it closed?
What is your fear? How can you give it up? Now, will you give it up?
Life is about choices. Chose well.... It is yours for a lifetime.... maybe even your eternal life...
Just something to think about.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world and you know the rest... just remember who is the world?

Thanks for listening today... God be with you... tenderly your sister in Christ Jesus.
Smile: you are the most beautiful you can be when you do...

1 comment:

  1. Even after all this time.. This makes sense to me.. Alife of fear is a life without Jesus in it.. Why, chose fear?
