Tuesday, May 18, 2010

To Bonny

Hello Loved One,

Thank you so much for your kind words... I hope that I can make a difference .. You make me
feel as if I am.. Bonny, life is hard and we make it harder by not making sound choices..
I pray that you will not make the same mistakes I have made.. Honey, before you make a
choice please, please pray about it and stay still so you can hear from the Lord...
You are young and bright with a future... so please dont make the mistakes of your elders... listen to them and learn ....
You are so very sweet my dear... I am so glad we have found one another... Thank you so much..
tenderly your sister in Christ Jesus. vickie


  1. I am so happy that you have found someone to mentor to- you've shared so much of yourself with your family and friends- and now you are reaching out to the world...how beautiful.

  2. Thank you... You know you have my heart.

  3. I love you! How nice to see letters to ME! In the past I have made some choices that I would have changed at some point, but really, changing those things would make me different than I really am today. And I'm trying to appreciate who I am and what I have and the people I have in my life, in real life and connections here in cyberspace.
    I'm so glad that we have found each other as well. I love reading what you have to say and walking a journey with you. I appreciate you so very much and much love to you :)
