Hello Beloved,
I would like to share with you my afternoon today. My husband and I was invited out for
lunch today by a very dear and sweet wonderful lady from our church. We had a great meal, homemade soup and homemade from scratch pineapple upside down cake.. Wow! was it good.
We weren't the only ones for lunch, there was another lady there... My husband was surrounded by woman! He said he was ok with that. I am telling you that so I can tell you the rest of the story. Ok? Here goes.
The dishes were taken from the table and coffee was served. Now the talking part of the afternoon was on..... My friend the " Yellow Road Warrior" she was there and I will call the new one that was there today my " Mission friend." These two ladies are a absolute hoot! We had prayer for my arm... ( me the big baby) When prayer was finished " Mission " said something
to us all that was profound. I hope that I can remember how she put it... It went something like this.
" If you find yourself in a unforgiving state;
God will say to you, Would you go and look in My Son's eyes and tell Him, You are not enough."
I tell you ,if that won't make you think ,I don't know what it will take ....
Can you go and look Jesus in the eye and tell Him what He did on the cross was not enough?
It has made this old girl think twice today......
I have a tendency to wallow in my guilt for awhile before I give it up. Do you? Well this is something I will put on the mirror in my bathroom and hang right beside my computer and in my Bible, I don't ever again want to wallow in my own guilt. Once I have gone to Jesus and ask Him to forgive me I better be ready right then to give it up... Because what He did on the cross
I leave you with that thought... " Would you go and look into the eyes of Jesus and tell Him You are not enough?
Remember to Smile , you are dressed the most beautiful you can be...
In the love of Christ Jesus, your friend billiemae
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Beginning of Sorrows
Hello Beloved,
I was just on the news items and it stated that Chile had an earthquake 8.8 . I think that is so sad.. Hatti had and earthquake of 7.0 in January of this year. The numbers seem to be increasing eh? What about the droughts , just saw on the news that a city in Venezuela, called Potosi was uncovered because of the drought.. Then we had the icebergs that have broken off
over at Antarctica.. One of them is 60 miles long!! The other one is smaller only 48 miles long and 24 miles wide! What is that going to do to the oxygen levels in the oceans?? Well according to this article I read it will start killing all the life in the oceans.... Now is this something to think about?
In Matthew 24 it talks about the beginning of sorrows... I believe we are living that.
Earthquakes, droughts, ocean life dying, look at the weather patterns all across the globe.. In my mind I believe with all of my heart, mind, and soul we will be the generation that sees the
return of our Savior, Jesus Christ... Again read Matthew 24: 3-13 it talks about so much in
just these 10 verses.. It should NOT be a time of fear for those of us who have put our faith in
our Savior, Jesus Christ... but if you have not yet accepted Jesus into your heart TODAY would
be a good day to do just that... It is not a hard thing, it is very simple , really...
Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart and He will not come in unless YOU invite Him..
Will you do that today? Will you accept Him into your heart and then come to fully rely on Him
for all your needs and wants? He will NEVER leave you nor will He forsake you , no matter where you are , or where you go He is ALWAYS going to be IN you...
What do you say??? Would you like Jesus to be in you today?? We can say a simple prayer and that is all you need do... OK? Let's pray.
Lord Jesus will you come into my heart and forgive me of all my sins... Will you show me how to live the life you want for me . I ask you now to come into my heart.. I am sorry Lord but I love you and need you in my life... Thank you Lord Jesus ... I pray in Jesus name . Amen
If you have just prayed that prayer.. Congratulations!!! You are now a brother or sister in Christ Jesus.... I would urge you to now get into a good Bible based Church who loves the Word and teaches it and I would also urge you to have your sins washed away by the Blood of Jesus Christ.. That means to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ... His is the only name under Heaven whereby you might be saved.... Not titles but in the NAME.
Oh, Beloved, I am so glad to welcome you into the family of Christ Jesus.... I hope that you will write something on the comments of this page to let me know that you have accepted Christ into your life.... God Bless you.
Remember to Smile: you are then dressed the most beautiful you can be..
In the love of Christ Jesus, your friend and NOW sister in Christ billiemae.
I was just on the news items and it stated that Chile had an earthquake 8.8 . I think that is so sad.. Hatti had and earthquake of 7.0 in January of this year. The numbers seem to be increasing eh? What about the droughts , just saw on the news that a city in Venezuela, called Potosi was uncovered because of the drought.. Then we had the icebergs that have broken off
over at Antarctica.. One of them is 60 miles long!! The other one is smaller only 48 miles long and 24 miles wide! What is that going to do to the oxygen levels in the oceans?? Well according to this article I read it will start killing all the life in the oceans.... Now is this something to think about?
In Matthew 24 it talks about the beginning of sorrows... I believe we are living that.
Earthquakes, droughts, ocean life dying, look at the weather patterns all across the globe.. In my mind I believe with all of my heart, mind, and soul we will be the generation that sees the
return of our Savior, Jesus Christ... Again read Matthew 24: 3-13 it talks about so much in
just these 10 verses.. It should NOT be a time of fear for those of us who have put our faith in
our Savior, Jesus Christ... but if you have not yet accepted Jesus into your heart TODAY would
be a good day to do just that... It is not a hard thing, it is very simple , really...
Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart and He will not come in unless YOU invite Him..
Will you do that today? Will you accept Him into your heart and then come to fully rely on Him
for all your needs and wants? He will NEVER leave you nor will He forsake you , no matter where you are , or where you go He is ALWAYS going to be IN you...
What do you say??? Would you like Jesus to be in you today?? We can say a simple prayer and that is all you need do... OK? Let's pray.
Lord Jesus will you come into my heart and forgive me of all my sins... Will you show me how to live the life you want for me . I ask you now to come into my heart.. I am sorry Lord but I love you and need you in my life... Thank you Lord Jesus ... I pray in Jesus name . Amen
If you have just prayed that prayer.. Congratulations!!! You are now a brother or sister in Christ Jesus.... I would urge you to now get into a good Bible based Church who loves the Word and teaches it and I would also urge you to have your sins washed away by the Blood of Jesus Christ.. That means to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ... His is the only name under Heaven whereby you might be saved.... Not titles but in the NAME.
Oh, Beloved, I am so glad to welcome you into the family of Christ Jesus.... I hope that you will write something on the comments of this page to let me know that you have accepted Christ into your life.... God Bless you.
Remember to Smile: you are then dressed the most beautiful you can be..
In the love of Christ Jesus, your friend and NOW sister in Christ billiemae.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
How do you start your day
Good Morning Beloved,
I awoke with thanks this morning. Before my feet hit the floor I told God thank you for
the breath I had... I try to do this everyday. I had a day in my life where I could not
breathe and I so want to thank Him each day for breath I receive.... After I got up I started
thinking about how I started my day. In church we sing a little song that goes like this:
Start your day with a prayer of thanksgiving
start your day with a prayer filled with praise.
Let me tell you I have found the joy of living
and it's based upon how I start my day.
People ask me why are you so happy
they want to know what kind of pill do you take.
I tell them I have found the joy of living
and it's based upon how I start my day.
It is simple and yet very hard to awake and remember to thank God for your day....
I have found since my fall that it really very easy to tell God thank you for my breath.
So I have started trying to remember to thank Him for everything He has given me.
When I start my day thanking Him and telling Him I love Him and praising Him... I am finding that my day really does go along in a more joyous way.... God brings joy into your life but first
you have to invite Him in.... I just wanted to share today how much I love the Lord... He is the one who brings me through the day....
Please remember to Smile,,, when you do you are dressed the most beautiful you can be..
In the love of our Savior Christ Jesus, your friend , billiemae...
I awoke with thanks this morning. Before my feet hit the floor I told God thank you for
the breath I had... I try to do this everyday. I had a day in my life where I could not
breathe and I so want to thank Him each day for breath I receive.... After I got up I started
thinking about how I started my day. In church we sing a little song that goes like this:
Start your day with a prayer of thanksgiving
start your day with a prayer filled with praise.
Let me tell you I have found the joy of living
and it's based upon how I start my day.
People ask me why are you so happy
they want to know what kind of pill do you take.
I tell them I have found the joy of living
and it's based upon how I start my day.
It is simple and yet very hard to awake and remember to thank God for your day....
I have found since my fall that it really very easy to tell God thank you for my breath.
So I have started trying to remember to thank Him for everything He has given me.
When I start my day thanking Him and telling Him I love Him and praising Him... I am finding that my day really does go along in a more joyous way.... God brings joy into your life but first
you have to invite Him in.... I just wanted to share today how much I love the Lord... He is the one who brings me through the day....
Please remember to Smile,,, when you do you are dressed the most beautiful you can be..
In the love of our Savior Christ Jesus, your friend , billiemae...
Friday, February 19, 2010
Your Priority Is
Good Morning Beloved,
Well the sun is shinning again today! Praise God! I hope you had a chance to read my last post
because this one will go along with it.. I hope. I would like today to express my thoughts on the book of Haggai ( Haggay) the name means in Hebrew " festal" so I looked that up and it means ;
FESTAL: feast or having the character of a feast or festival; gay, joyous.
I thought the name was important ( they usually tell us something we need to know)
Haggai was around about the same time as Zachariah and was encouraging the returned
exiles to rebuild the temple.. The efforts to rebuild the temple had been hindered and for 18 years they rebuild their own homes .. Haggai, however aroused the people to action to start on the temple under the leadership of Zerubbabel , the governor and Joshua, the high priest..
Haggai assures the people that if they would rebuild the temple they would prosper...
he points out that God has withdrawn his blessings because they are so concerned with themselves... Now does that sound familiar?
How many times have we put what we want or think ahead of what God wants. I know I am guilty of this many times.... we all are...
Haggai was a prophet and the Lord spoke to him....
1: 4 paraphrased : Is it time for you to be in your house and let the house of the Lord go to waste?
Now that says a lot to me....
Then we need to consider what to do and go about doing them..
1:5 paraphrased: you have sown much , reaped little, you don't have enough to drink or wear to keep warm, so what will it be? consider your ways..
He tells them to go and get the materials to build the temple and He ( the Lord) will take pleasure in it and be glorified.
What do we need to do to build our temple so the Lord will take pleasure in it and be glorified?
going on , it say you looked for much ( a harvest) but it came to little.. Why?
What do you think kept the harvest small? Can you apply that to your own temple? Are you going through a drought? What will ease that drought? Will you listen to what God is telling you?
1:12 paraphrased: so along with the governor and the high priest the remnant listened to and
obeyed the voice of the Lord.. not in part but wholly. They listened and obeyed. They reverently ( feared) and worshipfully turned to the Lord.
Are you doing the same? Are you willing to listen and obey all that the Lord wants you to do , in order to receive a blessing? These are not easy questions but they are questions we need to address in ourselves. I'm talking to myself too.... What is your priority?
So we see that the Lord aroused the spirit of the governor and the high priest and the people so
they came and labored on the house of the Lord... labored. Is is not going to be easy to do all this listening and obeying it will be work ( labor) but ........
Hope. Here is hope for the new temple. Maybe you used to be on fire for the Lord and lately
you have not.. Maybe you didn't know how to be on fire for the Lord... Well, now is your chance
to learn or to relearn how... Maybe you remember the good old days of glory but you can't live in the good old days ;you have to do it for today.. The Lord was with you in glory of old and He will be with you in glory now.
Be strong and alert and courageous, says the Lord..( paraphrased) to all the people. Fear not.
He going to shake things up in all the nations , so He can fill the house with His splendor, and give peace and prosperity .
Now who would not mind having peace and prosperity in their house? I know I would love it...
What do I have to do to get it? Listen and obey and labor. Now the question is am I willing to do this?
Promised blessings;
Have you been promised something and it didn't happen? Well that is what is being talked about in these verses. They didn't all turn to the Lord when bad things happened. He is now saying that you do what you are suppose to and I will bless you from now on. That is a promised blessing..
God's final triumph.
He is going to shake things up and He will destroy the things that are keeping you bound. Why?
Because he has chosen you ... He wants to be with you and he wanted it so badly that He sent
His only Son, Jesus Christ to die for you , so that you and He could be together.... . Thank you God for your son, Jesus Christ...
Now to me that says it all.... If I want to have Blessings I have to learn how to listen, obey, and labor in the Word of God.... I don't know about you but I am willing to listen and obey and labor for the blessings of the Lord .....
Remember to Smile, when you do you are dressed the most beautiful you can be...
In the love of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ... He loves you... so do I. your friend in Christ Jesus , billiemae God Bless your day..
Well the sun is shinning again today! Praise God! I hope you had a chance to read my last post
because this one will go along with it.. I hope. I would like today to express my thoughts on the book of Haggai ( Haggay) the name means in Hebrew " festal" so I looked that up and it means ;
FESTAL: feast or having the character of a feast or festival; gay, joyous.
I thought the name was important ( they usually tell us something we need to know)
Haggai was around about the same time as Zachariah and was encouraging the returned
exiles to rebuild the temple.. The efforts to rebuild the temple had been hindered and for 18 years they rebuild their own homes .. Haggai, however aroused the people to action to start on the temple under the leadership of Zerubbabel , the governor and Joshua, the high priest..
Haggai assures the people that if they would rebuild the temple they would prosper...
he points out that God has withdrawn his blessings because they are so concerned with themselves... Now does that sound familiar?
How many times have we put what we want or think ahead of what God wants. I know I am guilty of this many times.... we all are...
Haggai was a prophet and the Lord spoke to him....
1: 4 paraphrased : Is it time for you to be in your house and let the house of the Lord go to waste?
Now that says a lot to me....
Then we need to consider what to do and go about doing them..
1:5 paraphrased: you have sown much , reaped little, you don't have enough to drink or wear to keep warm, so what will it be? consider your ways..
He tells them to go and get the materials to build the temple and He ( the Lord) will take pleasure in it and be glorified.
What do we need to do to build our temple so the Lord will take pleasure in it and be glorified?
going on , it say you looked for much ( a harvest) but it came to little.. Why?
What do you think kept the harvest small? Can you apply that to your own temple? Are you going through a drought? What will ease that drought? Will you listen to what God is telling you?
1:12 paraphrased: so along with the governor and the high priest the remnant listened to and
obeyed the voice of the Lord.. not in part but wholly. They listened and obeyed. They reverently ( feared) and worshipfully turned to the Lord.
Are you doing the same? Are you willing to listen and obey all that the Lord wants you to do , in order to receive a blessing? These are not easy questions but they are questions we need to address in ourselves. I'm talking to myself too.... What is your priority?
So we see that the Lord aroused the spirit of the governor and the high priest and the people so
they came and labored on the house of the Lord... labored. Is is not going to be easy to do all this listening and obeying it will be work ( labor) but ........
Hope. Here is hope for the new temple. Maybe you used to be on fire for the Lord and lately
you have not.. Maybe you didn't know how to be on fire for the Lord... Well, now is your chance
to learn or to relearn how... Maybe you remember the good old days of glory but you can't live in the good old days ;you have to do it for today.. The Lord was with you in glory of old and He will be with you in glory now.
Be strong and alert and courageous, says the Lord..( paraphrased) to all the people. Fear not.
He going to shake things up in all the nations , so He can fill the house with His splendor, and give peace and prosperity .
Now who would not mind having peace and prosperity in their house? I know I would love it...
What do I have to do to get it? Listen and obey and labor. Now the question is am I willing to do this?
Promised blessings;
Have you been promised something and it didn't happen? Well that is what is being talked about in these verses. They didn't all turn to the Lord when bad things happened. He is now saying that you do what you are suppose to and I will bless you from now on. That is a promised blessing..
God's final triumph.
He is going to shake things up and He will destroy the things that are keeping you bound. Why?
Because he has chosen you ... He wants to be with you and he wanted it so badly that He sent
His only Son, Jesus Christ to die for you , so that you and He could be together.... . Thank you God for your son, Jesus Christ...
Now to me that says it all.... If I want to have Blessings I have to learn how to listen, obey, and labor in the Word of God.... I don't know about you but I am willing to listen and obey and labor for the blessings of the Lord .....
Remember to Smile, when you do you are dressed the most beautiful you can be...
In the love of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ... He loves you... so do I. your friend in Christ Jesus , billiemae God Bless your day..
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Are You Prepared?
Good Afternoon Beloved,
What a beautiful sunshine filled afternoon we are having here today! I have missed the sunshine.
I would like to talk to you today about " your house".. Not the physical house you and your family live in but " YOUR HOUSE".
Do you remember my friend " The Yellow Warrior"?( she used a yellow hi-lighter to mark her prayer book , answered prayer.) Well , she is at it again.... Have you ever had someone in your life who just makes you think? The Yellow Warrior does that for me..
I am in a bible study right now on the Tabernacle. It is a great study.. I tell you this because it
ties in with what my friend said.... OK . I hope I can make sense out of all this, here goes.
Is your house ready? Are you prepared? Prepared for what you ask. A Blessing from God.
You mean we need to prepare to receive a blessing from God? Yes, you do.
Well, The Yellow Warrior, stated at one of the prayer meetings that we have a prayer string. Maybe you have read about that on a earlier blog .. Well, the prayer string is where we write down what we are praying for or about and then we will pass them on to someone else in the group ( kinda like drawing names at Christmas). We then will pray for that persons prayer requests . But , before you can pray for someone else or even yourself YOU need to be prepared..
Truthfully I had never thought about it before.. So I thought maybe you had not either...
If I want a blessing from God I need to be prepared to receive it... I will try to explain it this way. I hope I am right about this...
Let's say your child comes in from school and wants to go over to a friends house... You ask him/ her first " Is your room cleaned up?, Do you have your homework finished? Are all of your chores finished?" If the child says no they are not , then you don't let them go. but, if the child says yes, I am finished , you let them go... I think it is the same way with God, our Father.
Are we prepared to receive His blessing? Did we obey Him today? Have we did all that He as ask of us? If the answer is no, then we do not receive His blessings. but if the answer is yes, we receive blessings from Him. Do you agree?
Some of the things we need to do to be in obedience is found in Malachi 3: 8.
This is about tithing and offerings.. I believe it is important to do this. This is how your church building is taken care of and your Pastor is paid. No Pastor, no Word, no Word, No anything good. Tithing, money only? I don't' think so.... I think your time can be offered, we all think our time is important don't we?
You go to work and work for say $10.00 an hour that is how much you say your time is worth.
That is what you and your employer agreed on correct? Well, can you give an hour of your time for someone say who is in need of ride, or a meal, maybe they just need to talk to someone for awhile, a phone call, a card sent in the mail, maybe it is a email , or a blog, do you have time? When you do it as unto the Lord I think that is an offering. We have people in our church who don't have any money right now, but they have been tithing on the food stamps they received.. Now that is OBEDIENCE. Whatever you have ,you got from God in the first place , you know I am right.
Tithing is an important part of our spiritual walk. We need to be obedient to what our Father has ask of us.. You want to be filled up, then keep prayed up. In Matthew 5:2-12, these are the Beatitudes, read and find out what some of your blessing can be.... Blessings do not have to be in the form of money. They can come from anywhere, and anyone.... just remember to keep in mind you need to be obedient to The Word of God....
The Yellow Warrior told me a story about a lady in her church who loved the Lord with all that she had... She was a tither, and a great prayer warrior.. Before she would pray for you or with you she would ask , Is your house prepared?? I thought that was kinda a rude thing till she
said that in order to receive you need to be ready for it... Now, it makes sense eh?
In the workbook I am studying this is what is says on one of the pages.. This is taken from Week
Three chapter titled Prepared Heart.
" How often we expect big thing from God without preparing for big things from Him"
Is your house prepared? I know I am learning how to clean mine out and get it ready . I want to be prepared for whatever He has for me...
Remember to Smile, when you do, you are the most beautiful you can be...
God Bless you as you go through your preparations. Love in Christ Jesus, your friend billiemae
What a beautiful sunshine filled afternoon we are having here today! I have missed the sunshine.
I would like to talk to you today about " your house".. Not the physical house you and your family live in but " YOUR HOUSE".
Do you remember my friend " The Yellow Warrior"?( she used a yellow hi-lighter to mark her prayer book , answered prayer.) Well , she is at it again.... Have you ever had someone in your life who just makes you think? The Yellow Warrior does that for me..
I am in a bible study right now on the Tabernacle. It is a great study.. I tell you this because it
ties in with what my friend said.... OK . I hope I can make sense out of all this, here goes.
Is your house ready? Are you prepared? Prepared for what you ask. A Blessing from God.
You mean we need to prepare to receive a blessing from God? Yes, you do.
Well, The Yellow Warrior, stated at one of the prayer meetings that we have a prayer string. Maybe you have read about that on a earlier blog .. Well, the prayer string is where we write down what we are praying for or about and then we will pass them on to someone else in the group ( kinda like drawing names at Christmas). We then will pray for that persons prayer requests . But , before you can pray for someone else or even yourself YOU need to be prepared..
Truthfully I had never thought about it before.. So I thought maybe you had not either...
If I want a blessing from God I need to be prepared to receive it... I will try to explain it this way. I hope I am right about this...
Let's say your child comes in from school and wants to go over to a friends house... You ask him/ her first " Is your room cleaned up?, Do you have your homework finished? Are all of your chores finished?" If the child says no they are not , then you don't let them go. but, if the child says yes, I am finished , you let them go... I think it is the same way with God, our Father.
Are we prepared to receive His blessing? Did we obey Him today? Have we did all that He as ask of us? If the answer is no, then we do not receive His blessings. but if the answer is yes, we receive blessings from Him. Do you agree?
Some of the things we need to do to be in obedience is found in Malachi 3: 8.
This is about tithing and offerings.. I believe it is important to do this. This is how your church building is taken care of and your Pastor is paid. No Pastor, no Word, no Word, No anything good. Tithing, money only? I don't' think so.... I think your time can be offered, we all think our time is important don't we?
You go to work and work for say $10.00 an hour that is how much you say your time is worth.
That is what you and your employer agreed on correct? Well, can you give an hour of your time for someone say who is in need of ride, or a meal, maybe they just need to talk to someone for awhile, a phone call, a card sent in the mail, maybe it is a email , or a blog, do you have time? When you do it as unto the Lord I think that is an offering. We have people in our church who don't have any money right now, but they have been tithing on the food stamps they received.. Now that is OBEDIENCE. Whatever you have ,you got from God in the first place , you know I am right.
Tithing is an important part of our spiritual walk. We need to be obedient to what our Father has ask of us.. You want to be filled up, then keep prayed up. In Matthew 5:2-12, these are the Beatitudes, read and find out what some of your blessing can be.... Blessings do not have to be in the form of money. They can come from anywhere, and anyone.... just remember to keep in mind you need to be obedient to The Word of God....
The Yellow Warrior told me a story about a lady in her church who loved the Lord with all that she had... She was a tither, and a great prayer warrior.. Before she would pray for you or with you she would ask , Is your house prepared?? I thought that was kinda a rude thing till she
said that in order to receive you need to be ready for it... Now, it makes sense eh?
In the workbook I am studying this is what is says on one of the pages.. This is taken from Week
Three chapter titled Prepared Heart.
" How often we expect big thing from God without preparing for big things from Him"
Is your house prepared? I know I am learning how to clean mine out and get it ready . I want to be prepared for whatever He has for me...
Remember to Smile, when you do, you are the most beautiful you can be...
God Bless you as you go through your preparations. Love in Christ Jesus, your friend billiemae
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The Brick
A friend sent this to me and I thought it was worth sharing.... God Bless.
A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit to fast
in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed , no children appeared. Instead,
a brick smashed into the Jags side door! He slammed on the brakes and backed the Jag back to
the spot where the brick had been thrown.
The angry driver jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against
a parked car shouting, " What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing? That's a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money. Why did you do
it?" The young boy was apologetic . " Please, mister.... please, I 'm sorry but I didn't know what else to do," He pleaded. " I threw the brick because no one else would stop...' With tears dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked card.'It's
my brother, he said , He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up.
Now sobbing , the boy asked the stunned executive," Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me..'
Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat.. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything was going to be okay. " Thank you and may God bless you," the grateful child told the stranger. Too shook up for words, the man simply watched the boy, push his wheelchair -bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home.
It was a long , slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door. He kept the dent there to remind him of this message: " Don't go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to
get your attention!" God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts.. Sometimes when we don't have time to listen , He has to throw a brick at us.. It's our choice to listen or not.
God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did
promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.
James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you many be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Remember to Smile, when you do you are dressed the most beautiful you can be...
God Bless, your day today.... In Christ Jesus, billiemae
A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit to fast
in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed , no children appeared. Instead,
a brick smashed into the Jags side door! He slammed on the brakes and backed the Jag back to
the spot where the brick had been thrown.
The angry driver jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against
a parked car shouting, " What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing? That's a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money. Why did you do
it?" The young boy was apologetic . " Please, mister.... please, I 'm sorry but I didn't know what else to do," He pleaded. " I threw the brick because no one else would stop...' With tears dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked card.'It's
my brother, he said , He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up.
Now sobbing , the boy asked the stunned executive," Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me..'
Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat.. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything was going to be okay. " Thank you and may God bless you," the grateful child told the stranger. Too shook up for words, the man simply watched the boy, push his wheelchair -bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home.
It was a long , slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door. He kept the dent there to remind him of this message: " Don't go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to
get your attention!" God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts.. Sometimes when we don't have time to listen , He has to throw a brick at us.. It's our choice to listen or not.
God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did
promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.
James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you many be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Remember to Smile, when you do you are dressed the most beautiful you can be...
God Bless, your day today.... In Christ Jesus, billiemae
Monday, February 8, 2010
Looking Glass
Hello Beloved,
Tonight I am writing to a new friend... I think that she needs this advice my mom once gave to my son.... So this is for you and I hope you read it..
Back in 1993, my youngest boy left to go into the service and my older boy was still home.
Now , when the young one left the old one was very sad and he decided to go fishing...
He did and a friend of his came down to the fishing hole he was at. Now this friend of his was only 20 years old and he had been drinking.... My older boy was 21 years old..and he was taking the friend back to town and he was stopped by a policeman because he had a taillight out... anyway the policeman smelled alcohol in the front seat... So my boy was arrested for giving drink to the under aged friend..( this was one time he truly had not done anything) ( but at some point I am sure he had done it!) Anyway he had to go and serve some time in jail for this offense
he had not committed. Now , he spent 30 days in lockup and that was a terrible time for us.
Anyway the day I went to get him out he ask if I would take him to see his grandma. So I did.
I took him and he went in and sat at her feet and he ask , Grandma , would you forgive me?
She just looked at him and then she reached over and picked up a compact mirror and said to him. "NO" I will not.. pause the look on his face was crushed...
" Honey, you have not done anything to me that I need to forgive you for, but there is a man who you should ask forgiveness from... and that is when she held the mirror up in front of his
face and told him that when the man looking back at him could forgive him then his life would start fresh."
I tell you that day my boy grew up right in front of my eyes more than any other day he has been alive... Moral : When something bad happens to you and you think so little of yourself that you get depressed and angry and start feeling sorry for yourself go and look into the mirror
and really look and tell the person looking back at you that you have a choice to make and then make it.... The choice will be up to you.... You can continue in self pity or you can grow up in that moment.
I as the parent was so proud that my boy decided that day to grow up. He changed that day and I must tell you it really was for the better.... So please look in the mirror and see who is looking back at you.
Smile: when you do you are dressed the most beautiful you can be.. God Bless,
Friend , I love you but more importantly GOD LOVES YOU! Now learn to love yourself...
your friend in Christ Jesus , billiemae
Tonight I am writing to a new friend... I think that she needs this advice my mom once gave to my son.... So this is for you and I hope you read it..
Back in 1993, my youngest boy left to go into the service and my older boy was still home.
Now , when the young one left the old one was very sad and he decided to go fishing...
He did and a friend of his came down to the fishing hole he was at. Now this friend of his was only 20 years old and he had been drinking.... My older boy was 21 years old..and he was taking the friend back to town and he was stopped by a policeman because he had a taillight out... anyway the policeman smelled alcohol in the front seat... So my boy was arrested for giving drink to the under aged friend..( this was one time he truly had not done anything) ( but at some point I am sure he had done it!) Anyway he had to go and serve some time in jail for this offense
he had not committed. Now , he spent 30 days in lockup and that was a terrible time for us.
Anyway the day I went to get him out he ask if I would take him to see his grandma. So I did.
I took him and he went in and sat at her feet and he ask , Grandma , would you forgive me?
She just looked at him and then she reached over and picked up a compact mirror and said to him. "NO" I will not.. pause the look on his face was crushed...
" Honey, you have not done anything to me that I need to forgive you for, but there is a man who you should ask forgiveness from... and that is when she held the mirror up in front of his
face and told him that when the man looking back at him could forgive him then his life would start fresh."
I tell you that day my boy grew up right in front of my eyes more than any other day he has been alive... Moral : When something bad happens to you and you think so little of yourself that you get depressed and angry and start feeling sorry for yourself go and look into the mirror
and really look and tell the person looking back at you that you have a choice to make and then make it.... The choice will be up to you.... You can continue in self pity or you can grow up in that moment.
I as the parent was so proud that my boy decided that day to grow up. He changed that day and I must tell you it really was for the better.... So please look in the mirror and see who is looking back at you.
Smile: when you do you are dressed the most beautiful you can be.. God Bless,
Friend , I love you but more importantly GOD LOVES YOU! Now learn to love yourself...
your friend in Christ Jesus , billiemae
Hi Beloved,
I just wanted to remind you if this is your first time to the blog that I just started it in
December, 2009 , so my beginning is there... My Testimony and all about getting to
know about the blog. So please go back and check it out.... I will remind you from time to time
as what I wrote is stuff about what God has done for me and brought me through and I really want to share it with you.. I' m old so I will no doubt repeat myself a few times too. ( smile)
I really do wish I could write as well as some of the ones I read on here, but , again that is ok.. I do write from my heart .. I love ya , all of ya...
Now, for your EYES listening pleasure, and your fun bone too! Please visit this new and exciting blog :
the writer here is just about the greatest one I have ever read! Smart, funny, and creative!! You get it all on this site. So do yourself a favor and go and visit here!!!!!! Put it in your favorites or sign on as a follower what ever you want I'm telling you she is the BEST on the web..
Remember to smile, you are dressed the most beautiful you can be when you do....
God Bless Your friend in Christ Jesus, billiemae
I just wanted to remind you if this is your first time to the blog that I just started it in
December, 2009 , so my beginning is there... My Testimony and all about getting to
know about the blog. So please go back and check it out.... I will remind you from time to time
as what I wrote is stuff about what God has done for me and brought me through and I really want to share it with you.. I' m old so I will no doubt repeat myself a few times too. ( smile)
I really do wish I could write as well as some of the ones I read on here, but , again that is ok.. I do write from my heart .. I love ya , all of ya...
Now, for your EYES listening pleasure, and your fun bone too! Please visit this new and exciting blog :
the writer here is just about the greatest one I have ever read! Smart, funny, and creative!! You get it all on this site. So do yourself a favor and go and visit here!!!!!! Put it in your favorites or sign on as a follower what ever you want I'm telling you she is the BEST on the web..
Remember to smile, you are dressed the most beautiful you can be when you do....
God Bless Your friend in Christ Jesus, billiemae
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Prayer String

Hello Beloved,
Well it is Super Bowl Sunday for you footballers.. Me, I would rather watch grass grow!!!!
I am not a sporty person... sorry..
The reason I write tonight is to tell you about my friend from Chicago... She is the one who is
called " THE YELLOW ROAD WARRIOR". Well, she just had another surgery on her mouth this time.... anyway she is doing better,, thank you.. Please continue to lift her up in prayer.
Well , in prayer group last week she came up with an idea of a " prayer string" . It is a rather neat idea.... She has ask the group to write down their prayer requests and tie them to the string. Then when we all get together for the next prayer meeting we will put our strings into
something and draw out ( like names at Christmas) and then for the next 30 days we are to
pray for that persons prayer requests ... Sometimes it is easier to pray for others then to pray for yourself... The ladies in group thought this was a neat idea too... so as you can see from the
picture above this is what I am talking about.. pretty cool idea, eh?
It does not matter what you write down... it will be prayed for with love by the one who gets it..
This group of women pray like no one I have ever seen before!!! They PRAY!!
I think this is a neat idea because my sister, Lois, sent to me last year an idea about praying
for 29 days and waiting to see when God would answer.... I tell you folks this idea works!!!
If any of you have any neat ideas please feel free to let me know...
I hope and pray that each one of you will have a great day today. there is no tomorrow because when it gets here it is today! So for today I pray you have all that God wants for you...
Remember to Smile: you are then dressed the most beautiful you can be .
God loves you and so do I..... Your friend in Christ Jesus, billiemae
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Song to you
Hello Beloved,
I just wanted to tell you that I have a song I want to " sing" to you... Just remember I can't sing
real well!
My God , is a good God , He is a great God.
He can do everything but fail..
He can move every mountain that stand in your way,
My God , is a wonderful God.
When you are having moments of doubt let this little song come into your mind, sing it often and watch as God does all sorts of miracles in your life.
Something to think about..
A smile is less effort then a frown and use less muscles..
Your smile may be what keeps someone from feeling so lonely today.
Something that is very catching is your smile.
What do you have to give away that is absolutely free? Yep, your smile.
Smile, when you do you are dressed the most beautiful you can be...
I love you all and I am smiling at each one of you.
Yes, most days I think that life is this simple,,, smile,,, God Loves You.
your friend in Christ Jesus, billiemae
I just wanted to tell you that I have a song I want to " sing" to you... Just remember I can't sing
real well!
My God , is a good God , He is a great God.
He can do everything but fail..
He can move every mountain that stand in your way,
My God , is a wonderful God.
When you are having moments of doubt let this little song come into your mind, sing it often and watch as God does all sorts of miracles in your life.
Something to think about..
A smile is less effort then a frown and use less muscles..
Your smile may be what keeps someone from feeling so lonely today.
Something that is very catching is your smile.
What do you have to give away that is absolutely free? Yep, your smile.
Smile, when you do you are dressed the most beautiful you can be...
I love you all and I am smiling at each one of you.
Yes, most days I think that life is this simple,,, smile,,, God Loves You.
your friend in Christ Jesus, billiemae
Angel Unaware
Hello Beloved,
I woke this morning with a heavy heart. I just felt like things had come crashing down on me..
I got down to pray and just cried out to Jesus about all the things that were bottled up inside of me... I had such a heavy heart for things I thought I was over and done with... But, are we ever over and done? I am still in the learning process here. I cried out loud at how much I missed my Mama. I could always talk to her and she would just listen ., but Mama is gone and now I am learning how to talk to my Father. Yes, my Father in Heaven... He is really the one I should have been talking to all along.... Like I said I am in the process of learning here...
As the day has progressed I had something come across my thoughts I found interesting... I want to share that with you now.... and by the way Thanks for listening.
This happened several years ago before I had my fall in the tub. Maybe a month before or so...
I was on my day off from work, I was feeling really low this day.. ( I suffered from depression very badly) I thought that if I just sat and didn't breath I would die.... ( The thoughts one has when in the midst of depression). I just wanted to will myself to die... I had no energy in my body, mind, or my spirit. I was just in a very dark, dismal, abyss. I was at the point of no return. I was so cold inwardly as well as on the outside physically. I tried to bring myself out of it by sitting in a hot tub of water and laying under mountains of blankets but nothing helped.
This went on all day long, somewhere in the day something stood up inside of me and said,
go to the grocery store.... I went. I went inside the door at the store and a woman spoke to me... I spoke back rather short to her. I went to the next aisle and she was there too and spoke again, again I was rather short with her, this happened again in the third aisle of the store... She spoke and said to me " Hi, How are you? I told her well, and she responded I think we should pray. You know what she did then? She prayed! yes right there in that aisle she prayed.. People all around us and she prayed.. I don't know how long it lasted for sure but it was a while.
After she prayed and we talked for a bit I left to get something or other. After the checkout line I went to get in my car and there she was again... She talked some more and said she would keep me in her prayers.. I said thank you and she left... Now what is so funny ( not laughable, but strange) is I had NEVER seen this woman before in my life! I worked in the public and saw all kinds of folks everyday.... I had NEVER seen this woman before NOR have I seen her since that day...... I believe that in my darkest moment that God sent me an angel to help get me over a large hump in my road that day... I made it through that day and the next but if God had not sent an angel to talk to me would I have made it through that day?? I don't think so...
In scripture it says:
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels
unawares.. Hebrews 13: 2
I still have days where the darkness comes back BUT it doesn't stick around too long... I know now how to get rid of it ..... PRAISE GOD! I am thankful that God is so personal . He has surrounded me all of my life and I just became aware of it recently... Please won't you pay closer attention then I did.... God Bless You.... remember:
Smile, when you do , you are dressed the most beautiful you can be....
your friend in Christ Jesus. billiemae
I woke this morning with a heavy heart. I just felt like things had come crashing down on me..
I got down to pray and just cried out to Jesus about all the things that were bottled up inside of me... I had such a heavy heart for things I thought I was over and done with... But, are we ever over and done? I am still in the learning process here. I cried out loud at how much I missed my Mama. I could always talk to her and she would just listen ., but Mama is gone and now I am learning how to talk to my Father. Yes, my Father in Heaven... He is really the one I should have been talking to all along.... Like I said I am in the process of learning here...
As the day has progressed I had something come across my thoughts I found interesting... I want to share that with you now.... and by the way Thanks for listening.
This happened several years ago before I had my fall in the tub. Maybe a month before or so...
I was on my day off from work, I was feeling really low this day.. ( I suffered from depression very badly) I thought that if I just sat and didn't breath I would die.... ( The thoughts one has when in the midst of depression). I just wanted to will myself to die... I had no energy in my body, mind, or my spirit. I was just in a very dark, dismal, abyss. I was at the point of no return. I was so cold inwardly as well as on the outside physically. I tried to bring myself out of it by sitting in a hot tub of water and laying under mountains of blankets but nothing helped.
This went on all day long, somewhere in the day something stood up inside of me and said,
go to the grocery store.... I went. I went inside the door at the store and a woman spoke to me... I spoke back rather short to her. I went to the next aisle and she was there too and spoke again, again I was rather short with her, this happened again in the third aisle of the store... She spoke and said to me " Hi, How are you? I told her well, and she responded I think we should pray. You know what she did then? She prayed! yes right there in that aisle she prayed.. People all around us and she prayed.. I don't know how long it lasted for sure but it was a while.
After she prayed and we talked for a bit I left to get something or other. After the checkout line I went to get in my car and there she was again... She talked some more and said she would keep me in her prayers.. I said thank you and she left... Now what is so funny ( not laughable, but strange) is I had NEVER seen this woman before in my life! I worked in the public and saw all kinds of folks everyday.... I had NEVER seen this woman before NOR have I seen her since that day...... I believe that in my darkest moment that God sent me an angel to help get me over a large hump in my road that day... I made it through that day and the next but if God had not sent an angel to talk to me would I have made it through that day?? I don't think so...
In scripture it says:
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels
unawares.. Hebrews 13: 2
I still have days where the darkness comes back BUT it doesn't stick around too long... I know now how to get rid of it ..... PRAISE GOD! I am thankful that God is so personal . He has surrounded me all of my life and I just became aware of it recently... Please won't you pay closer attention then I did.... God Bless You.... remember:
Smile, when you do , you are dressed the most beautiful you can be....
your friend in Christ Jesus. billiemae
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