Hello Beloved,
Tonight I am writing to a new friend... I think that she needs this advice my mom once gave to my son.... So this is for you and I hope you read it..
Back in 1993, my youngest boy left to go into the service and my older boy was still home.
Now , when the young one left the old one was very sad and he decided to go fishing...
He did and a friend of his came down to the fishing hole he was at. Now this friend of his was only 20 years old and he had been drinking.... My older boy was 21 years old..and he was taking the friend back to town and he was stopped by a policeman because he had a taillight out... anyway the policeman smelled alcohol in the front seat... So my boy was arrested for giving drink to the under aged friend..( this was one time he truly had not done anything) ( but at some point I am sure he had done it!) Anyway he had to go and serve some time in jail for this offense
he had not committed. Now , he spent 30 days in lockup and that was a terrible time for us.
Anyway the day I went to get him out he ask if I would take him to see his grandma. So I did.
I took him and he went in and sat at her feet and he ask , Grandma , would you forgive me?
She just looked at him and then she reached over and picked up a compact mirror and said to him. "NO" I will not.. pause the look on his face was crushed...
" Honey, you have not done anything to me that I need to forgive you for, but there is a man who you should ask forgiveness from... and that is when she held the mirror up in front of his
face and told him that when the man looking back at him could forgive him then his life would start fresh."
I tell you that day my boy grew up right in front of my eyes more than any other day he has been alive... Moral : When something bad happens to you and you think so little of yourself that you get depressed and angry and start feeling sorry for yourself go and look into the mirror
and really look and tell the person looking back at you that you have a choice to make and then make it.... The choice will be up to you.... You can continue in self pity or you can grow up in that moment.
I as the parent was so proud that my boy decided that day to grow up. He changed that day and I must tell you it really was for the better.... So please look in the mirror and see who is looking back at you.
Smile: when you do you are dressed the most beautiful you can be.. God Bless,
Friend , I love you but more importantly GOD LOVES YOU! Now learn to love yourself...
your friend in Christ Jesus , billiemae
How wonderful--- never heard that story before. Sounds just like my Mom too.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. I am trying, I really am. My kids need me and I know this. I put on my happy face for them but I know that they know something is wrong. I know I have too little patience and never enough time. I know they are growing up right before my eyes and I am missing it. I need to find the person looking back at me. Thank you so much for sharing with me.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless, Bonny
I have not been offended in any way. I actually am thankful for the prayers and communication. I will do the list, but honestly, without really thinking about it, I can not think of anything that I really like about myself. I'm sure there must be something, but I really have to think about this one. I will let you know what I come up with. Thank you so much for caring, you really don't know how much it means to me.
ReplyDeleteLove, Bonny
Nell was a very wise woman. Very down to earth. I never knew of her going to church but her whole life was lived as a christian woman. As far back as I remember she would always set another plate for whoever would show up at mealtime. She would always say "you never know when you will meet an angel unaware" I miss my Grandma.
ReplyDeleteI also want to say this. It absolutely does not matter whether anyone in the world reads your blog. If they do and it helps thats wonderful. There was a time in my life that I had no one to talk to about what was going on. I started writing down all of my thoughts, kind of like a journal. At first they were unorganized and random. As I became stronger the writings became more clear and organized. Do not be upset if no one reads your post. God will lead those that can be helped by your words to you. Right now this is what you need for you. When you help yourself you in turn help others. I have written hundreds of poems. A lot of them no one knows about,just me. But thats ok. That was what was on the inside of me at the time and I got rid of it. This is your gift. Please keep sharing. Jonna