Good Evening Beloved,
In about 40 minutes it will be a New Year, 2016. I have been thinking over the past year and this is how it has been.
I lost loved ones , my precious brother-in-law , Gerald passed away and my oldest friend , Vickie passed away this year too. I had other friends pass on and I made new friends. I found out I had Diabetes and I am still learning to live with that. I found that I could stand in front of people and talk. I lost weight but I found it ....again. ~~~~ sigh~~~~
I got to see two of my wonderful, beautiful sisters this past summer. O" what a treat that was! I welcomed a new member of our family earlier this year, my Grand dog Sable. My husband of 44 years retired this year.. This has been a big adjustment. My granddaughter got her driving permit this year! My, O' my where has the time gone! I stumbled and fell a lot this year ( not on the ground or anything) but as a person. I made many mistakes but I am learning I hope from them.
I got a new floor!!! O my, my what a wonderful new floor it is!! I love it! I have watched my grandchildren grow and mature. I love them so. I have had many ups and downs this year...
I think one of the best moments of the year for me has been here at the end of the year.. I have found that God loves me even when I am bad. Found it out and I believe it for the first time in my life. I really am loved by God. I believed Jesus Christ died for me. Sound silly? I had a HUGE inferiority complex.. I am working on it! I have fallen in Love with Jesus Christ all over again.. All in all it has been a year of growth for me.. I have learned a lot and I hope to keep learning in the New Year. I don't know if anyone ever really reads the posts I put on but if by chance you do.. I am praying that you will find peace and strength in Jesus Christ for the year of 2016. That is my New Year Wish . With the love of Christ Jesus , your sister in Christ Vickie
Be Blessed this New Year!!!! Smile: it is a free gift for you to share with all you meet and you are the most beautiful when you do.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Review: Seeing Yourself Through God's Eyes
Good Afternoon Beloved,
Today is New Year's Eve, the last day of the Year 2015. I want to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR for 2016!
December 1, I started a 31 Day Devotional by June Hunt, called Seeing Yourself Thorough God's Eyes.
It was a wonderful time in each and every day. Some of things I learned along the way this past 31 days was : That through Jesus Christ I am secure because: I am adopted by God, I am a child of God., I am precious and accepted by God. God calls me by my name!! I have confidence : why? Because I am chosen by God. I am born anew and saved by grace and also I am justified by God. I am redeemed and forgiven by God. I am washed whiter than snow and have been reconciled to God. I have worth , God has given me a new heart, and the Holy Spirit. I am given strength from God. I have been given access to God and Grace and Mercy and given the mind of Christ. I have value because I was created to do good works for Christ and to be an ambassador for Christ . I have value because I am being conformed to Christ, and I am complete in Christ. I am holy before God and clothed with the righteousness of God. I am safe in the protection of God and secured in the Love of God.
Most of you may have already believed all this, I did not... I am a work in progress and I am still feeling my way in The Word. I am grateful for where I have been and I am thankful I still have a ways to go. My journey has been long and varied.... Lord Jesus thank you for thinking of me while you were on the cross . I would not take anything for my journey and I am looking forward to the rest of it.
Smile: You are the most beautiful when you do.. It is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet. God bless you and again Happy New Year 2016!
In the love of Christ Jesus , your sister in Christ , vickie
Today is New Year's Eve, the last day of the Year 2015. I want to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR for 2016!
December 1, I started a 31 Day Devotional by June Hunt, called Seeing Yourself Thorough God's Eyes.
It was a wonderful time in each and every day. Some of things I learned along the way this past 31 days was : That through Jesus Christ I am secure because: I am adopted by God, I am a child of God., I am precious and accepted by God. God calls me by my name!! I have confidence : why? Because I am chosen by God. I am born anew and saved by grace and also I am justified by God. I am redeemed and forgiven by God. I am washed whiter than snow and have been reconciled to God. I have worth , God has given me a new heart, and the Holy Spirit. I am given strength from God. I have been given access to God and Grace and Mercy and given the mind of Christ. I have value because I was created to do good works for Christ and to be an ambassador for Christ . I have value because I am being conformed to Christ, and I am complete in Christ. I am holy before God and clothed with the righteousness of God. I am safe in the protection of God and secured in the Love of God.
Most of you may have already believed all this, I did not... I am a work in progress and I am still feeling my way in The Word. I am grateful for where I have been and I am thankful I still have a ways to go. My journey has been long and varied.... Lord Jesus thank you for thinking of me while you were on the cross . I would not take anything for my journey and I am looking forward to the rest of it.
Smile: You are the most beautiful when you do.. It is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet. God bless you and again Happy New Year 2016!
In the love of Christ Jesus , your sister in Christ , vickie
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Prayer: Tough Love
Hello Beloved,
My heart is heavy tonight for a friend. I hope that this will help her with the thing she struggles with tonight.
This is a open prayer for all parents and grandparents who are or have been raising a child or children.
Dear Father in heaven,
My child ______ is having trouble right now, struggling with making sound decisions . We have tried to instill in them the necessary skills to lead a productive life on their own, But Father , I am afraid in my loving them I may have loved them to much and indulged them more than was really good for them. So I too struggle with what to do. I want to help them but if I do I am afraid I will just make things worse. So I am asking Father for help from you , to help them not fail but to grow and to comfort them with the right choice.
I know we all have wants and needs, but sometimes our wants get in the way of what is needed. Please show them what is needed in their life right now. They may say well I need a new car, when it really is I want a new car. Or maybe it is I need to have my friends over because they did this for me, when it should be I really need to pay the rent so I can have a place to have them over. Sometimes all of our thinking gets mixed up.. Father help them to UN mix their mind.
I will not always be around for them but YOU are always present with them. Hebrews 13:5 I will never leave you or forsake you.
Father please help them to understand it is NOT because we do not love them it is because we DO love them that we have to make this decision and it IS tough to make. I pray Father you will wrap your arms around them and that they will accept this lesson in TOUGH LOVE as gift. I lift up my child to you and as YOUR child I have complete trust in you.
Thank you Father for your Grace and Mercy. I pray your will be done for my child in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen
This is not a perfect prayer but it is something to start with. Make it your own. Tell our father what the problem is and ask Him to take over. I know from a personal experience what this does. I know how hard it is to give someone you love heart and soul over to the Father. But I also can tell you it is worth the journey. My prayer for you right now is this.
Dear Lord, whoever is reading this and having trouble with someone they love I pray that as they turn their loved one over to you that you would put peace in them where they have pain and frustration. Love and lots of it for the trials ahead. Guide them in the decisions they will have to make and keep the guilt from overcoming them. I pray that they will hold strong to loving this child with a love that is tough. I pray in Jesus name your will be done. Amen
My heart is heavy tonight for a friend. I hope that this will help her with the thing she struggles with tonight.
This is a open prayer for all parents and grandparents who are or have been raising a child or children.
Dear Father in heaven,
My child ______ is having trouble right now, struggling with making sound decisions . We have tried to instill in them the necessary skills to lead a productive life on their own, But Father , I am afraid in my loving them I may have loved them to much and indulged them more than was really good for them. So I too struggle with what to do. I want to help them but if I do I am afraid I will just make things worse. So I am asking Father for help from you , to help them not fail but to grow and to comfort them with the right choice.
I know we all have wants and needs, but sometimes our wants get in the way of what is needed. Please show them what is needed in their life right now. They may say well I need a new car, when it really is I want a new car. Or maybe it is I need to have my friends over because they did this for me, when it should be I really need to pay the rent so I can have a place to have them over. Sometimes all of our thinking gets mixed up.. Father help them to UN mix their mind.
I will not always be around for them but YOU are always present with them. Hebrews 13:5 I will never leave you or forsake you.
Father please help them to understand it is NOT because we do not love them it is because we DO love them that we have to make this decision and it IS tough to make. I pray Father you will wrap your arms around them and that they will accept this lesson in TOUGH LOVE as gift. I lift up my child to you and as YOUR child I have complete trust in you.
Thank you Father for your Grace and Mercy. I pray your will be done for my child in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen
This is not a perfect prayer but it is something to start with. Make it your own. Tell our father what the problem is and ask Him to take over. I know from a personal experience what this does. I know how hard it is to give someone you love heart and soul over to the Father. But I also can tell you it is worth the journey. My prayer for you right now is this.
Dear Lord, whoever is reading this and having trouble with someone they love I pray that as they turn their loved one over to you that you would put peace in them where they have pain and frustration. Love and lots of it for the trials ahead. Guide them in the decisions they will have to make and keep the guilt from overcoming them. I pray that they will hold strong to loving this child with a love that is tough. I pray in Jesus name your will be done. Amen
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Romans 12: Christian Conduct
Good Morning Beloved,
What is the conduct of a Christian to be like? In words, I will try to draw a picture so I can understand it. What is a body made up of? OUTSIDE BODY: two feet, two legs, one torso, two arms, two hands, 10 fingers, 10 toes, two eyes, one nose, two ears, one mouth, one head. INSIDE BODY: lungs, liver, bowels, kidneys, colon, stomach, and heart. Many different parts and function to preform but yet just ONE body. So, we are the body of Christ and each has a different function to preform in the body. Christ is the head and we are the body.
Now the body has many parts but different gifts. ( this is the spiritual body). In Romans 12 it talks about what the conduct of a Christian should be. Paraphrased:
According to the grace that is given to us as the body of Christ there are different gifts. Some will prophesy according to the proportion of faith. Ministry of teaching, exhortation( encouragement) , some will be ruler but do it with diligence( carefully), mercy with cheerfulness, Love without false pretense.
All should do the following: hate evil, cling to that which is good. Be kind with a brotherly affection, honor each other, be not lazy. Be strong in spirit serving the Lord. Rejoice in hope and patient in tribulation. Always praying , giving to the saints ( tithes, offerings ) Have hospitality and bless them that persecute you and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who are rejoicing and weep with the ones who weep. Be of the same mind toward one another, not high minded or conceited. Reward no man evil for evil but be honest in all things in the sight of man. Try to live peacefully with all men. Do not seek revenge, this belongs to the Lord. Feed and give drink to your enemy, in doing so you will heap coals of fire on his head. Overcome evil with good.
This is the way we as a Christian should be conducting and living our life.. Day by day, minute by minute, living as God has ask us to. When we make a mistake .. STOP... ask forgiveness and ask for help in making a change from that mistake. Be open to those who can help you, don't be ashamed to ask for help. We all have a different function in the body of Christ and should be willing to help others. Will you help me to become a better Christian today? I need help in many different areas of my life and today I could use your help my friend..
God Bless each of you and thank you for being my friend and since it is so close to Christmas I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!!
Remember: Smile , it is a free gift from God for you to share will all you meet.
Love and Blessings from a sister in Christ , vickie
What is the conduct of a Christian to be like? In words, I will try to draw a picture so I can understand it. What is a body made up of? OUTSIDE BODY: two feet, two legs, one torso, two arms, two hands, 10 fingers, 10 toes, two eyes, one nose, two ears, one mouth, one head. INSIDE BODY: lungs, liver, bowels, kidneys, colon, stomach, and heart. Many different parts and function to preform but yet just ONE body. So, we are the body of Christ and each has a different function to preform in the body. Christ is the head and we are the body.
Now the body has many parts but different gifts. ( this is the spiritual body). In Romans 12 it talks about what the conduct of a Christian should be. Paraphrased:
According to the grace that is given to us as the body of Christ there are different gifts. Some will prophesy according to the proportion of faith. Ministry of teaching, exhortation( encouragement) , some will be ruler but do it with diligence( carefully), mercy with cheerfulness, Love without false pretense.
All should do the following: hate evil, cling to that which is good. Be kind with a brotherly affection, honor each other, be not lazy. Be strong in spirit serving the Lord. Rejoice in hope and patient in tribulation. Always praying , giving to the saints ( tithes, offerings ) Have hospitality and bless them that persecute you and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who are rejoicing and weep with the ones who weep. Be of the same mind toward one another, not high minded or conceited. Reward no man evil for evil but be honest in all things in the sight of man. Try to live peacefully with all men. Do not seek revenge, this belongs to the Lord. Feed and give drink to your enemy, in doing so you will heap coals of fire on his head. Overcome evil with good.
This is the way we as a Christian should be conducting and living our life.. Day by day, minute by minute, living as God has ask us to. When we make a mistake .. STOP... ask forgiveness and ask for help in making a change from that mistake. Be open to those who can help you, don't be ashamed to ask for help. We all have a different function in the body of Christ and should be willing to help others. Will you help me to become a better Christian today? I need help in many different areas of my life and today I could use your help my friend..
God Bless each of you and thank you for being my friend and since it is so close to Christmas I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!!
Remember: Smile , it is a free gift from God for you to share will all you meet.
Love and Blessings from a sister in Christ , vickie
Monday, November 23, 2015
REstart of a Journey
Hello Beloved,
I started a new chapter in my life this past February. I learned I had High Blood Sugar. Found out it is a big deal too. I had to learn quickly a new lifestyle of habits, it was not easy. Well , I stuck with March through June,. In July we took a short trip and I did pretty well on that trip with my new habits. It was when we got back home that things fell apart.. O I had lost weight , quit itching, felt stronger physically and emotionally but then it got to be a hassle to try and fix meals one for me and then everyone else.. I got lazy. So by November I was back into the bad moods, weight gain, itching.. I hate the itching!!!
I did learn that the saying " YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT" is true alright.. You eat junk , you feel like junk. That is the way I feel with this disease called Diabetes .
Here it is three days before Thanksgiving and I itch so bad.. Oh well. Dinner will be fixed just like usual with all the trimmings but someone ( me) won't be able to partake in it.( at least if she knows what is good for her she won't)
So I have to start this journey all over again and this time stick with it... and hopefully a lesson has been learned. I know when it is my turn to say what I am thankful for this year I will have a lot to say. I hope and pray that you all have a great Thanksgiving with your families..
May God our Father keep you and your loved ones safe until His return. In Jesus name, Amen
Smile: you re the most beautiful you can be when you do..
your sister in Christ Jesus , vickie
I started a new chapter in my life this past February. I learned I had High Blood Sugar. Found out it is a big deal too. I had to learn quickly a new lifestyle of habits, it was not easy. Well , I stuck with March through June,. In July we took a short trip and I did pretty well on that trip with my new habits. It was when we got back home that things fell apart.. O I had lost weight , quit itching, felt stronger physically and emotionally but then it got to be a hassle to try and fix meals one for me and then everyone else.. I got lazy. So by November I was back into the bad moods, weight gain, itching.. I hate the itching!!!
I did learn that the saying " YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT" is true alright.. You eat junk , you feel like junk. That is the way I feel with this disease called Diabetes .
Here it is three days before Thanksgiving and I itch so bad.. Oh well. Dinner will be fixed just like usual with all the trimmings but someone ( me) won't be able to partake in it.( at least if she knows what is good for her she won't)
So I have to start this journey all over again and this time stick with it... and hopefully a lesson has been learned. I know when it is my turn to say what I am thankful for this year I will have a lot to say. I hope and pray that you all have a great Thanksgiving with your families..
May God our Father keep you and your loved ones safe until His return. In Jesus name, Amen
Smile: you re the most beautiful you can be when you do..
your sister in Christ Jesus , vickie
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Open Letter
Time is very short. Watch the news listen to what they are showing. Terror attacks against different countries, famines in all the world( food shortage in all countries, BUT the real famine is the shortage of hearing God's Word- Truth). Pestilences, ( disease) earthquakes. This is what's happening everyday in this one little small place called Earth! Look at what Matthew 24 says: Wars, rumors of war, happening.. People offended, betrayed, false doctrine ( prophets) love gone cold for each other, people being killed because of the NAME of Jesus Christ. ALL THIS IS HAPPENING!!
I do not want to offend anyone , but this will. But the TRUTH needs to be told.
It makes no difference what " religion" you practice. Be it Muslim, Judaism , Hindu, Buddhists , Christian or any other.
We can argue or disagree ALL day long but in the end it will still be the same.
If you believe in Genesis1:1 that ELOHIM( Hebrew) God( supreme) created the heaven and earth, then you must believe John 1:1. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God ( Theos- Greek) and the Word was God( Theos) O.T Elohim, N. T. Theos. The same God.
John 10:30 " I and my Father are one."
Ephesian 4:1-32 Please READ IT. Ephesians 4: 4-6 says this; There is one body, one Spirit, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all. This is Christ Jesus.
Acts 4:12
" Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, where by we much be saved."
John 3:16
" For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotton Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." We can all chose to be that whosoever.
James 2:17-26
Faith without works is dead. Good works alone will not be good enough.. It takes Faith in Jesus Christ. Faith alone without good works is dead.
John3:3 Jesus tells Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews; " Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again , he cannot see the kingdom of God".
Verily, verily means without a doubt, it is double truth.
I write this because I love each and every one who will take time to read this. I do not want to offend you but time is so short.. I do what I must do. I am praying over these words and leaving it up to God to show you the truth. If you do not chose to follow Jesus Christ then you will pay the consequences for you decision . Remember this salvation plan was offered to the Jews first and then to the Gentiles. Romans 2:1-11. READ IT. v. 11 " For there is no respect of persons with God."
Philippians 2:10-11 " That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Romans 14: 12 " So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God."
Please talk to God and ask Him to show and Lead you into the truth of who He is.
I do not want to offend anyone , but this will. But the TRUTH needs to be told.
It makes no difference what " religion" you practice. Be it Muslim, Judaism , Hindu, Buddhists , Christian or any other.
We can argue or disagree ALL day long but in the end it will still be the same.
If you believe in Genesis1:1 that ELOHIM( Hebrew) God( supreme) created the heaven and earth, then you must believe John 1:1. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God ( Theos- Greek) and the Word was God( Theos) O.T Elohim, N. T. Theos. The same God.
John 10:30 " I and my Father are one."
Ephesian 4:1-32 Please READ IT. Ephesians 4: 4-6 says this; There is one body, one Spirit, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all. This is Christ Jesus.
Acts 4:12
" Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, where by we much be saved."
John 3:16
" For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotton Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." We can all chose to be that whosoever.
James 2:17-26
Faith without works is dead. Good works alone will not be good enough.. It takes Faith in Jesus Christ. Faith alone without good works is dead.
John3:3 Jesus tells Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews; " Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again , he cannot see the kingdom of God".
Verily, verily means without a doubt, it is double truth.
I write this because I love each and every one who will take time to read this. I do not want to offend you but time is so short.. I do what I must do. I am praying over these words and leaving it up to God to show you the truth. If you do not chose to follow Jesus Christ then you will pay the consequences for you decision . Remember this salvation plan was offered to the Jews first and then to the Gentiles. Romans 2:1-11. READ IT. v. 11 " For there is no respect of persons with God."
Philippians 2:10-11 " That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Romans 14: 12 " So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God."
Please talk to God and ask Him to show and Lead you into the truth of who He is.
Friday, November 13, 2015
To Be Alive At Such A Time As This
Hello Beloved,
I have a heavy heart as I write this. Paris, France has been attacked by terrorist. Panic and terror are running rampant. Fear , wondering if it is going to happen again tonight or tomorrow.. Loss of life of both the innocence and the guilty, not knowing now who you can turn to and trust..
It is still a great time in history to be alive. We are living in the Last Days before the return of Jesus Christ and are witness to prophecy being fulfilled. Yes, it is a frightening time to be alive but at the same time it is wonderful too.
Don't you wish that you could just wave a wand over the troubles of the world and make it all better? I do. It really disturbs me to think of all the things going on in this world that are so evil... The people who are being deceived and killed. Hunger, disease, cruelty, wars that are going on.. But now is not a time to be afraid . It is a time to be brave and stand up for what you believe in and you know that is what people all over the globe are doing.... It just is not what we think is the "right " thing... So if they can stand and show the world what they believe why don't we? One person can make a difference. So here is my stand for what I believe is the right thing.
This is my belief. Remember to smile it is a free gift from God for you to share.
your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie
I have a heavy heart as I write this. Paris, France has been attacked by terrorist. Panic and terror are running rampant. Fear , wondering if it is going to happen again tonight or tomorrow.. Loss of life of both the innocence and the guilty, not knowing now who you can turn to and trust..
It is still a great time in history to be alive. We are living in the Last Days before the return of Jesus Christ and are witness to prophecy being fulfilled. Yes, it is a frightening time to be alive but at the same time it is wonderful too.
Don't you wish that you could just wave a wand over the troubles of the world and make it all better? I do. It really disturbs me to think of all the things going on in this world that are so evil... The people who are being deceived and killed. Hunger, disease, cruelty, wars that are going on.. But now is not a time to be afraid . It is a time to be brave and stand up for what you believe in and you know that is what people all over the globe are doing.... It just is not what we think is the "right " thing... So if they can stand and show the world what they believe why don't we? One person can make a difference. So here is my stand for what I believe is the right thing.
This is my belief. Remember to smile it is a free gift from God for you to share.
your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Good Morning Beloved,
Do you ever think of yourself as privileged? privilege: a special right, advantage, favor, ect.. granted to some person or group
Well I feel like I was privileged this past week. A young man offered me some wise advice. I want to share it with you but first let me tell you that as I grow older I become more open to listening to advice from people who have been there.. My hope is that you will too.
As you know I am on a spiritual journey and want so much to learn all I can....Learning lessons from Pastors, layman, music, children, and young men. I am so blessed . It is hard for me to fathom the depth of love that God has for me... I don't always understand things that are taught but I am willing to learn. Nick, taught me that no matter what we have gone through we can learn from what is called " THE TWELVE STEPS OF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS"..
No, not that we are alcoholics but that we can learn from them the steps to overcome the addiction we have... I think we all have an addiction of some sort.. Maybe it is alcohol, or drugs, porn, or maybe it is a attitude or feeling of self-worth, or pride or something else. Mine is always feeling unworthy of anything. I believe these steps will help me. We all go through something...So here is what I found online about the 12 steps.
1. Admit you are powerless.
2. Believe in a Power ( God) greater than you to restore your sanity.
3. Decide to turn your will and life over to God.
4. Make a moral inventory of yourself.
5. Admit to God, yourself and others of your wrongs.
6. Be ready for God to remove ALL defects of your character.
7. Humbly ask God to remove your shortcomings.
8. Make a list of all your have hurt or harmed and be willing to make amends.
9. Make direct amends when possible, except when it may harm them or others.
10. Continue to take personal inventory and when wrong , admit and try to fix it.
11. Pray for God to improve you and ask only for His will and wisdom to carry you.
12. Practice these steps each and everyday , in ALL areas of your life...
I have paraphrased these steps but if we follow them we will have a better life.
I believe in God, Jesus Christ as the ONLY way to get ANYWHERE here on/in earth and in eternity.
I hope this will help you too. I am starting to do these things and I will keep you updated as to how they are working for me..
REMEMBER: Smile, you are the most beautiful when you do..
with the love of Christ Jesus , your sister in Christ, vickie
Do you ever think of yourself as privileged? privilege: a special right, advantage, favor, ect.. granted to some person or group
Well I feel like I was privileged this past week. A young man offered me some wise advice. I want to share it with you but first let me tell you that as I grow older I become more open to listening to advice from people who have been there.. My hope is that you will too.
As you know I am on a spiritual journey and want so much to learn all I can....Learning lessons from Pastors, layman, music, children, and young men. I am so blessed . It is hard for me to fathom the depth of love that God has for me... I don't always understand things that are taught but I am willing to learn. Nick, taught me that no matter what we have gone through we can learn from what is called " THE TWELVE STEPS OF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS"..
No, not that we are alcoholics but that we can learn from them the steps to overcome the addiction we have... I think we all have an addiction of some sort.. Maybe it is alcohol, or drugs, porn, or maybe it is a attitude or feeling of self-worth, or pride or something else. Mine is always feeling unworthy of anything. I believe these steps will help me. We all go through something...So here is what I found online about the 12 steps.
1. Admit you are powerless.
2. Believe in a Power ( God) greater than you to restore your sanity.
3. Decide to turn your will and life over to God.
4. Make a moral inventory of yourself.
5. Admit to God, yourself and others of your wrongs.
6. Be ready for God to remove ALL defects of your character.
7. Humbly ask God to remove your shortcomings.
8. Make a list of all your have hurt or harmed and be willing to make amends.
9. Make direct amends when possible, except when it may harm them or others.
10. Continue to take personal inventory and when wrong , admit and try to fix it.
11. Pray for God to improve you and ask only for His will and wisdom to carry you.
12. Practice these steps each and everyday , in ALL areas of your life...
I have paraphrased these steps but if we follow them we will have a better life.
I believe in God, Jesus Christ as the ONLY way to get ANYWHERE here on/in earth and in eternity.
I hope this will help you too. I am starting to do these things and I will keep you updated as to how they are working for me..
REMEMBER: Smile, you are the most beautiful when you do..
with the love of Christ Jesus , your sister in Christ, vickie
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Good Morning Beloved,
I just saw something in the book I am reading and I am " borrowing" it . It is such a GREAT, SUPER IDEA!!! I borrowed it from the book , called AGENTS OF BABYLON , by Dr. David Jeremiah, page 306. I LOVE! LOVE!! LOVE !!! this idea..
He writes that there are 7,487 promises throughout the Bible that God makes. He states that when he was growing up that on the kitchen table was a box with the promises in them and that the dinner table each evening each person sitting at the table would pull one of the promises from the box and read it out loud...NOW! Isn't that the greatest idea ever!!!!
Let's say that you have four people eating at your table each evening and they can all read it would take you five years and one month ( 5 years and 1 month) to read each of the 7,487 promises. Now, think about this for a moment.. Let's say you start your children reading these at each meal when they learn to read and by the time they are in say 5th grade they will KNOW ALL the promises of God. What a great legacy that would be.. I just LOVE! LOVE!! LOVE!!! this idea... Thank you David Jeremiah for sharing this in your book, AGENTS OF BABYLON.
Remember to Smile: it is a free gift from God for you to share
I just saw something in the book I am reading and I am " borrowing" it . It is such a GREAT, SUPER IDEA!!! I borrowed it from the book , called AGENTS OF BABYLON , by Dr. David Jeremiah, page 306. I LOVE! LOVE!! LOVE !!! this idea..
He writes that there are 7,487 promises throughout the Bible that God makes. He states that when he was growing up that on the kitchen table was a box with the promises in them and that the dinner table each evening each person sitting at the table would pull one of the promises from the box and read it out loud...NOW! Isn't that the greatest idea ever!!!!
Let's say that you have four people eating at your table each evening and they can all read it would take you five years and one month ( 5 years and 1 month) to read each of the 7,487 promises. Now, think about this for a moment.. Let's say you start your children reading these at each meal when they learn to read and by the time they are in say 5th grade they will KNOW ALL the promises of God. What a great legacy that would be.. I just LOVE! LOVE!! LOVE!!! this idea... Thank you David Jeremiah for sharing this in your book, AGENTS OF BABYLON.
Remember to Smile: it is a free gift from God for you to share
Friday, October 16, 2015
Grateful Week
Hello Beloved,
I just read a post from September on how much time is left... I think about this a lot.. I had the privilege of meeting a new friend this week,,, She is a volunteer at her church and a mentor to children.. She is a mentor to a young man who is a friend of my grandson. So, she just wanted to meet and see for herself what kind of person her young man was being around... I liked that.. She is looking out for him and helping him to become strong in the Lord... She is praying " Grandma" and boy oh boy do we need them! I really enjoyed the time we spent together getting to know each other a bit.. God answers prayer..
I also got to spend a whole day with my granddaughter and one of her friends this week, it was Fall Break. It was good to have the time with them... I miss my granddaughter a lot... she is a teen now and has a busy schedule , so when I get time with her it is a treat .
I spent one day this week with my husband just walking around a flea market holding hands.. I like to do that too. We went out for lunch and just enjoyed each others company with no stress.. That was nice! I also learn about persimmons this week.. I had never seen them before.. I even made a pudding from them. God has blessed me with so many wonderful things and memories this week.. I am so grateful for all I have and for all of whom I have in my life.. I don't have lots of money or fancy things but I am the RICHEST person I know.. I have the love of Jesus Christ and family and friends.. What more could you want?
I started this out with how much time is left? I really don't know ... just feel like time is short.. If you have not made your calling assured, meaning if you have not made your eternal place in Heaven a sure thing.... Then please do it today! Time is really, really short... Jesus is coming back and it will be before you know it.. So , if you are sitting on the fence waiting for the right moment then that moment is NOW! Don't wait, if you do, it may be to late..... ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST as your SAVIOR NOW! It is easy and simple .. Just ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and ask him to come into you heart... I pray you will....
REMEMBER: SMILE , you are the most beautiful when you do...
with the love of Christ Jesus , vickie
I just read a post from September on how much time is left... I think about this a lot.. I had the privilege of meeting a new friend this week,,, She is a volunteer at her church and a mentor to children.. She is a mentor to a young man who is a friend of my grandson. So, she just wanted to meet and see for herself what kind of person her young man was being around... I liked that.. She is looking out for him and helping him to become strong in the Lord... She is praying " Grandma" and boy oh boy do we need them! I really enjoyed the time we spent together getting to know each other a bit.. God answers prayer..
I also got to spend a whole day with my granddaughter and one of her friends this week, it was Fall Break. It was good to have the time with them... I miss my granddaughter a lot... she is a teen now and has a busy schedule , so when I get time with her it is a treat .
I spent one day this week with my husband just walking around a flea market holding hands.. I like to do that too. We went out for lunch and just enjoyed each others company with no stress.. That was nice! I also learn about persimmons this week.. I had never seen them before.. I even made a pudding from them. God has blessed me with so many wonderful things and memories this week.. I am so grateful for all I have and for all of whom I have in my life.. I don't have lots of money or fancy things but I am the RICHEST person I know.. I have the love of Jesus Christ and family and friends.. What more could you want?
I started this out with how much time is left? I really don't know ... just feel like time is short.. If you have not made your calling assured, meaning if you have not made your eternal place in Heaven a sure thing.... Then please do it today! Time is really, really short... Jesus is coming back and it will be before you know it.. So , if you are sitting on the fence waiting for the right moment then that moment is NOW! Don't wait, if you do, it may be to late..... ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST as your SAVIOR NOW! It is easy and simple .. Just ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and ask him to come into you heart... I pray you will....
REMEMBER: SMILE , you are the most beautiful when you do...
with the love of Christ Jesus , vickie
Monday, September 21, 2015
Note to Self.
Good Evening Beloved,
Is this blog just for me? That is what is looks like... No one ever comments on here.. So I guess I am writing to myself, again. ( sigh ) Well, I finished the book of Philippians today... but before I go on to Colossians I want to write about Chapter 3 in Philippians.
Paul says he never gets tired of telling you to "be glad in the Lord ". ( KJV says to " rejoice in the Lord") He also says to watch our for wicked men ( evil workers) Also says , what makes us children of God is worshiping Him with our spirits. That is the true " circumcision" IN KJV Deuteronomy 30:6 " And the Lord thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul , that thou mayest live."
Paul then goes on to tell you about himself and how he was a Jews Jew. From the tribe of Benjamin and a Pharisee. How he obeyed all the laws down to the last point... How he persecuted the church. How all of that was worthless compared to the priceless gain of following Christ Jesus our Lord. How he counts following Christ worth it all. He says whatever it takes to follow the one who is alive from the dead. He tells you he is not perfect but that Christ Jesus is... He tells us to forget the past and look forward to what is ahead. To get to the end of the race and receive the prize.
Your future is at stake here...... ETERNITY is at stake........ Not everyone who walks along the Christian road is friend of the cross. They too have their eternity at stake.... Tell everyone you know that our Savior , the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back soon and when He does those that are believers in Him will receive a new body... a glorious body, just like Christ..
I don't know about you but I sure am looking forward to the soon return of Jesus Christ.. I just wanna go home.... Just remember: Smile: when you do you are the most beautiful you can be... With all the love of Christ Jesus . vickie
Is this blog just for me? That is what is looks like... No one ever comments on here.. So I guess I am writing to myself, again. ( sigh ) Well, I finished the book of Philippians today... but before I go on to Colossians I want to write about Chapter 3 in Philippians.
Paul says he never gets tired of telling you to "be glad in the Lord ". ( KJV says to " rejoice in the Lord") He also says to watch our for wicked men ( evil workers) Also says , what makes us children of God is worshiping Him with our spirits. That is the true " circumcision" IN KJV Deuteronomy 30:6 " And the Lord thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul , that thou mayest live."
Paul then goes on to tell you about himself and how he was a Jews Jew. From the tribe of Benjamin and a Pharisee. How he obeyed all the laws down to the last point... How he persecuted the church. How all of that was worthless compared to the priceless gain of following Christ Jesus our Lord. How he counts following Christ worth it all. He says whatever it takes to follow the one who is alive from the dead. He tells you he is not perfect but that Christ Jesus is... He tells us to forget the past and look forward to what is ahead. To get to the end of the race and receive the prize.
Your future is at stake here...... ETERNITY is at stake........ Not everyone who walks along the Christian road is friend of the cross. They too have their eternity at stake.... Tell everyone you know that our Savior , the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back soon and when He does those that are believers in Him will receive a new body... a glorious body, just like Christ..
I don't know about you but I sure am looking forward to the soon return of Jesus Christ.. I just wanna go home.... Just remember: Smile: when you do you are the most beautiful you can be... With all the love of Christ Jesus . vickie
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Just Wondering, How Much Time Is Left?
Good Morning Beloved,
I sit here and wonder just how many days are left for me to enjoy the freedom of looking out my window and seeing the sun rise and the sunlight dance through the mist. Watching the little squirrels run and chase each other up and down the trees, or watch the children get off the school bus eager to see school friends. To watch my husband of almost 45 years read the newspaper while he enjoys a cup of coffee. I wonder.
In the news all you hear or read about is negative , ugly things happening around the world.. So what is a person to do to find some peace and joy in the day? I know what I do. I go to the Word of God for my filling up .. I run short sometimes on peace and joy and I need a pick me up.. God's Word is my pick up..
I wonder sometimes what can I do to help spread the Gospel.. I try by telling people here on this blog, or on face book, or even when I go to the grocery store. I pray and talk to God a lot but is that enough? I wish I could share more... but who wants to hear what I have to say. So, I write here and hope someone will read it if not that has to be okay too.. I read it and reread it from time to time.
I have a lot of questions and sometimes I can find the answers . I listen to different speakers on the Word of God and then I have to dig to see if they are right on or off a bit. Yes, I go to church and I come home and search and dig to make sure that what I hear is really from God. I am just a wondering person. I think to much I guess.
I have concerns about if I am really doing enough? Am I going to be going to heaven? Yes, I know that God looks on the heart.. Do I have a heart problem? I DO NOT want to be left behind.. In 1 Corinthians 13:13 " And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three, but the greatest is charity."
I do have faith and hope and charity. ( charity means love) I do have that in abundance. That is why it gets to me so often about am I doing enough I love all and want all to know the Love of Christ Jesus... I am praying that someone will read this and want to know more about the love of Christ and I can help them learn.. Time is getting so short and soon it will be to late .. Please don't wait till then.. Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior today! Right now!!! It is so easy and simple.... IN Mark 10: 25 "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle , then for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Please oh PLEASE don't be like the rich man. Time is short and running out, please call on Jesus Christ today and accept Him as your Savior.... Your spirit will spend eternity in one of two places; Hell or Heaven. Choose wisely-- choose heaven..
Just say a prayer and mean it and get to a good bible believing church and ask questions.. I will be glad to help you in any way I can if you like. I am just right here... waiting.
May God shine down on you today and keep you safe from all evil.. Smile : you are your most beautiful when you do.... in the love of Christ Jesus , vickie
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Will you even read this? Probably not.
Hello Beloved,
Today my heart is very heavy. I just need a friend today. So many things going through my mind today.. I think , have I become so selfish I don't help anyone? How can I help them I ask myself.. I don't rightly know the answer to that. One of the things I have on my heart right now is,, What are you doing to HELP the Jews and Christians in the world today? Are you just sitting in the comfort of your own place and doing nothing? What are you willing to do to help those who are suffering because of their faith? Will you help? Are you willing to suffer with them? Do you not know that it may be you soon who is to suffer for what you believe? Do you REALLY want to serve the Lord Jesus Christ today? It is getting pretty scary out there now , if you profess your love of Christ Jesus. Are you REALLY willing to DIE for your faith? So, do you even understand what is going on in this world ? What about things you should know that are happening all around you, are you paying attention to them? You love the Word of God but do you really? Are you willing to do what it says? To LOVE your neighbor? Who is my neighbor? Is it just next door to my house ? Or is it whomever is near me? Who is my enemy? Am I to REALLY love them? What am I suppose to do? Is prayer enough? How do I help someone who is on the other side of the world? IS prayer enough? I do not know the answer to any of these questions, not really.. I do know that I profess out loud right now.. I BELIEVE IN CHRIST JESUS, I LOVE HIM. I WANT TO SERVE HIM,, I want to do the right things.. BUT is that enough? How can I help? If you read this and you have any answers please share them with me.. I am very confused right now.. I think way to much.. Have you got answers your willing to share? Will you be my friend today? I am asking for help with these weighty questions.. I know Jesus is coming and it is soon... I just want to be ready to hear Him say "Well done, my good and faithful servant."
Thanks to all who read this and have answers.. I appreciate your help.
Vickie , a confused sister in Christ.
Today my heart is very heavy. I just need a friend today. So many things going through my mind today.. I think , have I become so selfish I don't help anyone? How can I help them I ask myself.. I don't rightly know the answer to that. One of the things I have on my heart right now is,, What are you doing to HELP the Jews and Christians in the world today? Are you just sitting in the comfort of your own place and doing nothing? What are you willing to do to help those who are suffering because of their faith? Will you help? Are you willing to suffer with them? Do you not know that it may be you soon who is to suffer for what you believe? Do you REALLY want to serve the Lord Jesus Christ today? It is getting pretty scary out there now , if you profess your love of Christ Jesus. Are you REALLY willing to DIE for your faith? So, do you even understand what is going on in this world ? What about things you should know that are happening all around you, are you paying attention to them? You love the Word of God but do you really? Are you willing to do what it says? To LOVE your neighbor? Who is my neighbor? Is it just next door to my house ? Or is it whomever is near me? Who is my enemy? Am I to REALLY love them? What am I suppose to do? Is prayer enough? How do I help someone who is on the other side of the world? IS prayer enough? I do not know the answer to any of these questions, not really.. I do know that I profess out loud right now.. I BELIEVE IN CHRIST JESUS, I LOVE HIM. I WANT TO SERVE HIM,, I want to do the right things.. BUT is that enough? How can I help? If you read this and you have any answers please share them with me.. I am very confused right now.. I think way to much.. Have you got answers your willing to share? Will you be my friend today? I am asking for help with these weighty questions.. I know Jesus is coming and it is soon... I just want to be ready to hear Him say "Well done, my good and faithful servant."
Thanks to all who read this and have answers.. I appreciate your help.
Vickie , a confused sister in Christ.
Monday, August 17, 2015
Repentence, Judgement, The Book of Life
Hello Beloved,
I have just finished reading a book by Dr. David Jeremiah, called AGENTS OF THE APOCALYPSE. The last chapter of the book is called " THE JUDGE" . As I was reading it something inside of me stirred up and I felt the need to repent all over again... .
When you repent how do you do it? Do you say something like this; Father forgive me of all my sins , and then say Amen or do you stop and look inside and make a list and ask forgiveness of each offense? Well, I wasn't really sure how I was suppose to do it so I decided after reading this chapter to start all over again and repent.
Matthew 5:16 " let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven."
We should not use this verse to say something like .... Hey look at what I did! I gave so and so money, or I stopped and gave the man at the corner asking for food, food. When you start to brag on yourself , then you have just received your reward..
It's the little things we forget to ask forgiveness for.. example... You just ran a red light, you went over the speed limit, ran a stop sign... thinks like that ... You broke the law when you did it.. What about cussing that driver out who pulled in front of you, calling people names, throwing trash out of the window of your car.. Has someone ask you for something and you lied about having it? What about plotting against someone? Ever done that? What about using the computer to watch porn, or read a magazine with porn? Have you let your mind go and have a dirty fantasy? What about hardening heart against someone or something? Have you ever done anything like this?
I have. So after reading this chapter in this book ... I had some serious things to own up too. Have you ask for forgiveness for the things you think are insignificant to you but are not to God?
You may not know the impact of what you do or say around someone until it is to late to take it back... So, we need to be extra careful how we act or how we speak when we are around people.. Remember, even if your alone, Jesus Christ knows. We really do not have any secrets , you can lie to self but you can not lie to God.
There is a book called " The Book of Life." and YES! it is real! Is your name written in there or has it been blotted out? You don't know? Well, then it is time to REPENT of your sins .. Big ones, little ones, and insignificant ones.... and MEAN IT. I want to hear " Well done, thou good and faithful servant'. Not; " I never knew you". I want to be in the light not the darkness.
YOUR LIFE MATTERS. How you live your life matters. In the end your life choices will determine where you spend eternity; with Christ Jesus or without Him.. YOU are the one making the choice.
Anyone not found written in the Book of Life will be cast into the lake of fire.
So the choice is yours to make , don't wait long because Jesus is coming soon!!
Remember to smile : it is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet.
God Bless you. in the love of Christ Jesus , your sister in Christ, vickie
I have just finished reading a book by Dr. David Jeremiah, called AGENTS OF THE APOCALYPSE. The last chapter of the book is called " THE JUDGE" . As I was reading it something inside of me stirred up and I felt the need to repent all over again... .
When you repent how do you do it? Do you say something like this; Father forgive me of all my sins , and then say Amen or do you stop and look inside and make a list and ask forgiveness of each offense? Well, I wasn't really sure how I was suppose to do it so I decided after reading this chapter to start all over again and repent.
Matthew 5:16 " let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven."
We should not use this verse to say something like .... Hey look at what I did! I gave so and so money, or I stopped and gave the man at the corner asking for food, food. When you start to brag on yourself , then you have just received your reward..
It's the little things we forget to ask forgiveness for.. example... You just ran a red light, you went over the speed limit, ran a stop sign... thinks like that ... You broke the law when you did it.. What about cussing that driver out who pulled in front of you, calling people names, throwing trash out of the window of your car.. Has someone ask you for something and you lied about having it? What about plotting against someone? Ever done that? What about using the computer to watch porn, or read a magazine with porn? Have you let your mind go and have a dirty fantasy? What about hardening heart against someone or something? Have you ever done anything like this?
I have. So after reading this chapter in this book ... I had some serious things to own up too. Have you ask for forgiveness for the things you think are insignificant to you but are not to God?
You may not know the impact of what you do or say around someone until it is to late to take it back... So, we need to be extra careful how we act or how we speak when we are around people.. Remember, even if your alone, Jesus Christ knows. We really do not have any secrets , you can lie to self but you can not lie to God.
There is a book called " The Book of Life." and YES! it is real! Is your name written in there or has it been blotted out? You don't know? Well, then it is time to REPENT of your sins .. Big ones, little ones, and insignificant ones.... and MEAN IT. I want to hear " Well done, thou good and faithful servant'. Not; " I never knew you". I want to be in the light not the darkness.
YOUR LIFE MATTERS. How you live your life matters. In the end your life choices will determine where you spend eternity; with Christ Jesus or without Him.. YOU are the one making the choice.
Anyone not found written in the Book of Life will be cast into the lake of fire.
So the choice is yours to make , don't wait long because Jesus is coming soon!!
Remember to smile : it is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet.
God Bless you. in the love of Christ Jesus , your sister in Christ, vickie
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Today's Decision Determines Tomorrows Destiny
Good Morning Beloved,
This is true for every single person who is born:
Quoted from James Merritt.
Luke 16: 19-31
You did not get to chose your family tree, nor what you look like, not the color of your skin, eyes, hair, BUT you do get to chose where you will spend eternity. You choose even when you don't choose. So, if you think by not choosing you can just slide by then you have made your choice.. A no choice is a choice. .
You either chose to live for the world created by God, or you chose to live for God who created the world. Your choice.
Do you want to be carried or buried when you die? Your choice.
There is a big difference.. look at v. 23. The beggar ( Lazarus, meaning God my help or In God I trust) was carried away by angels. The rich man was buried. Beggar had nothing while alive EXCEPT the love for God... Rich man had everything, EXCEPT the love of God.. So carried or buried? Your choice.
You need to listen to God.
The rich man wants Father Abraham to send Lazarus back to warn his five brothers about the torment of the place he is in.. Abraham tells him , they won't listen to Moses and the prophets ; they won't listen to someone raised from the dead... Now, does that sound familiar? Jesus was raised from the dead ; and is EVERYONE paying attention ? No. So if you are reading this message and you don't chose, then you have chosen.
Faith comes by HEARING the Word of God.
" But not everyone who hears the Good News has welcomed it, for Isaiah the prophet said " Lord, who has believed me when I told them? " Yet faith comes from LISTENING ( my emphasis) to this Good News, the Good News about Christ."
Romans 10:16-17 From the Children's Living Bible
Jesus died for our sins.. He loved us that much. So , today you need to chose who OR what you love the most.. Remember!!
I prayed that you will make the decision to follow Christ Jesus .. If you need someone to pray with you or just to talk to you.. Here I am.. contact me here on this post and I will answer you ... I promise.
Remember: Smile , you are the most beautiful when you do...
your sister in Christ, vickie
This is true for every single person who is born:
Quoted from James Merritt.
Luke 16: 19-31
You did not get to chose your family tree, nor what you look like, not the color of your skin, eyes, hair, BUT you do get to chose where you will spend eternity. You choose even when you don't choose. So, if you think by not choosing you can just slide by then you have made your choice.. A no choice is a choice. .
You either chose to live for the world created by God, or you chose to live for God who created the world. Your choice.
Do you want to be carried or buried when you die? Your choice.
There is a big difference.. look at v. 23. The beggar ( Lazarus, meaning God my help or In God I trust) was carried away by angels. The rich man was buried. Beggar had nothing while alive EXCEPT the love for God... Rich man had everything, EXCEPT the love of God.. So carried or buried? Your choice.
You need to listen to God.
The rich man wants Father Abraham to send Lazarus back to warn his five brothers about the torment of the place he is in.. Abraham tells him , they won't listen to Moses and the prophets ; they won't listen to someone raised from the dead... Now, does that sound familiar? Jesus was raised from the dead ; and is EVERYONE paying attention ? No. So if you are reading this message and you don't chose, then you have chosen.
Faith comes by HEARING the Word of God.
" But not everyone who hears the Good News has welcomed it, for Isaiah the prophet said " Lord, who has believed me when I told them? " Yet faith comes from LISTENING ( my emphasis) to this Good News, the Good News about Christ."
Romans 10:16-17 From the Children's Living Bible
Jesus died for our sins.. He loved us that much. So , today you need to chose who OR what you love the most.. Remember!!
I prayed that you will make the decision to follow Christ Jesus .. If you need someone to pray with you or just to talk to you.. Here I am.. contact me here on this post and I will answer you ... I promise.
Remember: Smile , you are the most beautiful when you do...
your sister in Christ, vickie
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Lament : Get Ready
Good Morning Beloved,
Hi, it has been awhile since I last wrote to you.. I have been reading out loud to my house from the Children Living Bible since January.. I am not very far into it yet ... I have just this morning finished Lamentations... That is what is on my mind today.. In the book of Jeremiah it speaks about what will happen to Jerusalem if they don't change what they are doing.. It talks about all the wrath of God and what will happen to them, if no change. It speaks about how the people believed and listened to the false prophets and the lies they spoke. It then goes on to tell us what did happen because they refused to change.. Lamentations tells us how they lamented..
LAMENT: to express or feel deep sorrow; to regret deeply
So, after the fact... they felt regret and sorrow. While I was reading this I thought about my own country and how we have done the same as Jerusalem did in the time of Jeremiah.. We have believed and listened to all the false prophets of our day and have not changed the way we do things.. We are following in the footsteps of old. We should listen to the past and learn from it. Why don't we? We should be repenting of our sins and not just keep on believing that it won't happen to us. Worship of idols is what Jeremiah talks about.... What is the idol we worship today? OURSELVES. We think we can do anything we want and that we won't have to pay any price for it... Well, we are WRONG.
If God punished Jerusalem the city he loved.. What makes us think we won't be punished too? Please, as you go about your day today pray for our country and the people in it... Please know that I am praying for you and my country.
God Bless you and I pray that all will repent of their own sins and accept Christ Jesus as your Savior today.. He is coming soon.. Please get ready.. My heart is very heavy for souls... It is real, Jesus Christ is coming soon..
With the love of Christ Jesus , your sister in Christ , vickie
Hi, it has been awhile since I last wrote to you.. I have been reading out loud to my house from the Children Living Bible since January.. I am not very far into it yet ... I have just this morning finished Lamentations... That is what is on my mind today.. In the book of Jeremiah it speaks about what will happen to Jerusalem if they don't change what they are doing.. It talks about all the wrath of God and what will happen to them, if no change. It speaks about how the people believed and listened to the false prophets and the lies they spoke. It then goes on to tell us what did happen because they refused to change.. Lamentations tells us how they lamented..
LAMENT: to express or feel deep sorrow; to regret deeply
So, after the fact... they felt regret and sorrow. While I was reading this I thought about my own country and how we have done the same as Jerusalem did in the time of Jeremiah.. We have believed and listened to all the false prophets of our day and have not changed the way we do things.. We are following in the footsteps of old. We should listen to the past and learn from it. Why don't we? We should be repenting of our sins and not just keep on believing that it won't happen to us. Worship of idols is what Jeremiah talks about.... What is the idol we worship today? OURSELVES. We think we can do anything we want and that we won't have to pay any price for it... Well, we are WRONG.
If God punished Jerusalem the city he loved.. What makes us think we won't be punished too? Please, as you go about your day today pray for our country and the people in it... Please know that I am praying for you and my country.
God Bless you and I pray that all will repent of their own sins and accept Christ Jesus as your Savior today.. He is coming soon.. Please get ready.. My heart is very heavy for souls... It is real, Jesus Christ is coming soon..
With the love of Christ Jesus , your sister in Christ , vickie
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Spirit and Flesh
Hello Beloved,
I just saw someone who was telling me about her husband and all the things he is going through. Things like boils, cracked toes and cracked foot. He has already lost eyesight and a leg . She said she had talked to her granddaughter and told her " look at Grandpa , you don't want this to happen to you." What is it that has happened? Diabetes.
With just finding out about my struggles with Diabetes, this was all hitting home.
What to do to take control of my struggles? Watch your weight, your food intake, exercise. These are things that will help to control this disease.
It is like that in your spiritual life too. You need to watch the weight, food intake and exercise. How? Watch what your spirit man puts into himself.. Do you watch smut on T.V., computer or maybe your phone? What about the things you read? Are you reading things like Harry Potter or other mystical and make believe books? Or do you put good things into your mind, like reading scriptures everyday? God's Word is a wonderful way to start the day off. When you put all the wrong things inside of your spirit it is like the diabetes , you become sick.. Life starts to weigh you down. Wrong thinking, wrong acting, wrong everything! Just like when you put all the wrong things into your body and you become sick with disease. You need to exercise your spiritual man just like the physical man... you need to learn how to walk in the Spirit just like walking in the flesh. You are the one in control.... So, today do yourself a favor and start taking care of both the flesh and the spirit.
Remember to smile it is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet.
God Bless your sister in Christ Jesus. vickie
I just saw someone who was telling me about her husband and all the things he is going through. Things like boils, cracked toes and cracked foot. He has already lost eyesight and a leg . She said she had talked to her granddaughter and told her " look at Grandpa , you don't want this to happen to you." What is it that has happened? Diabetes.
With just finding out about my struggles with Diabetes, this was all hitting home.
What to do to take control of my struggles? Watch your weight, your food intake, exercise. These are things that will help to control this disease.
It is like that in your spiritual life too. You need to watch the weight, food intake and exercise. How? Watch what your spirit man puts into himself.. Do you watch smut on T.V., computer or maybe your phone? What about the things you read? Are you reading things like Harry Potter or other mystical and make believe books? Or do you put good things into your mind, like reading scriptures everyday? God's Word is a wonderful way to start the day off. When you put all the wrong things inside of your spirit it is like the diabetes , you become sick.. Life starts to weigh you down. Wrong thinking, wrong acting, wrong everything! Just like when you put all the wrong things into your body and you become sick with disease. You need to exercise your spiritual man just like the physical man... you need to learn how to walk in the Spirit just like walking in the flesh. You are the one in control.... So, today do yourself a favor and start taking care of both the flesh and the spirit.
Remember to smile it is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet.
God Bless your sister in Christ Jesus. vickie
Monday, April 27, 2015
Glimpse Into Change: Part 4
Hello Beloved
TEMPERANCE: Self- Control. I am so learning what this means.. I have learned that I have to have self-control because of the Diabetes.. I will not let it beat me.. I am in this for the race for the prize: LIFE ETERNAL. I want to win this race not as the fastest or the best, I just want to win for the prize of EVERLASTING LIFE spent with my Jesus.
I have lived almost 62 years and I should have known better. some of us learn faster than others, some of us (ME) are just slower at figuring it all out.. We are all in the same race. It is called life, and I pray that we all finish it with the prize before us .. ERTERNAL LIFE .
In Ecclesiastes 9:11
" The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong"
1 Corinthians 9: 24 Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receive the prize, so RUN that ye may obtain.
Hebrews 12:1
" let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us."
In Lamentations 3:22-23 ( paraphrased)
" His mercy is renewed every morning."
Lamentations 3:25
" The Lord is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeketh Him."
So for me the race is on and strong going.. I plan on finishing this race.. The race called Life. Not just because of the Diabetes but mostly because I really want to have ETERNAL LIFE with Jesus.
Now, about FAVOR . Now who would have ever thought that losing your hearing could be favor? I do. I am not able to hear a lot of what is going on around me and I am able to keep my attention on God. To me the hearing loss is being able to be shut in with God all the time. I love it!!!!
The Diabetes is scary ( it is a life sentence without parole) but it is not near as scary as being in hell without my Jesus. I am learning that God is in control of everything.. Just like what I have told you today. God was the author not me. He just used me as a tool to write this.. New Tongue, that what it is. God speaking but using me as the instrument of speech. In closing I would like to say a prayer with you.
Dear Lord Jesus
For all who will hear this or read this I pray that you would speak to their heart and open them up to working on the relationship that they want with you. I pray that they will ask you in and pour you a cup of tea and have a nice long chat with you. I pray Father that you would bless each one today. I thank you for always being with me even when I didn't believe it, and for helping me to change. I love you Lord Jesus and I pray your will be done. In Jesus name Amen.
Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ has made a huge difference in my life.. I would not change it now for anything. Smile: it is a free gift from God for you to share with everyone you meet. God Bless. your sister in Christ Jesus. vickie
TEMPERANCE: Self- Control. I am so learning what this means.. I have learned that I have to have self-control because of the Diabetes.. I will not let it beat me.. I am in this for the race for the prize: LIFE ETERNAL. I want to win this race not as the fastest or the best, I just want to win for the prize of EVERLASTING LIFE spent with my Jesus.
I have lived almost 62 years and I should have known better. some of us learn faster than others, some of us (ME) are just slower at figuring it all out.. We are all in the same race. It is called life, and I pray that we all finish it with the prize before us .. ERTERNAL LIFE .
In Ecclesiastes 9:11
" The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong"
1 Corinthians 9: 24 Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receive the prize, so RUN that ye may obtain.
Hebrews 12:1
" let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us."
In Lamentations 3:22-23 ( paraphrased)
" His mercy is renewed every morning."
Lamentations 3:25
" The Lord is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeketh Him."
So for me the race is on and strong going.. I plan on finishing this race.. The race called Life. Not just because of the Diabetes but mostly because I really want to have ETERNAL LIFE with Jesus.
Now, about FAVOR . Now who would have ever thought that losing your hearing could be favor? I do. I am not able to hear a lot of what is going on around me and I am able to keep my attention on God. To me the hearing loss is being able to be shut in with God all the time. I love it!!!!
The Diabetes is scary ( it is a life sentence without parole) but it is not near as scary as being in hell without my Jesus. I am learning that God is in control of everything.. Just like what I have told you today. God was the author not me. He just used me as a tool to write this.. New Tongue, that what it is. God speaking but using me as the instrument of speech. In closing I would like to say a prayer with you.
Dear Lord Jesus
For all who will hear this or read this I pray that you would speak to their heart and open them up to working on the relationship that they want with you. I pray that they will ask you in and pour you a cup of tea and have a nice long chat with you. I pray Father that you would bless each one today. I thank you for always being with me even when I didn't believe it, and for helping me to change. I love you Lord Jesus and I pray your will be done. In Jesus name Amen.
Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ has made a huge difference in my life.. I would not change it now for anything. Smile: it is a free gift from God for you to share with everyone you meet. God Bless. your sister in Christ Jesus. vickie
A Glimpse Into Change: Part 3
Hello Beloved,
Galatians 5:22-23
In relationship to eating and my life.
LOVE: We all know about that one, I love my husband, children, family, church family ect... ME. I LOVED FOOD! I loved it 230 pounds worth!!
Joy: Not a lot. Not even in the food I was eating. I ate to eat.
PEACE: What is peace? I was not even peaceful in my choice of eating whatever I wanted. I just did not have any joy or peace. I really needed to find them , but they just seemed elusive ( hard to grasp)
LONG SUFFERING: ( Patience) I did not have much. I wanted everything to be instant food, quick and fast.
GENTLENESS: ME? No not always. There is more than just kindness here.
GOODNESS: Me? Kindness, virtue, generosity... Again not always
FAITH: oh, yeah. I had lots of faith for YOU! but not for myself.. I could trust for YOU ! not for me.. I was just not good enough..again.
MEEKNESS: Not inclined towards anger or resentment: patient and mild. again not me.
TEMPERANCE: ( Self-control) I really lacked big time in this one. I had NO self-control.. Not in my eating habits or in my temperament. I ate what I wanted and did the same with my mouth, spoke what I wanted. Both were wrong.
But like everything in life , there is a up and a down, right and wrong, good and evil.. So with me the other side of Galatians 5:22-23 is this.
I am in a learning phase of life. I am making progress but I still make mistakes too.
LOVE: This one has not changed much.
JOY: I am learning to rejoice and be glad in the place I am right now. Today no matter what.
PEACE: I am learning that my peace is the security I get from knowing that Jesus Christ loves me even when I am not so loveable. It is a time of quite and listening to God. ( hearing loss)
LONG SUFFERING: This one is probably the hardest one for me of all the Fruits of the Spirit.
Long suffering : bearing injuries, troubles, patiently for a long time, endurance of trials; I do that but, FORTITUDE: ( this is with the long suffering) is , firm courage, patient, endurance of trouble or pain, forbearance ( self-control) . I am learning to have fortitude, having firm courage to stand for what I believe in and the forbearance or self -control. It is a hard battle, but one in which I will fight to the end of my race.( life)
Gentleness: of good birth, refined , polite, generous, kind, tame, Just a few words to describe gentleness. I am of good birth, not only from my mama and daddy but mostly because of my REBIRTH into Jesus Christ. I will certainly try to more of the others, generous, kind, tame, Please just bear with me as I learn all this new behavior.
GOODNESS: I am getting this one even as I write this all down. FAVOR. More in a minute.
FAITH: Hope, trustworthiness, fidelity ( devotion to duty)
My faith has grown by leaps and bounds in the past several months. Not only for you but for me too. I live in hope now trying to be faithful in my devotion to duty as a wife, mother and child of God. By learning and spreading and listening and doing and learning how to grow in faith.
MEEKNESS: Mildness, humility ( humility: the state or quality of being humble; acts of self-abasement) WOW! Humility means humble, humble means not proud, modest, knowing one's shortcomings. Yeah!! I got this one for sure. I KNOW ALL OF MY SHORTCOMINGS.
Galatians 5:22-23
In relationship to eating and my life.
LOVE: We all know about that one, I love my husband, children, family, church family ect... ME. I LOVED FOOD! I loved it 230 pounds worth!!
Joy: Not a lot. Not even in the food I was eating. I ate to eat.
PEACE: What is peace? I was not even peaceful in my choice of eating whatever I wanted. I just did not have any joy or peace. I really needed to find them , but they just seemed elusive ( hard to grasp)
LONG SUFFERING: ( Patience) I did not have much. I wanted everything to be instant food, quick and fast.
GENTLENESS: ME? No not always. There is more than just kindness here.
GOODNESS: Me? Kindness, virtue, generosity... Again not always
FAITH: oh, yeah. I had lots of faith for YOU! but not for myself.. I could trust for YOU ! not for me.. I was just not good enough..again.
MEEKNESS: Not inclined towards anger or resentment: patient and mild. again not me.
TEMPERANCE: ( Self-control) I really lacked big time in this one. I had NO self-control.. Not in my eating habits or in my temperament. I ate what I wanted and did the same with my mouth, spoke what I wanted. Both were wrong.
But like everything in life , there is a up and a down, right and wrong, good and evil.. So with me the other side of Galatians 5:22-23 is this.
I am in a learning phase of life. I am making progress but I still make mistakes too.
LOVE: This one has not changed much.
JOY: I am learning to rejoice and be glad in the place I am right now. Today no matter what.
PEACE: I am learning that my peace is the security I get from knowing that Jesus Christ loves me even when I am not so loveable. It is a time of quite and listening to God. ( hearing loss)
LONG SUFFERING: This one is probably the hardest one for me of all the Fruits of the Spirit.
Long suffering : bearing injuries, troubles, patiently for a long time, endurance of trials; I do that but, FORTITUDE: ( this is with the long suffering) is , firm courage, patient, endurance of trouble or pain, forbearance ( self-control) . I am learning to have fortitude, having firm courage to stand for what I believe in and the forbearance or self -control. It is a hard battle, but one in which I will fight to the end of my race.( life)
Gentleness: of good birth, refined , polite, generous, kind, tame, Just a few words to describe gentleness. I am of good birth, not only from my mama and daddy but mostly because of my REBIRTH into Jesus Christ. I will certainly try to more of the others, generous, kind, tame, Please just bear with me as I learn all this new behavior.
GOODNESS: I am getting this one even as I write this all down. FAVOR. More in a minute.
FAITH: Hope, trustworthiness, fidelity ( devotion to duty)
My faith has grown by leaps and bounds in the past several months. Not only for you but for me too. I live in hope now trying to be faithful in my devotion to duty as a wife, mother and child of God. By learning and spreading and listening and doing and learning how to grow in faith.
MEEKNESS: Mildness, humility ( humility: the state or quality of being humble; acts of self-abasement) WOW! Humility means humble, humble means not proud, modest, knowing one's shortcomings. Yeah!! I got this one for sure. I KNOW ALL OF MY SHORTCOMINGS.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
A Glimpse Into Change: My Journey In The Race of Life Part 2
Hello Beloved,
How does one effect the other? Well, I was just getting ready to find out.
All of my life I have felt inferior to EVERYONE!! I was never as _________, you fill in the blank.
I probably already had it filled in.. I was the last of four girls in my family. My sisters were and are beautiful , smart and talented... you name it .. They are the three 'BEST' gifts I have ever received.. My brother always told me that by the time they got to ( #7) me.. they had used all the good stuff up and just had to use leftovers and it turned into me.( he was just joking) but , I took it for real and then when ever anyone said something NOT nice to me I took it inwardly and held on for dear life.. So all of my life I have been defeated.. I will soon turn 62 years old That is so sad isn't it ... to live your whole life letting other peoples ugliness control your life. Moving on..
After my sons were born I ate and ate and ate and got bigger and bigger and bigger. I finally quit smoking and I gained 80 pounds on top of the 40 I had never lost from having my sons. So I was 120 pounds heavier then I should be. I was pretty solid it was hard to tell that I was THAT much over weight but something just wasn't right in my body. Here I was at 61 years of age and 230 pounds, and failing at being the person God had created me for .. I was a FAT SINNER!!. I had gone to church most of my life and I thought I was a Christian, hut here is where the effect comes in .. How does one effect the other?
To be a Christian , one must be Christ life. I wasn't. I was full of Vickie and not of Christ. Oh, I prayed and went to church and studied my Bible and thought I was doing all the right stuff. But, I still had the same mind set of the world. I was playing at being a Christian. I knew I needed to change and I prayed for changed, I just never dreamed it would come the way it did, in my health.
I went to the doctor and I believe that was the change I needed.. It is not fear of death or anything
like that. It was the fear of NOT being able to stand before God and give an account of my life. Change? You bet I am willing to change. I really do not want to disappoint God anymore than I have already. I was the exact opposite of what I was praying for..
High Blood Sugar is really called , Diabetes. Change? Yep, my lifestyle will have to change, not only will it change in the physical but it is changing in the spiritual as well.
I hope to be able to finish this in the next post.. Till then : Smile it is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet. God Bless your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie
How does one effect the other? Well, I was just getting ready to find out.
All of my life I have felt inferior to EVERYONE!! I was never as _________, you fill in the blank.
I probably already had it filled in.. I was the last of four girls in my family. My sisters were and are beautiful , smart and talented... you name it .. They are the three 'BEST' gifts I have ever received.. My brother always told me that by the time they got to ( #7) me.. they had used all the good stuff up and just had to use leftovers and it turned into me.( he was just joking) but , I took it for real and then when ever anyone said something NOT nice to me I took it inwardly and held on for dear life.. So all of my life I have been defeated.. I will soon turn 62 years old That is so sad isn't it ... to live your whole life letting other peoples ugliness control your life. Moving on..
After my sons were born I ate and ate and ate and got bigger and bigger and bigger. I finally quit smoking and I gained 80 pounds on top of the 40 I had never lost from having my sons. So I was 120 pounds heavier then I should be. I was pretty solid it was hard to tell that I was THAT much over weight but something just wasn't right in my body. Here I was at 61 years of age and 230 pounds, and failing at being the person God had created me for .. I was a FAT SINNER!!. I had gone to church most of my life and I thought I was a Christian, hut here is where the effect comes in .. How does one effect the other?
To be a Christian , one must be Christ life. I wasn't. I was full of Vickie and not of Christ. Oh, I prayed and went to church and studied my Bible and thought I was doing all the right stuff. But, I still had the same mind set of the world. I was playing at being a Christian. I knew I needed to change and I prayed for changed, I just never dreamed it would come the way it did, in my health.
I went to the doctor and I believe that was the change I needed.. It is not fear of death or anything
like that. It was the fear of NOT being able to stand before God and give an account of my life. Change? You bet I am willing to change. I really do not want to disappoint God anymore than I have already. I was the exact opposite of what I was praying for..
High Blood Sugar is really called , Diabetes. Change? Yep, my lifestyle will have to change, not only will it change in the physical but it is changing in the spiritual as well.
I hope to be able to finish this in the next post.. Till then : Smile it is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet. God Bless your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie
A Glimpse Into Change: My Journey In The Race Of Life. Part 1.
Hello Beloved,
I was suppose to tell this at a Ladies meeting at church but sometimes things just happen. So I will share this with you on here.
Now, I had been praying for God to help me change: The first step was admitting that I needed to change.
Well, I went to the doctor because of my ears and itching.. They were about to drive me crazy! I itched all over and was putting lotion on all the time because I thought it was winter dry skin itch.. NOPE, it wasn't. I was tired and sleeping all the time, sad, moody and very irritable from all the itching, going to the bathroom all the time...I was a MESS! I was not a very pleasant person to be around. I ate anything and everything I wanted and did that mostly after 9 p.m. Chips, pizza, ice-cream, cookies , candy, bread, . ( I love to bake and make goodies.) I would drink sugared drinks right before bedtime and end up getting up three or so times a night. I ate just to eat most of the time.
Well , I ended up at the doctor's office and when I went in and told him how much my ears bothered me, itching all the time and how my skin itched. It was driving me nuts!!! He looked at my chart , checked my weight and B.P. and all that and said : I am going to send my nurse back in to take a blood sample. That's what he did too! He did not even ask me about my ears!! The nurse came in and took the sample and said that they would call in a few days with the results. I went home and just ate. I was upset and angry because the Dr. had not even bothered with my ears.
Well, the few days passed and the nurse called with the results. I was NOT happy with what she told me.( In the back of my mind I think I knew what was coming and I did not want to hear it) She told me that they had done a three month panel ( A1C ) on my blood and it came back at an average 214 level. ( per day) Okay, what does that mean? I had HIGH BLOOD SUGAR. NO!!!!!! You must have done it wrong( this was my reaction) NURSE: Dr. wants to start you on some medicine. ( I don't know what she called it) NO. I told her I would do my own research and find out what I should do. I was a very ugly, rude woman to that nurse. ( Yes, I did go out and face to face apologize and ask for forgiveness from the nurse.) This meant I was going to have to do some research on what to eat, how to count carbs, watch how food was going to affect me... I was going to have to CHANGE my way of living.
Before finding out all of this I had been praying for God to change me. Everyday I would start out saying TODAY.. I will not eat and will lose weight I will not be this huge ugly glutton. I said it for months, but I did not change..( Repentance is required to inherit eternal life. What is repentance? It is having regret for all the evil and carnal ways of you, changing direction and turning your life towards Christ as your Savior.) I was living a carnal life of GLUTTONY! I NEEDED CHANGING! I wanted a life that was living for Christ Jesus.
While praying about change in my spiritual life things were changing in my physical life.. I am going deaf. I have had trouble with my hearing for many years but over this winter it seemed to escalate .. So changes were on the way..
I was suppose to tell this at a Ladies meeting at church but sometimes things just happen. So I will share this with you on here.
Now, I had been praying for God to help me change: The first step was admitting that I needed to change.
Well, I went to the doctor because of my ears and itching.. They were about to drive me crazy! I itched all over and was putting lotion on all the time because I thought it was winter dry skin itch.. NOPE, it wasn't. I was tired and sleeping all the time, sad, moody and very irritable from all the itching, going to the bathroom all the time...I was a MESS! I was not a very pleasant person to be around. I ate anything and everything I wanted and did that mostly after 9 p.m. Chips, pizza, ice-cream, cookies , candy, bread, . ( I love to bake and make goodies.) I would drink sugared drinks right before bedtime and end up getting up three or so times a night. I ate just to eat most of the time.
Well , I ended up at the doctor's office and when I went in and told him how much my ears bothered me, itching all the time and how my skin itched. It was driving me nuts!!! He looked at my chart , checked my weight and B.P. and all that and said : I am going to send my nurse back in to take a blood sample. That's what he did too! He did not even ask me about my ears!! The nurse came in and took the sample and said that they would call in a few days with the results. I went home and just ate. I was upset and angry because the Dr. had not even bothered with my ears.
Well, the few days passed and the nurse called with the results. I was NOT happy with what she told me.( In the back of my mind I think I knew what was coming and I did not want to hear it) She told me that they had done a three month panel ( A1C ) on my blood and it came back at an average 214 level. ( per day) Okay, what does that mean? I had HIGH BLOOD SUGAR. NO!!!!!! You must have done it wrong( this was my reaction) NURSE: Dr. wants to start you on some medicine. ( I don't know what she called it) NO. I told her I would do my own research and find out what I should do. I was a very ugly, rude woman to that nurse. ( Yes, I did go out and face to face apologize and ask for forgiveness from the nurse.) This meant I was going to have to do some research on what to eat, how to count carbs, watch how food was going to affect me... I was going to have to CHANGE my way of living.
Before finding out all of this I had been praying for God to change me. Everyday I would start out saying TODAY.. I will not eat and will lose weight I will not be this huge ugly glutton. I said it for months, but I did not change..( Repentance is required to inherit eternal life. What is repentance? It is having regret for all the evil and carnal ways of you, changing direction and turning your life towards Christ as your Savior.) I was living a carnal life of GLUTTONY! I NEEDED CHANGING! I wanted a life that was living for Christ Jesus.
While praying about change in my spiritual life things were changing in my physical life.. I am going deaf. I have had trouble with my hearing for many years but over this winter it seemed to escalate .. So changes were on the way..
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Sherry: Another Miracle of God
Hello Beloved,
God still does do miracles. I have told you about my fiend Sherry before and I want to tell you about her today.. I just saw a preacher on T.V. talk about worship being the weapon of King David taking into battle. This made me think of my dear friend Sherry.. She has been ill the past few days and in ICU and it was not a good report, BUT today.....
I met Sherry several years ago after a youth conference at our church. She had moved back home because she was ill. While at the conference the Spirit of God was moving in a very real way... ( I had never felt this before ) and I was moved... I went down to the front at the alter and was praying and worshipping and it was exciting . I heard others doing the same and I glanced over and saw this young woman who looked like death warmed over worshipping and praising God... and something came over me and I just fell in love with her... I did not even know who she was.... After service I went to meet her but she was ill and had left.... I did finally get to meet her and it was like we had known each other all of our lives.. We became good friends... I have watched her at church when she is there get up before the Lord and dance and worship and praise God.... She was so weak and sick and yet she got up before God and danced! I was amazed.... I still am... I did not understand but today I do. She was at death's door and yet she worshipped like she was not... A little later she really did reach the door of death and family was ask to pull the plug.... BUT GOD...... It was time to take her off all that was keeping her alive and she woke up and was totally healed!!!!!! That is God!!!
Well this past week she became very ill again and has been in ICU and once again the family was just waiting and was told the next 24 to 48 hours will tell the story.... WELL GUESS WHAT HAPPEN TODAY!!!!!! She awoke and breathing and talking on her own!!!!!!!!!!! GOD STILL DOES MIRACLES!!!!! She is alive again......
Sherry never did stop in her worship or praise of God... God has honored her for that one more time.
When Sherry was so ill she gave God all she had in worship and that was Sherry gettting prepared for the battle she was to have... She prepared even when it was not convenient for her, she prepared.
I think I have finally learned my lesson from you Sherry... No matter what I may look like or feel like , the best thing I can do for myself is do what you did and prepare for battle... I don't know when it will take place.... God will honor your praise and worship..... ARE YOU PREPARED FOR BATTLE?
Thank you Lord Jesus for being with my friend Sherry and honoring her worship.. Thank you Sherry for a lesson I now have learned..I love you Lord Jesus and thank you for my friend , Sherry.. Sherry I love you forever.
God still does do miracles. I have told you about my fiend Sherry before and I want to tell you about her today.. I just saw a preacher on T.V. talk about worship being the weapon of King David taking into battle. This made me think of my dear friend Sherry.. She has been ill the past few days and in ICU and it was not a good report, BUT today.....
I met Sherry several years ago after a youth conference at our church. She had moved back home because she was ill. While at the conference the Spirit of God was moving in a very real way... ( I had never felt this before ) and I was moved... I went down to the front at the alter and was praying and worshipping and it was exciting . I heard others doing the same and I glanced over and saw this young woman who looked like death warmed over worshipping and praising God... and something came over me and I just fell in love with her... I did not even know who she was.... After service I went to meet her but she was ill and had left.... I did finally get to meet her and it was like we had known each other all of our lives.. We became good friends... I have watched her at church when she is there get up before the Lord and dance and worship and praise God.... She was so weak and sick and yet she got up before God and danced! I was amazed.... I still am... I did not understand but today I do. She was at death's door and yet she worshipped like she was not... A little later she really did reach the door of death and family was ask to pull the plug.... BUT GOD...... It was time to take her off all that was keeping her alive and she woke up and was totally healed!!!!!! That is God!!!
Well this past week she became very ill again and has been in ICU and once again the family was just waiting and was told the next 24 to 48 hours will tell the story.... WELL GUESS WHAT HAPPEN TODAY!!!!!! She awoke and breathing and talking on her own!!!!!!!!!!! GOD STILL DOES MIRACLES!!!!! She is alive again......
Sherry never did stop in her worship or praise of God... God has honored her for that one more time.
When Sherry was so ill she gave God all she had in worship and that was Sherry gettting prepared for the battle she was to have... She prepared even when it was not convenient for her, she prepared.
I think I have finally learned my lesson from you Sherry... No matter what I may look like or feel like , the best thing I can do for myself is do what you did and prepare for battle... I don't know when it will take place.... God will honor your praise and worship..... ARE YOU PREPARED FOR BATTLE?
Thank you Lord Jesus for being with my friend Sherry and honoring her worship.. Thank you Sherry for a lesson I now have learned..I love you Lord Jesus and thank you for my friend , Sherry.. Sherry I love you forever.
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