Thursday, January 21, 2010


Hello Beloved!

I have something I would like to talk to you about... I have a friend who has so much going for her.
I really admire this young woman... She has been through some pretty rough times in the past couple
of years. BUT, she has come through with so much strength.
I have only just recently met this young woman in the last few months but upon meeting her I felt such a
kindred spirit with her... Have you ever just met someone and was like instant friends with them? That is what
happened with my new friend. I want to tell you what she did to help make it through all the rough times.
She reminds me in some ways of my darling sister, Lois. Full of wisdom and inner strength and beauty.

She called it " I GOT A YELLOW"

She had a yellow folder on hand with a yellow hi-lighter so that is how the name came about..
She called herself the YELLOW ROAD WARRIOR, isnt that neat? I like it.

What she did was get a pad of paper and starting writing down each and every prayer she said....and when that prayer was answered she would hi-light it with the yellow marker... As her prayers were answered she found her her faith and strength building... She would look back and see what God had brought her through.
So over a course of time she became a great woman of FAITH and STRENGTH .... She found she needed both
to battle against her health... But Praise God she is still going strong and and getting more strength each day..
She has been an inspiration to me and I continue to watch her and see how God is working in her life and how so many other people are learning how to become strong by just watching and being near her...
God is so good to each one of us... I am so glad that I now know just how good...
My prayer for you today is this......
Dear Lord Jesus,
Today as each one of us goes through the stuggles of our own life that you would show us someone
who has the strength to face their struggle and if that person is myself then Lord Jesus Thank you
for showing me that I too can face whatever comes at me as long as I have you and know that ...
You are so good to me and you are wonderful and sweet and loving and forgiving and I love you more
today then I did yesterday... You are my Lord.... and I want to be in your will... Thank you
Lord Jesus for my struggles... and for going thru with me... In Jesus name Amen.

Remember to Smile, when you do you are dressed the most beautiful you can be..
your friend in Christ Jesus.... vickie

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful idea, one that we would all be blessed to institute. If she has a health problem ---- I have the answer.
