I was just thinking about this blog page and how no one visits it . My sister thought it would be a good idea... I really am not so sure.. I think it is good for me, but someone else ? No, don't think so... so the thoughts I write today are for me....
There is just so much going on in the world right now... The weather is weird, cold where it is usually warm, tsunamis all over the place, it is just upside down stuff. People are so into themselves( now if this isn't the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what is!), people are searching for something to believe in but what? People without jobs, losing their homes, drugs, so many things to discourage us.. Why isn't someone ( should be me) telling people not to give up. We should be encouraging each other with positive thoughts... Like last night in Bible study our Pastor was telling us about the children of Israel and how for 40 years they wandered in the wilderness ( I did it for 56 years, dummy me!) because of unbelief... They sent spies into the promised land and sent 12 but only two, Joshua and Caleb came back with a good report. In Numbers 13:30 " Caleb tells them before Moses , that we are able to overcome it."
I guess that is what I am telling myself today. That we are able to overcome it.. Life is hard
for each generation in that generations own way. But if we look back over them we see that
each one was able to overcome whatever was in the way.... I believe that if we look toward
Christ Jesus we too can overcome it... No matter what it is that we either don't understand, or fear we too can overcome it...
I really wish someone would read this blog, but hey, if they dont that is ok too. I will encourage myself with the Word of God... David encouraged himself in the Lord. 1 Samuel 30:6
I really am troubled by not being able to help someone . I love so much the Word of God and I know what it has done for me in my life and I know that I know that I know when it is my time to leave this place that I have a home in Heaven with a Heavenly Father who loves me..
I thank you Lord Jesus for the peace of knowing that in you I rest...
Well smile, when you do you are dressed the most beautiful you can be... your friend in Christ Jesus , vickie
Okay Caleb/David, keep encouraging yourself in the Lord. I've been traveling this road a long time soon be 32 years and I've had many chances for ministry over the years and some very wonderful experiences that I would not trade. Did you know God used me to lead a young woman through the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room? That is a cherished memory. God is so good.