Monday, December 31, 2012
Happy New Year !! 2013
Well here it is the end of one and the beginning of another year.. Good-bye 2012 and
Hello 2013! When we leave this old year behind, what say you that we also leave
behind all the old hurts and disappointments. Let's start the New Year out with a song of Praise on our lips.. Lets start the New Year out giving God all the praise and glory and let this be the year that we do our very best.
It is only by Grace that we will see this New Year..... I want to take the time to do that
right now.... Praise God..
Glory to God , Thank you , Praise God, Hallelujah !!!!!!! Father you are my strength, my joy, my peace, my all in all..... I praise the Name of my Father in Heaven... Glory to God! I want to praise the Name. You are my Savior, my Father in Heaven and I know Your Name.. Thank you Jesus!!!!!!
Dear Lord,
Tonight I want to thank you for all of the blessings I have received.. Thank you for forgiveness, and thank you for letting my eyes be opened to things I needed .... Thank you for the trials I have had and for the journey you allowed me to take.... Thank you for all the people who have been in and out of my life this past year..... Father you know my needs before I need them.... Thank you for taking care of my family and my friends and their loved ones too....... For all that I have and have not I thank you ..
Dear Lord, if I had just one thing I could hope for tonight it would be that someone would read this and know that , no matter what they are going thru right now , I would hope that in their heart they would know that you love them and all they need do is seek you....... If I could help in anyway, please Dear Lord, let them know I am here.. In the Name of Jesus Christ my Savior, I pray your will be done... Amen.
As I close out this year I have to ask , if I have at any point in this past year stepped on your toes or hurt your feelings or been out of line in anyway, I must now ask you to please forgive me.... I love each of you , knowing you or not, I love you with the love of Christ .... I pray that your New Year of 2013 is a great one for you.....
I look forward to the soon coming of my Redeemer, Jesus Christ...
God Bless each of you and your New Year!!!!!!!
Remember: Smile it is a gift from God for you to share with all you meet.
your sister in Christ , vickie
Friday, December 21, 2012
JESUS is Coming Soon. Are YOU ready?
Have you read your bible lately? Have you read in Matthew 24 about the Signs of the End of the Age? This is where Jesus is telling His disciples what to look out for.. Have you been looking out for the signs too? Are you watching out to see NO one deceives you? Do you know that many will and have come saying they are the Christ but have deceived so many. What about war and rumors of war, nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and famines and earthquakes, does any of this sound familiar yet? Have you been watching the news, reading the newspaper? Do you see the signs? What about persecution? Have you or someone you know been persecuted because of your faith in Jesus Christ? Do you know anyone who has turned away from their faith or lost it? Do you know why? Were they deceived by a false prophet or false teaching? Don't believe it when someone says" there he is" because NO ONE, NO ONE knows the day or the hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, only the Father knows. Matthew 24:36
People will be just like they were in the days of Noah; eating and drinking and marrying and not knowing what is about to happen. This is how it will be when the Son of Man comes. So you need to be watching, and you need to stay faithful and have your lamp full.
In Matthew 25: 1-13
This talks about having your lamp filled with oil while waiting for the bridegroom to come.... Please don't be like the five foolish virgins and not be prepared. Have you got your lamp filled lately? I know that I have not, but last week our Pastor talked about warnings.... I took the message to heart and I am seeking to have my lamp filled..
Jesus really is coming and soon.... Please get your lamp filled up and keep it filled so you will be ready when He comes... Are you ready should Jesus come today? Really ready? Do you know for certain that you will leave with Him ? If your not sure then I will be glad to help you out or find a good bible teaching church and they can help you. PLEASE just get ready today.
Smile : your beautiful when you do..
God Bless . your sister in Christ Jesus. vickie
Thursday, November 29, 2012
REAL Birthday of Jesus Christ
I just received an email about Christmas and how people are saying that we should not be saying " Happy Holidays" but Merry Christmas , because Jesus is the reason for the season..You know what kind of email I mean... Anyway as I was reading it and thinking about it something came to mind.
You will find this in Revelation 1:8 (KJV)
You will find this in Revelation 1:11
You will find this in Revelation 21: 6
You will find this in Revelation 22: 13
Now you may be wondering why I wrote that down.. Well, I want to share with you what I learned in church about the beginning and the end of the Jewish year.
Nisan, is the last month in the Jewish calendar. This is when the Passover is held. ( mid- March- mid April) Passover: The Exodus from Egypt slavery.
Adar, is the first month in the Jewish calendar.. ( mid- February-mid March)
We know that baby lambs are born usually in the early Spring of the year.... We also know that Christ Jesus is often referred to as " The Lamb of God". Now we have learned in Revelation that Jesus is the ALPHA and OMEGA, the BEGINNING and the END... The FIRST and the LAST.
As the world celebrates the birth of Christ Jesus on December 25, you and I will now know that it is really not the correct time of His birth..... For Him to be the first and the last He would have to be born in the first month and die in the last month of the Jewish calendar..( during the time of Passover). So, now you know the rest of the story.
As you go about your Christmas shopping and enjoying time with family and friends I want to ask you if you would say to them 'MERRY CHRISTMAS" and to all that you meet.. Not just in the month of December but in EVERY month of the year.... Let folks know you love Christ Jesus everyday not just one day of the year.....
Remember to Smile: It is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet..
From my house to your I wish you a MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!
tenderly with arms wrapped about you, your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Listening To God's Voice
I would like to tell you about two people who live thousands of miles apart.
First Person:
A lady named Lori. I met Lori in a hardware store about 7-10 years ago. I did not know who she was or that she would turn out to be someone SO SPECIAL. I found out
from her brother ( whom I worked with) that she was a preacher lady.
Second Person:
You have already met this person; " THE YELLOW ROAD WARRIOR", my friend Sherry.
Sherry had come home to be with her family as she was very sick. I met her in a church meeting about 4 years ago.. As sick as she was ( and it really showed) she was praising and dancing before God. I looked over at her and fell in love ....I fell in love with the spirit around her..... She was very, very, sick and in all the times following, seeing her in church, she never, never, failed to stand and praise God.
She worships God and prays and teaches what she knows to those who listen... NO, I don't think she is perfect but I love her anyway. I tell you all that so I can tell you this.
Last year Sherry was in a coma and the family was told that she would not live. So has they made preparations to have life support taken off, she awoke. She sat up in bed and starting talking to them like nothing had happened.
She was told she had some heart problems and would have to take medicine for that and she was released from the hospital. She went back to the doctor and was told her heart was fine.
So for the past year she has been teaching a Sunday School class and worshipping and praising God.
On October 30, 2012, Sherry was in a very bad automobile accident. She broke almost everything about her waist.. A URGENT prayer request went out . Now this is where my two friends Lori, and Sherry come together.
God knows when one of His children needs Him and He also knows who to send the task to.
We are suppose to be open enough to hear God speak to us. It is when our spirit is talking to us. We should be listening.. Well, this is what my friend Lori did.
She listened to GOD'S VOICE and prayed . Night and Day she prayed for Sherry who lived thousands of miles away. She would keep in touch with me and ask about Sherry so she could pray specifically.
God brought together two spirits who love Him and obey Him, thousands of miles apart, He brought them together.
Sherry has a long way to go in her recovery but with angels like Lori praying for her it won't take long
So to be God's hand extended.......... listen to His voice and obey. We don't know how our lives may cross with someone else's life but God does...
Please listen for His voice...... as I will...
God Bless each of you..
Remember to Smile..... It is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet.
tenderly with arms wrapped about you.... your sister in Christ Jesus vickie
Sunday, November 4, 2012
My prayer for today ......
I am just thinking out loud today. I have been listening to the news and reading the news about New York.
About all the problems that they are having because of Hurricane Sandy that went through and now about the problems they are still facing and with a cold front moving in.. I am so sorry for them but......
Have any of you read the book " The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn? I have and I can not seem to get what I read out of my mind.... It just makes sense to me... I know that the book is written as fiction but I have also read in a NON fiction book called, The Holy Bible. Specifically in the book of Isaiah, in the Old Testament.. I believe that the effects talked about in this book are REAL.
I really pray that people , ( you) would read this book... it is not all that long, only 253 pages and while reading it be sure to have your Holy Bible beside you, okay? Things are happening at a very fast rate now.. Jesus Christ our Lord is on His way and I think He will be here VERY soon.
We all need to be praying for our Nation.. we need to remember that we are suppose to be loving towards each other and praying for each other. Please let me encourage you to pray..... don't put it off until your ready because then it will be to late... Do it now....... PLEASE.
Dear Lord Jesus,
What a awesome God you are. You are Merciful and Just... You are the strength we need and the peace we seek when we are troubled.. Thank you for always being just what we need in all things.. Father, I am asking today for anyone who is reading this to seek You with all their heart.. I am praying for the souls of those who are lost... I pray that peace and strength would be there for the troubled heart...Father, our country is in need of so much prayer... I am praying for the leaders of this country to stop and think before they speak.... I pray that the people of this nation would pray and seek Your will for this nation... I pray Father for Your guidance in making good sound choices for this nation...... I ask Father for Your forgiveness in every place of my life that was and is wrong before you... I pray that all those who I have hurt or offended will forgive me as I have forgiven them.. I pray Father for your comfort to be with all those who ask.
I pray that Your will be done.... In the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Beloved, I hope that you will take time to seek for this country a peace but I pray that you would pray for your own readiness to go to your eternal home... I'm praying that you choose to go with Jesus Christ...
Remember" Smile , it is a free gift from God to share with all you meet.. God Bless you and be with you.
your sister in Christ... vickie
Monday, October 15, 2012
Who to Believe
In Genesis 3: 1-5 is the story about how the serpent ( the devil, Satan, liar) deceives Eve.
He speaks in 3:1 and again v. 4-5. In this story the serpent speaks about 45 words. ( KJV)
Now in Job 1: 6-12, the story is about how God and Satan are speaking about Job.
Job 2: 1-10 is how Satan has come back and talks with God again about Job and in
both chapters Satan speaks about 131 words. ( KJV)
Now in Matthew 4: 1-11 , this is the story of how Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by Satan.
and he speaks a total of about 71 words. so in scriptures out of the KJV Bible we have a total
of about 247 words that Satan speaks...
Yes, Satan is spoken about but I am talking about him speaking the words. Satan is NOT God...
Why do we give Satan so much time and power over us? He is really nothing but a deceiver.
We give way to much credit to him... Why , if we are saying we are a Christian do we believe
Satan more that what God has said? God does not want us to live in want...... nor in lies... Satan
wants you to need and he will lie to you about EVERYTHING!
So who do you believe; God or Satan? Have you ever thought about what God has promised you?
Have you ever thought about what God has already done for you? He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ
here to die for YOUR sins ( yes mine too) and if nothing else was ever promised that should be enough.
But, He has promised so much more. Read John 3:16 . He promised everlasting life.. Wow! We
get to live with Him forever!! 1 John 4:4 ; " greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world"
He also promises to send a Comforter to you to abide with you for ever.. John 14:16. So many promises
if we would just see them.. Please check out the Word for yourself and see. I am still in the learning mode myself..... I do know that the choice is up to me and to you to make, who to follow... I am learning to
lean on Jesus Christ and I will follow Him...
Satan is a liar and that is the choice he made... PLEASE don't let him make that choice for you....
God loves you. God is Love..God loves you..
Remember: Smile it is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet...
tenderly with arms wrapped about you.. your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie
Monday, September 3, 2012
Law versus Grace
I was just reading in one of my Bibles and found something I would like to share with you.. It is not long.
It is about Law and Grace ;
Moses was a representative of the law- ( Law brings to Jordon)
Jordon, means death - ( judgement) , law brings us to death and leaves us.
Joshua came and took over ( Joshua means Jesus) , Joshua led them over Jordon
Jesus will take you through valley of the shadow of death , over into eternal life
John the Baptist was the last representative of the law. He brought people down to the Jordon River to be baptized, but he left them at the Jordon.
When Christ came he went INTO the Jordon and brought the people out.
This is the difference between Law and Grace.
Law: slays a man
Grace: makes him live
Law: death and judgement
Grace: eternal life
This was taken from a D. L. Moody sermon I heard. Pretty much sums it all up don't you think?
Remember to Smile: Someone out there needs it today and You are the most beautiful you can be
when you smile and share it. God Bless and Have a great day!!
tenderly with arms wrapped about you , your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Who Is To Blame?
I want to talk to you about blame.. Have you ever been blamed or blamed someone for something?
I am in a Bible study right now , and the lesson for this day was called " The Blame Game". I thought
it had some really interesting things in it... I sure did learn from this lesson today. I hope you can too..
Let's start with with what the lesson started with okay?
I want to set the stage so to speak okay?
Adam is in the garden and has been told by God that he can eat of any of the trees
in the garden except for the tree of knowledge of good and evil . ( Genesis 2: 17)
In Genesis 2: 21-25 God causes Adam to go into a deep sleep and He takes ones of his ribs and makes
woman. So now we can go to Genesis 3: and see Who is to blame.
It starts out that the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.
And he said to the woman, " Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
Well, we all know the story and how the woman ate the fruit and gave some to her husband , and this is how
we had sin enter into our lives.. Are we in agreement with this? Okay, moving forward.
If we read now in Genesis 3: 3-7 (NIV) , we will get to the point of blame.
" Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, "" Where are you?"" He answered ""I heard you in the garden , and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid."
Now, we can start asking the question of WHO IS TO BLAME ?
When we are reading it , it sounds like Eve should be blamed , don't you think? Or should we really blame
that old serpent? What about Adam? Who is to blame?
In the study I am doing it starts out with this... Eve was listening to that old serpent.. Now, just listening is not wrong BUT when you listen to a lie and then you start to dwell on it, then you start to believe it, and then you act upon it...And this is what leads us onto the path of bondage.. ie... Eve listened to the serpent tell her that she would not die, that she would be like a god , knowing good and evil... LISTENING was not the problem . She looked at the tree and saw it was pretty and she could become wise and she gave her husband some of it to eat too.. So , she listened , she dwelt a moment and she believed what was told to her by that old serpent and acted upon it.. That was the fall , right? Or was it?
So , now are we blaming the serpent for the lies or Eve for listening to them? Well here is something I picked up in the lesson .. " God didn't ask them what someone else had done to make them sin;
He held them accountable for their own behavior. Regardless of what had influenced them to make that choice, it was still THEIR choice." So pointing fingers at others will keep us in bondage
and guilt.. Freedom comes when we take responsibility for ourselves and the choice that we make..
So, when someone is telling you lies, you do not have to listen to them , but if you do , don't dwell on them and please don't act on them... Remember to be free is to take responsibility for our own choice.
Well , remember to smile , you never know who is looking and might need it today.. God Bless!!
tenderly with arms wrapped about you........ your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Daniel The Prophet
I have been studying the book of Daniel in the Bible. I had recently heard something that I just could
not agree with, so I started digging to find the answer.
2 Timothy 2: 15. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
I will now show you what I have learned along the way.. If you see something you don't agree with please, at the bottom of the entry is a comment line, so tell me what and why and I will research it some more. thanks. I want to give you a little background history here..
I am going to start with King David. King David was born about 1040 BC and he died about 970 BC.
This would have made him 70 years of age when he died... He became King at 30 years of age and he
was King for 40 years.( 2 Samuel 5:4, 1 Kings 2:10-11) King David had a son called Daniel or Chileab with his third wife Abigail. ( 2 Samuel 3:3, 1 Chronicles 3:1)
Now lets move on to the book of Daniel.
Daniel was born about 622 BC, so when he was taken along with Hananiah( Shadrach), Mishael ( Meshach), Azariah ( Abed-nego) he would have been about 17 years of age. So, I don't believe it was
possible for this Daniel to be the son of King David and Abigail. I am not saying it is not possible that Daniel
was a descendant of King David and Abigail , just that it was not a direct son ship.
Daniel 1:1.
" In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah came Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon unto Jerusalem, and besieged it."
Jehoiakim( Jehoiachim) his birth name was Eliakim. He was installed as king of Judah in about 608 BC.
So his third year would have been about 605 BC. He ruled for about 11 years.
Daniel 1:3
" And the king spake unto Ashpenaz the masters of the eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and of the king's seed, and of the princes. ( nobility)
In all of the research material I searched I could not find Daniel's lineage. So I have to just take what I see in Daniel 1: and know that he was of noble birth.
I found so much out about this period of history and it was all very interesting ... I started out trying to see
if what I had heard was correct... I believe I have now found my answer.. I hope you find this interesting
Smile: it is a free gift from God for you to share and you are at your most beautiful when you do...
tenderly with arms around you. vickie
Friday, August 10, 2012
Psalm 23
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. ( He leads me and he is my caregiver)
He makes me to lie down in green pastures: ( this is where I grow)
He leads me beside the still waters. ( peace)
He restores my soul: ( saved me)
He leads ( shows me) me in the path of righteousness for His name sake.( Jesus)
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death ( trials)
I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; ( He is always there)
Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. ( support)
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies, ( covenant)
Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over ( pouring out blessings and overflow)
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; ( blessings)
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. ( living with Jesus for eternity)
Remember to smile, it is a free gift from God for you to share with all that you meet.
tenderly with arms wrapped about you. your sister in Christ, vickie
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
God Loves You..
I just was reading in Ephesians in Chapter 1:4-5 out of The Children's Living Bible( paraphrased).
I am going to write it the way I read it. I changed the words us, and we to my own name... You do
the same.... Okay.
" Long ago, even before He made the world, God chose ME to be His very own, through what Christ would do for ME; He decided then to make ME holy in His eyes, without a single fault--- I who stand before Him covered with His love." 5 " His unchanging plan has always been to adopt ME into His
own family by sending Jesus Christ to die for ME. And He did this because He wanted to! "
Where you see caps is where the words us or we were in the chapter that I changed...
Now , read this aloud and let it sink into your soul....... Jesus Christ died for me... He wanted me.. He
chose me. He did all of that just for me. Are you getting this into your soul? I know that most of the time
I am writing these things for myself... I don't know if anyone ever really even reads these pages I write down. But I do it in hopes that somewhere, sometime, someone will and it will help them in their walk
with Our Savior, Jesus Christ.. I love Him so much and I love all of you who read this too.
Have a great day in our Lord and God Bless you all...
tenderly with arms about you....... vickie
Monday, July 23, 2012
Joseph: Letting Go
Today in Sunday School, the lesson was about Joseph.. It was a good lesson... it was taught by my
friend , the " Yellow Road Warrior".. she really did a bang up job.
Her lesson was taken from Genesis 42: 1-13. You really need to read it , it talks about how Joseph
is in Egypt and the famine has started and Jacob and his family are needing food. So 10 of the sons of
Jacob travel down to Egypt to get some grain, but Jacob won't let them take Benjamin.. In case something
should happen to him.. Now, Joseph is in Egypt and he is the Governor ( second only to the Pharaoh).
Now , the 10 brothers come and need grain and Joseph sees them and knows them but they don't know
Joseph. So when Joseph speaks to them he is sorta rough sounding.. Joseph remembers his dreams of his
youth and he tells them they are spies. They tell him they are not... but are there to buy food. Joesph asks
where are you from . They answer and tell him they are 12 brothers , the sons of one man, but that the youngest brother is with his father and one is not. Now , I will tell you what I got from her lesson on these
scriptures today..
First thing, Joseph recognizes his brothers and that sees they don't recognize him.. He remembers the dreams he had. Can you think of what might have been going on in his thoughts? Do you think he might be thinking back on how he came to be in Egypt? Maybe he is thinking about being put into that well and sold
into slavery or how they made fun of him all the time when he did have these dreams.. Maybe he is thinking about the father and brother he lost. How do you think you would have handled this ? They did not forget him either.. and one is not... They counted him as a brother.. Maybe some remorse? Well.......
In the lesson this is what I got from it....
Let go of the past. The things that happened yesterday are gone and can not be brought back,,,, wash it off. Sherry, told about how when you are outside and you get dirt on you, you get up and brush it off and then when you go inside you wash it off and it is gone. So, LET GO of all the things that have happened to you and wash it off and start a fresh new day... When you read about Joseph you will see that he was a
man who feared God... He never lost hope and finish the story and you see that he was a man full of
forgiveness. He lived his love and faith in God everyday ... I don't know about you but just hearing it
put into words like she used and being where I am in my thought process it was just an amazing story
lesson for me.. She told us , don't lose heart, hope is there for us too... and if you want things to happen
in your life then you need to do what Joseph did. He worshipped God and praised God... He did it everyday .... So if you want to see God work in your life ,, make praise and worship a habit to do everyday. Is that not just good teaching? I think so... She finished with " Let God sift you and all the
good will come out . " I pray you will go and read the book of Genesis about Joseph and what happened to him and his family.. It is a great way one to learn many, many lessons from.. ex... you will see that
he had perseverance ( he was steadfast or not changing) , had patience( lived without complaint), and
forgiveness( pardon or to cancel) these are a few things you will learn about Joseph.. I know I am going
to be looking into Genesis and really watching Joseph in the next few days.. I want to learn how he lived.
I pray that you will too .. I pray that we can hang on and keep reaching for the prize.... a home in heaven.
Well , God bless and I pray that your day is filled with all that you will let God put in it...
Remember to Smile: it is a free gift from God for you to share and you are the most beautiful when you do..
tenderly with arms wrapped about you ,,, in the love of Jesus Christ, vickie
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Can Words Hurt?
I want to write about words. Yes, words, and what they can do to a person. As I get older
I think about words that have been spoken to you, over you and about you and what they have
meant in your life.... Words are very powerful, they can destroy or heal.
It was brought to my attention tonight that I may have disturbed someones walk with God...
Well, let me tell you that is cause for concern.. I don't want to do something that will cause someone
new to fall away from God.... So, I will find this person and ask for forgiveness. I do not even remember
what I said to this person but it was something that affected them in a bad way.. I am very sorry I spoke..
I will try to let you inside my thinking for a minute okay? People don't always mean what they say in the way you may have taken it.... Some people are trying to be funny, some are just sarcastic, some just thinking outloud, some in anger, some in pain, but whatever the reason the person on the receiving end of the words may NOT take it the way you said it... It is the WORDS that stay around and go over and over in your mind that hurt..
Words said by someone you trust and love can have a major impact on your life.. When you say things that are loving and postive you have people who are going to be loving and positive . Now the same is true with saying negitive things to people.. It does not have to be all the time for it to stick around and hurt them it can be just one time. But when you say hurtful, bad words to a person it stays with them ALL of their lives...
From my own experience I can tell you this.... NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, tell someone they are a failure.
Never tell them that they don't mean something , that they are worthless.. NEVER!!!!!! These are things that set that person up for a lifetime of being inferior and thinking they don't count. Calling someone names is a real B A D thing to do...
Some of us hide behind a mask so to speak when we are in the public eye.... We have learned how to pretend things don't bother us... but as we age, that pretense is gone... It starts to show in our face and in our actions.... Sometimes we are not even aware of saying or doing something that is hurting someone else.. To us it may just be what we call normal..... So I ask you to please not sit in judgement of someone till you know all the facts....or at least till you have spoken to that person and tried to understand from their point of view... We are not all happy , well adjusted people with a bubbly personality. We did not all have people in our lives who made us feel special at all times... Some people have a serious attitude, some have a fun loving nature, some have boring natures , there are many different kinds of attitudes, because there are many different kinds of people.... We may not all feel the same way, but if you tell someone often enough that
they are not any good, then believe me they believe it the rest of their life... It may not come out in those
exact words but the feeling is behind the words... So please watch what you say to whomever you say it too.
Smile: it is a free gift from God for you to share and you are the most beautiful when you smile....
Monday, July 9, 2012
Time Is Running Out
This is a URGENT message to all who would take the time to read this. I must tell you that
we are living in the last days.. I know you have heard that before, over and over, but , I want to
tell you with all the urgency I can..... GET READY!! JESUS CHRIST IS COMING SOON!!
If you are not reading your bible and understanding it , then , I am so, so, sorry.. If all you are doing
is listening to TV or reading a newspaper , again , I am so sorry.. Now if you put all them together
then you will begin to see the urgency in what I am saying...... Scriptures are being fulfilled moment
by moment,, hour by hour, day by day!!!! JESUS CHRIST IS COMING SOON!!
Please would you take time TODAY to put your life in order.. Jesus Christ should be first in your life,
then other things, but make Jesus first.. You can get ready and go with Jesus Christ or you can stay ..
I am getting ready!
In Ephesians 6:10-20. Take time to read this.. It is about putting on the WHOLE Armour of God.
I love you all so much and I really want to see you in Eternity.. Please, get ready.
We are in a fight to the finish.... I want to be on the winning side, do you? We are running a race,
I want to finish it , do you?
Dear Lord Jesus,
I pray that all who see this will come to ask you into their heart.. I pray that if just one
person sees this and answers the call of God on their life that you would bless them with
wisdom , peace, and understanding of the Word of God.... Thank you Dear Lord Jesus.
I am praying for your will and not my own... In the Name of Jesus Christ.. Amen.
I pray you will listen to your heart and let God come in... TIME IS SHORT.
with all tenderness and with the love of Christ Jesus... your sister in Christ vickie
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Remember Me?
It is with such a sad heart that I write this.. I just read that my all time favorite T.V. star passed away
this morning; Andy Griffith, he was 86 years old. He had a quirky way about him.. He mad me laugh , he made me cry, he was just so real.. In watching him act,it was almost like he was right there and you were
in the same place with him. He was just so real to me.. ( Maybe I am weird or something) I still watch everyday Matlock, and the Andy Griffith show... I will miss him and knowing that he is gone it will be a real missing him... I know I can watch him on TV but just knowing he is gone will make it different somehow.
I don't think he ever knew just how many people really loved him.
Do you ever think about things like that? How many lives you may have touched? How did you touch them,
with love, laughter, or anger and mean spirited? It should set your mind to thinking about it.. What have you done that would be newsworthy to report if you died? Have you made a mark in this life? I don't mean being famous like Andy Griffith but just doing something for someone else . Have you done anything? I think about things like this all the time.. I don't think I have set the world on fire or anything but I think that maybe sometime in my life I might just have made a difference in someones life... I sure hope I have .. It may not be everyday but when I die,,, I hope just one person will remember me with something good to say...
I just am feeling rather sad right now.. I feel like I have lost a good f\riend today.. Sorry for rambling on. vickie
Thursday, June 28, 2012
I was just reading in Deuteronomy 1: 19-40 . Do you know it? Well, it was about Moses talking to the
whole of Israel. He was talking about the journey from Egypt and what had taken place.. How , the older
ones who left Egypt would not get to see the Promised Land....and why. In v. 32 it says: " Yet in this thing you did not believe the Lord your God."
As I was reading that I was also thinking about the things I have done and not believe and one word jumped
out at me and that was the word " consequent".. Just like what happened in Israel . They had to pay for their disbelief and so do I...
Why do we not learn from our mistakes? Throughout the entire Bible we see where God has had to punish
Israel for disbelief . They would repent and then do it again and again... We are no different are we? I don't
know about you but I have to repent on a daily basis.. I repeat mistakes and so I have to repent for them every time.. But , I am so grateful for a God who loves me so much that he will forgive me if I repent with a humble heart.
Consequences: a result: effect, following as a result of.
So when we do something whether go or bad it has a effect on us.. So, we need to watch what we say, and do and make sure that it is in line with the Word of God.
Smile: this is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet..
With arms wrapped tenderly about you.... your sister in Christ Jesus. vickie
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Latter Days
I am reading in Ezekiel 38 and 39 this morning . I do not want to be here for what will happen like it states
in these chapters.. I am having a hard time trying to think of why anyone would NOT want to know Christ Jesus. What is so hard to understand the Love that Jesus Christ has for us? I really do not understand.
I am not perfect and I know that ,but I do know that Jesus was perfect and He died for me... He loved me so much that He took my sin ALL of my sin and He did that for you too..The whole of humanity, He came and died for ALL of us... Why is it so hard for some to not know that or understand it?
I would rather believe there is a God, called Jesus Christ, and be wrong, then to believe there is no God, called Jesus Christ and be wrong. For if I believe there is a God called Jesus Christ and I am wrong , I will have lost nothing; but if I believe there is no God called Jesus Christ and I am wrong , I will have lost everything.
When you read and study the scriptures on these chapters , you will see that it is talking about the " latter days" . We are in the latter days... Soon and I believe it will be soon, Jesus is coming back just as He left.
Acts 1: 9-11 KJV
" Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven , shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven."
So you need to be ready for that.
The last days on earth will not be good days... I believe that the " church" or the " bride of Christ." will be removed before these things take place.... I sure hope if you are reading this that you are in this group.
The last days will be filled with so much choas, confussion, turmoil, hopelessness, and hatred and so much more... I don't want to be here for that... We are living in a time right now where so many of our freedom rights are being taken away. We are truly living in Bibical times...
Now is the time to make yourself right with God... If you have not ask for forgiveness of your sins then I urge you to do that today before it is too late... It is so simple to do... First let me ask you a question.
Do you have a mom or dad, brother , sister, friend or maybe children or grandchildren that you just love
so much you would do anything for them? Do you? Well, Jesus Christ loves you that way and he did do
something for you ,, He died for your sins. Yes, before you were born He died for you because He loved you that much.... We only think we can love, but when you have the love of God in you , then you will know TRUE LOVE. When your child does something wrong do you turn away from them? No, you correct and go on loving them.... That is what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross... He is our Father in Heaven and he corrects us but goes on loving us anyway... So , please if you have not already given your life over to him would you like to do so now? It is so simple.....
Dear Lord Jesus , Please forgive me of my sins and come into my heart and my life and be with me so that I may learn your ways... I am sorry for everything I have done that is not pleasing and right ... I want to to learn how you would have me live.... Thank you for forgiving me Lord Jesus.... I pray for your will to be done.. In Jesus name. Amen.
If you have said this prayer or something like this prayer , then I want to welcome you to your new family... The family of God.... I pray that you will find a good bible believing church and learn all you can and live your life for Christ now.... Remmeber that God loves you and so do I.. Till we meet in heaven God Bless you.. Smile: it is a free gift from God for you to give to someone who needs it....
Tenderly with arms wrapped about you... your sister in Christ. vickie
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Experience the Resurrection Power
I was reading a devotional today and it was about Philippians 3:10. It was talking about the Experience of the Resurrection Power.
" I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like Him in His death." Philippians :10 NIV
Paul , did not know Jesus personally in the same way the other Apostles did... Paul did not walk with Jesus like they did. BUT, Paul wanted to know Jesus and he did ; just like you and I, through revelation. Like you and I , Paul prayed and had to listen for the voice of God. He is the Apostle of the Gentiles. ( that would be you and I)
Do you remember the way Paul ( Saul of Tarsus) had his conversion happen? He was on his way to Damascus so he could persecute the disciples of Christ. But while on the
road " a light from heaven flashed around him, he fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, "" Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? Saul asks; Who are you, Lord?
"" I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting."" So Paul met Jesus the same way you and I should.. Have you met Jesus yet? Would you like to do that right now? It's simple really.. Just listen and you will hear him knocking at the door of your heart. Do you hear it? The knock. Don't wait to long to answer it. Aw, good you answered it. Now all you have to do is ask Him in.. Ready? Dear Jesus, would you please come into my heart and life and forgive me of all of my sins? I am so sorry Jesus.. I need you in my heart and my life today. Thank you Jesus for loving me and dying for me. In Jesus name. Amen..
Now if you have ask Jesus into your heart and have ask Him to forgive you of ALL your sins. Then you need to take the next step, okay? It is really simple too....
Go to a good Bible teaching church .. Get yourself buried with Christ.. Yes, buried.
How? Well, according to Acts 2:38 Peter tells us to Repent ( you just did that) and then be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. Matthew 28:19 says the same thing. Go and baptize in the Name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.. The Name is :
Jesus Christ.. John 10: 30 " I and the Father are one." So , go and be baptized in the name of Jesus. That is being buried with Christ and His name is applied to you in the water baptism.
(You can read in Matthew 3:13-16, Mark1: 9-11, Luke 3: 21-22 and also in John 1:31-34; about baptism. )
Now, you are a Son of God.. See Galatians 3:26-29 PLEASE, READ YOUR BIBLE.
Now I started this out with a devotional reading: Experience of the Resurrection Power. Believe it or not you have just experienced that when you gave your life over to Christ Jesus.. He raised you from the dead to eternal life.. So please take some time and thank Him and Praise Him, and worship Him. TODAY, right now.. Jesus loved you so much he died for you. Yes, YOU.
So, Welcome to the family of God.. Someday soon we will all meet in our new Eternal home, Heaven..
God Bless you and keep you.. Remember : Smile it is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet... tenderly with arms wrapped about you, your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie
Friday, June 8, 2012
Feelings of : Despair, Loneliness, Worthlessness; ect...
Do you ever feel so low, that you feel like you are worthless? Do you ever say anything and once it is out of your mouth you feel really bad? Can't take em back.. Have you ever in anger said something and you really meant it but it still came out wrong? Why does it seem like it is always the one person you don't want to hurt , that you end up hurting the most? Have you ever felt friendless? Does your mind wander to a dangerous place when your down? What kind of things do you think about? Do you ever feel helpless?
What causes all of these things to go on in your head? I am still searching to find these answers..
In Proverbs 13: 7 , it says " For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he."
So, how is your heart thinking? What is the stronghold in your mind? In 2 Corinthians 10: 4-6,
" ( For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled." So what does all that mean? It means that we should know the Word of God well enough to compare what is in our mind and the mind of God.. We should not exalt any word above the Word of God...
You know all this but when your mind is in this place of feeling so lonely, worthless, or friendless it is hard to remember that we are to say the Word of God out loud.. Sometimes we don't even remember the Word. It is a dark ,nasty, lonely place sometimes in your mind. Everyday is a struggle to hold up your head and go on trying to walk in the light.... Sometimes even when a stranger or someone you know and love tries to lift your mood, it is hard to respond.. I know all this from a personal point of view..
I know too that in the Word of God that we can find a peace that will surpass all understanding. Look at
Philippians 4:7 " And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." We should really , really try to put and keep first in our hearts and minds , Jesus Christ..
Everyday we should pray and ask for guidance. I know it is hard to do but, when that little opening comes in your thinking , just say the name of Jesus , that is opening the door to a healthier mind.. Pray like you believe it is happening right now.
For each and every person who might read this and suffer with this thing called depression I am saying this prayer for you..
Dear Lord Jesus,
For anyone who suffers this depression I pray that they would find peace today in their mind.. I pray for the mind to quite down and peace to fill that space . Lord, I pray that your arms be around them in comfort.. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, for your will to be done. Amen.
I am a fellow suffer in this depression but I refuse to let it keep me from enjoing my life and my time with my Jesus.. God Bless and keep your mind peaceful . vickie
Monday, May 14, 2012
Genealogy: Is it important?
Genealogy, is it important? I spent over 15 years (active) years doing a family history
for myself.. It was fun learning about who my ancestors were and what they did, how they lived , where they were from , that sort of thing.. I started out doing it for a medical genealogy.. Every time you would go to the doctor they wanted to know about your family's medical history.. Well, I didn't know much, so I set out, to find out.
Like I said it was fun... it was also expensive! I did my research by " snail mail" , going to graveyards, digging into history books, stuff like that.... today you can do most of it in the comfort of your own home at a computer and with the touch of a few buttons you can know all about who you are and where your from...
Now lets take Jesus and His genealogy.. We find one in Matthew 1: 1-16. It tells us from Abraham to Joseph,( husband of Mary, who is the mother of Jesus Christ.) In it is lists five woman.. The Jewish people needed to know only the line of the father to make things legal. So, why then do you think that in Matthew it lists these five woman? Were they important? What did they do? How did they live day by day? What makes them so important that they had to be listed in this genealogy?
As I heard from a pastor on TV. " No person is beyond God's supernatural grace"
A genealogy reveals what kind of people are in it...So let us look at these woman in Matthew 1: 3, 1:5, 1:6.
Matthew 1:3 KJV Thamar ( Tamar) Go to Genesis 38:1-30 tells the story of this woman... She married a wicked man and he died and then the brother of this man was to take and give her a child , but he did not and he died... now the father-in-law, Judah, says go and when my youngest son is ready to marry I will give you to him.... He lied. Now Tamar had waited as a widow for sometime, then the father-in-laws wife died and Tamar found out where Judah would be and she went there... She dressed as a harlot and slept with Judah.. She then found herself with child. She gave birth to twins, Pharez and Zarah. We see that this woman did a dishonest thing but we also see that she is in the genealogy of Christ Jesus.
Matthew1:5 KJV Rachab ( Rahab) Now go to Joshua 2:1-21 . This tells the story of Rahab, who was a harlot by trade. Joshua sent two spies to Jericho to see what the land was like and they went to Rahab's place and she hid them.. The king sent unto Rahab and said where are these men? She said they were here but they left and I don't know where they are.... So this Rahab lied to the king. Now the spies told her to keep quite and she put a scarlet line out her window and all her family with her and was saved and she too became a part of the genealogy of Christ Jesus. She lied and was a harlot.
Matthew 1:6 KJV " wife of Urias"( Uriah) Go to 2 Samuel 11: 1-5 to start. This tell the story of how King David took up with another man's wife.. Bathsheba was her name. She is the mother of King Solomon. Now, Bathsheba was another man's wife ,yet she went and slept with the King and conceived a child out of wedlock.. Yet she is in the genealogy also of Christ Jesus...
These woman were not of high moral standards, yet they are listed in the genealogy of
Christ Jesus. So I repeat " No person is beyond God's supernatural grace."
If you are thinking that God can not use someone like you, then you need to think again. Look again at just these 3 women, God used them and He will use you too... but you have to let Him..
Smile: It is a free gift from God for you to share with others... God Bless each of you..
Tenderly with arms wrapped about you, your sister in Christ Jesus. vickie
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Searching: Psalms 120:5
When I opened my Bible this morning it went to Psalm 120. So, I read it and do you know what it was about? The tongue! I read it and then it made me do a little research.. I like to know what words mean, do you? It talks about lying lips and a deceitful tongue. Now read verse 5.
Psalms 120: 5 " Woe is me, that I sojourn in Mesech, that I dwell in the tents of Kedar."
OK, where is Mesech and Kedar? What do they mean? Well , this is what I found out.
Back in Genesis, we have Noah and his wife and three sons and wives( 8saved = new beginnings) who are saved in an Ark from the Flood. When they finally rest the ark and they are told to go forth and replenish the earth.( start families). So, one of the sons of Noah was called Japheth and he had a son called Meshech. The name Meshech means ; drawing out. Well, the place where Meshech traveled to is what we would now in 2012, call Russia. In Ezekiel 38 :16, ( please read the entire chapter) it tells that they will in the last days come up against Israel.
Now, Kedar , meaning : dark skinned. In Genesis 25:13, it shows that Kedar is the second son of Ishmael. They were a nomadic tribe living in the NW Arabian Desert. Stretching from Yeman to the Persian Gulf and from Oman to Jordon and Iraq. We also know these countries will play a role in the last days against Israel. One to the far North and one to the South of Israel.
So I now know where these countries are. So to get back to the reason for this I go back to Psalms 120. I wanted to know what verse 5 meant and I think I know now... Maybe you will agree, maybe you won't but for me it makes sense. Are you ready? Here we go....
I think it may mean that living far from God, but longing for salvation.. Made sense to me... Some days I feel like I am living far from God but longing for Him.. I know that he will never leave me nor forsake me, but, some days I forget that and I suffer for forgetting... MY tongue gets in the way sometimes and I have to really work hard at bringing it back in...."" I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
Isn't it wonderful what reading God's Word can make you think about? I love The Word and I love the research that goes into learning about The Word.
Smile: It is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet and you are at your
most beautiful when you smile.... God Bless you and keep you with arms tenderly about you. Your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Words: Are They Important?
I would like to talk about words. We all use them everyday. Every time we speak, or we read, we use words; but, have you ever thought about what " word" is or means?
" WORD" - sound or combination of sounds that has a meaning and is spoken or written. This is what the Merriam- Webster's Dictionary says is the meaning .
Let's first take" the sound spoken". In Genesis 1:3 " And God said, let there be light; and there was light." Now lets go to Hebrews 11:3 " Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear." Now lets go to John 1:1 " In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God. " Now, go to Psalms 33:6, " by the word of the Lord were the heavens made; " v. 9) " For he spake, and it was done." The Word spoke and here we are. You are also reading the written word, so now I want to tell you about this book I am reading on the words that come out of your mouth.
This book is called The Tongue, A Creative Force, by Charles Capps.
When you pray do you pray the problem or the answer? I had not thought like that before. Do you listen to the words that are coming out of your mouth? Are they words that can create good results or bad ones? Are you using positive words or negative ones? Do you use the scriptures when you pray? What are you after when you pray? A result or defeat? Idle words work against you. So we should always remember when we speak to speak in obedience to the spiritual law, which is
The Word of God.
In Hosea 4:6 " My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge". Lack of knowledge can cause us to be destroyed. We are created in God's image. God is a Spirit, we
are also a spiritual being. So, as spiritual beings we need to obey the Spiritual Law. When we speak contrary to the Word of God ( spiritual law) we are violating this law.
Words are important. We need to start being very consciouses about the words we speak... Words are like little seeds that produce according to God's Word...or they can produce according to the negative way we speak... What do you think would be the best way to speak? God spoke and it was done.. This is as true today as it was when God said, Let there be light..
I love words , to speak and to write and read and this is a lesson I needed to know today.... Smile: It is a free gift from God for you to share with everyone you meet.
God Bless each of you today . Tenderly with arms wrapped about you... your sister in Christ Jesus . vickie
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Weight Loss: Physcial or Spiritual
Something I was thinking about before I fell asleep last night... I know that I am
overweight. As I lay down on the pillow my thoughts turned to how much overweight
I really am..... I got angry at myself just thinking about it... and that made me think of something else..
If in the physical I am overweight , then I had to think about why or what had caused me to be that way. So I was thinking of things like sodas, chips, eating at fast food places, not getting proper amounts of rest or exercise. The list goes on........
So, if I am to lose the weight I need to do something about it.. Like watch what I eat and get the correct amount of rest and exercise ect.... This is if I really want to look healthy and be healthy.
It is the same in the spiritual realm... If I am wanting to have a good relationship with God then I need to find out what I need to do to have that relationship ... I will need to find out what is keeping me from a close relationship with God... How? Well, if I know anything about the Word of God , then I know that anger is not good, bitterness and hatred they are not good. So, what do I need to do to get over these things?
Well, I think first I should pray and ask God to forgive me for feeling this way and then I need to get into the Word of God , EVERY DAY. I will then learn how to let things go and learn how God wants me to live...
Just think, this is the same answer for losing physical weight... right? Learn how to let things go. Like the foods we eat that are not good for us and let the late nights go and get proper amounts of sleep and then get up off our backsides and exercise... and we have to do it EVERY DAY.
So, I guess we just need to EVERY DAY think about what we eat.... whether it is for our physical health or our spiritual health. This is just what I was thinking about as I laid down to sleep last night...
Smile: It is a free gift from God for you to share each and everyday with someone...
God Bless and one more question... Are you ready should Jesus come today?
If not, please get ready today.... Jesus is coming soon... It's easy to get ready..
Just answer the knock at the door of your heart... and let Jesus come in...
Simple prayer .. Dear Lord would you please forgive me of my sins and come into my life and heart today? Thank you Lord Jesus for dying for my sins.. In Jesus name. Amen
Now find a good Bible based Church and go... God Bless you.
tenderly with arms wrapped about you, your sister in Christ Jesus.. vickie
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Where is Satan in the 1000 years?
We last talked about Revelation : Two Witnesses, and how the " rapture" can and will take place.. Now I would like to address something else... It's about the
evil one; Satan, Lucifer, serpent, dragon, the devil; and where he will be spending the Millennial Reign ( 1000 years).
While some may think that he will be spending them here on earth with those left behind,in a sense that may be true.. If you are talking about the anti-christ being here.. Yes, the anti-christ is a man indwelt of Satan. But if you are speaking of the 1000 years after the tribulation then I would say , no I disagree. In the Bible ( KJV) , we learn from the book of Genesis 3:1-6 that the serpent has been lying since the very beginning of man. Please , I ask you to go and read this for yourself...
Genesis 3:4 " And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die." Now we know that this is a lie.. Please read this for your self..
Throughout the entire Word of God, ( The Holy Bible) we read about how this old serpent, the devil, has lied to man and cause him to fall so far from God.
Idol worship, greed, lust, to name just a few is how Satan gets to us... It will go this way until the return of Christ Jesus....
Please go now to the book of Revelation; We know that a time is coming when the world will accept the anti-christ as the world leader.... That time is upon us now. Throughout this time( the Tribulation) I believe that the " church" will be gone and the ones left behind will go through so much bad stuff... horrible things, things so bad we can not truly image what it will be the book of Revelation to see what will happen...This will all take place in a seven year period.... The anti-christ will be in charge and then after the seven years ... Then Armageddon happens, Christ returns and this takes you to Chapter 20 in Revelation where you find that in Revelation 20:1-3, " And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand."
" And he laid hold on the " dragon" that old serpent, which is the devil, and Satan and bound him for a thousand years." (1000 years) " And cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a seal upon him that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years should be fulfilled; and after that he must be loosed a little season."
So, I believe that Satan will be bound for a 1000 years and not with those left behind. I believe that the ones who are left behind will have a second chance in accepting Christ as their Savior , it will not be an easy choice but I still believe that some will make that choice..... IF not true then who are the " tribulation saints"? This is how I understand the scriptures.. Right or wrong that is up to my Lord and Savior.... Have you made a decision to follow Christ now while there is still time? I pray you have.. I am not intending to upset or offend anyone.. I am praying for all out there.... that you would find peace in our Savior Jesus Christ..... tenderly with arms about you ... your sister in Christ Jesus.. vickie
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Revelation: Two Witnesses
I was listening to a preacher on TV the other day and he was talking about
Revelation 11: The Two Witnesses. Please get out your Bible and read what it says... It does not name the Witnesses BUT, ( always is a but) most people believe they know who they are..... Some say Moses and Elijah, some say Elijah and Enoch. I think I go along with Elijah and Enoch.
In Genesis 5: 21-24 ( pay close attention to 24)
" And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.. "
Now go to 2 Kings 2: and read this chapter pay attention to v. 11
" there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven."
Now the way I read that is this: Enoch and Elijah neither one died.... And in scripture it says: " and it is appointed unto men once to die but after this the judgement". Hebrews 9:27
Enoch and Elijah have not died yet.... Now , turn to Revelation 11:8
" And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of that great city"
They have to die and then comes judgement... This is what you and I will have to do also.... We have to die and then we will be judged.
Now , here is where you may or may not agree and that is just fine... We all have to search out the scriptures to our own understanding.. Go now to Philippians 2:12 " work out your own salvation with fear and trembling".
I have use scriptures here to show you that while the word " rapture" is not in the Bible it does show that it will happen.... We will be translated ( changed) , caught up ( rapture) when the time appointed comes...
Now read: 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18 v.17
" Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds , to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord".
I think this is a good explanation of what we call the " rapture". I do believe that it will take place and I believe it will be taking place very soon..
Have you made your choice of where you are going to spend eternity? I sure hope you have... If you haven't and you would like to do that now.. I can say a prayer with you and then you can find a good Bible based church and be baptized and know then that you will get to spend eternity with our Savior Jesus Christ. Would you like to pray now?
Dear Lord Jesus, Would you please forgive me of my sins and come into my heart , my life and show me the way , that you want me to live... I am sorry for all my sins and I want to start living to please you... I pray you will forgive me and come into my life... In Jesus name.... Amen..
Now find a good Bible church and study to show yourself approved...
Remember : Smile, it is a free gift from God for you to share with all around you .... tenderly with arms wrapped about you, your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie
Friday, March 9, 2012
For God So Loved The World
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. " John 3:16
This has been my favorite bible verse since I can remember.. I was just thinking about it again... Have you got a favorite verse that you think about ? Do you say it out loud a lot? What happens when you do? When I say mine out loud
it makes me think of things like : who is the world? Who is a whosoever? What is everlasting life , and what will it be like? So, as I was thinking about these
things today I decided I would write my thoughts and feelings on them down.. So here goes,,, you may or may not agree with me and that is okay too...
We all see things a little differently and that is okay , because we are all different..
Who is the world? Well, for one I am.... so are you... If you or I had been the only one here God would still have sent his son down here to die for our sins. How does that make you feel? Me, humble and very loved... To think that our Savior would have done that for just me! Whoa, that is some pretty heady ( intoxicating) stuff. But, wait a minute ..... He did it for YOU too.... Now, how do you feel?
His only begotten son... Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Who is the whosoever?
I like this one..... whosoever is YOU and me...Yep, it is the one who will turn to Christ Jesus and ask him into their heart. You may not feel like much to the world or to the people in the world but let me tell you this, YOU are a whosoever! You get to chose the world or Christ Jesus... You get to chose!!! When you chose Jesus you have become a whosoever and I think that is the most wonderful place you can be... It is about choice. I have chosen to become a whosoever in the Kingdom of God... What are you going to chose?
Not perish?
perish: to be utterly destroyed or ruined , to be specific to die a violent or untimely death.
So when you believe in the son that was sent ( Christ Jesus) you should NOT perish. Not be utterly destroyed or die a violent death.. NOW, beloved that is IMPORTANT!!!!! To me at least...
Everlasting Life.
To live and reign forever, infinity ( endless) and for all eternity with Christ Jesus. Yeah, I will take that one...
Have you ever thought about eternity? What will it be like? To be able to be around Christ for always. No darkness, no loneliness, no sorrow, no tears, no sickness, no death.. It will always be just perfect out, because we will be in the presence of perfection, Jesus Christ.. Oh, I don't know about you but I am longing for this place.... I can't wait to get there... I know I am going for sure too... I have made sure of that... How? Well it was pretty easy.. Want to know how??? I can tell you.... Okay, I will...
First thing you need to do is : repent of all you sins, tell Jesus how sorry you are, how you want him to be in your life, and when you do this please don't do it lightly..... This is after all eternity we are talking about..... So please be serious about it...... Then after your repent, go and get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and you SHALL receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.. Then get into a good bible believing church with a man who is filled with the Spirit of God and then you just have a relationship with Christ Jesus . YOU know how to do that already,, yes, you do... You have a relationship with friends, parents, siblings, children , ect ...right? Well Jesus is someone who is your friend, and sticks closer than a brother would... So it should be pretty easy.. and you my beloved are on your way to a eternal reward... Eternity with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ... WELCOME!!!!!!! I love having you as a brother or sister... We may not meet til we get to heaven but until then, know that I love you heart and soul..
Tenderly with arms wrapped about you... your sister in Christ Jesus... vickie
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
The Rapture What Happens After, Part Five
I am going to backtrack a little this time... I hope I am doing this correctly. I sure don't want to confuse or mislead anyone... that is not my intentions. I will be telling you what I think all of the scriptures mean so far... again I hope I am correct.. I have no formal training in anything I am just voicing my opinion.
First off I believe the church will be gone... The ones who are left behind and who accept Christ Jesus as Lord will be known as the Tribulation Saints.
Revelation 7: 13-14
" And one of the elders answered , saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they?" " And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. and he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."
There will be 144,000 , virgin young men, 12,000 from each tribe of Israel, who will be sealed with God's seal in their forehead.
After this , things on earth get pretty bad... Let's try to put it in a word picture.
The "rapture " has happened....things are in an uproar all over the planet.... all the children are gone, and certain people are gone, ( we know they are the ones who followed Jesus Christ and had a relationship with Him) . We have had cars crash, and roads are in a mess, planes falling from the sky, trains and trucks coming to halt. People in a panic because they have lost loved ones and friends and they don't know what has happened.... So, now people are going to be filling up churches to see if they can help find the answers...
We know that things will not get better only worse ...People will see that a new government will take over, new currency, new religion, all of it will be 'One World " ... This is going to be bad.... Israel will sign a seven year peace treaty that won't be real.. People, this is not going to be a pleasant time in history.. And after all this , it will really go down hill...
I pray for you . If you are left behind I pray that you will fall to your knees and ask the One who created you and who died for your sins to forgive you and tell you what to do next...... God' s blessing for you..
I told you at the beginning that this would be just how I see things... I hope I have not confused you or mislead you... I hope that if your reading this BEFORE the rapture takes place that you would give your life over to Jesus Christ so you would not have to go through any of the horrible things to come..
your sister in Christ Jesus , vickie
Monday, March 5, 2012
The Rapture What Happens After Part Four
Revelation 9:7 will be the starting point today.
Locusts , were like a horse prepared unto battle, crowns on their heads and faces like men.;hair as the hair of woman, and teeth like lions.; they had breastplates of iron, sounds of their wings like the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle; and the tails like scorpions, and stings in their tails and power to hurt man for five months. The king over them is the angel of the bottomless pit and in Hebrew his name is Abaddon, in Greek it is Apollyon.
This is the Second Woe.
After the sixth angel sounded. Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.. they were prepared for and hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay 1/3 part of man.. And the number of the army of the horseman is 200 million. " And thus I saw the horses in the vision and them that sat on them having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth and brimstone and the heads of horses were as the heads of lions,and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone." By these three was 1/3 of men killed by the smoke, fire and brimstone. The rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues , repented not. Not of idol worship nor of murders nor sorceries, nor of their fornication's nor thefts.
Chapter 10:
In this chapter it talks about book and how John is commanded to eat this book. How it goes in sweet and in his belly it is bitter. And v.11." And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues and kings.""
Chapter 11:
1: " And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood , saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
2: But the court which is without he temple leave out, and measure it not, for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot 42 months
"Now next we learn that power will be given to two witnesses and they shall prophesy 1260 days..( 42 months, or 3 1/2 years) If any try to hurt these two witnesses , fire will proceed from their mouth, and devour their enemies. They will have the power to shut heaven that in the days of their prophecy, and have power over waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with plagues as often as they will. The beast from the bottomless pit will make war with them and they will be killed. And their bodies shall lie in the street of the great city; which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt , where also our Lord was crucified. People from many nations will see them lying in the street for 3 1/2 days and they will not be put into the grave. People will party and send gifts to one another because of these two witnesses. NOW, after 3 1/2 days the Spirit of life from God entered into them and stood them on their feet and great fear fell upon them which saw them. And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto , Come up hither. They ascended up to heaven in a cloud: and their enemies beheld them....
Remember to smile it is a free gift from God to you so you can share it ... tenderly with arms about you, your sister in Christ Jesus , vickie
The Rapture: What Happens After Part Three
Taking up where we left off ... Revelation 8: I will paraphrase a lot of this
so please get out your Bible and follow along... I will be using the KJV.
Revelation 8:1
" And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour."
Why do you think there was silence in heaven? Is it because we ( the church ) will be so awed at what we see or will it be because of what the seventh seal is all about?
v3-4 " And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer and there was give unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne." 4. " And the smoke of the incense which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angels hand."
v. 5 " And the angel took the censer and filled it with fire of the altar and cast it into the earth: and there were voice, and thunderings, and lightnings and an earthquake."
v.6 And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound."
v.7 (paraphrase) The first angel sounded and hail and fire mingled with blood,
and they were cast upon the earth and 1/3 part of trees burnt up and all the grass and was burnt up.
v.8 The 2d angel sounded and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea, and 1/3 part of the sea became blood.
v.9 1/3 of the creatures died and 1/3 of the ships destroyed,
10. the 3d angel sounded and there fell a great star from heaven burring as it were a lamp, and it fell upon 1/3 part of the rivers and the fountains of water.
11. And the name of the star is Wormwood, and 1/3 of the water became wormwood , many died because the water became bitter.
12. And the fourth angel sounded, and 1/3 of the sun was smitten 1/3 part of the moon and stars darkened, and the day and night 1/3 likewise.
13. an angel flying through the midst of heaven , saying with a loud voice " Woe, woe, woe to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels , which are yet to come!"
There is still more to come. What has happened so far sounds pretty terrible to me.
Are you ready to hear about the last three trumpets? Chapter 9: The first Woe:
Fifth angel sounded , a star falls from heaven to earth and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.. Who will this be? We know it is a person by the reference of "to him". He opened the bottomless pit and out of it arose smoke and the dun and air were darkened by reason of the smoke. And out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth, and they had power , as the scorpions of the earth have power. They were commanded not to hurt the grass or any green thing, just those who did not have the seal of God in their foreheads. Not to
kill but to torment five months. Man shall seek death in those day and not find it.
In the next post we will find out what they look like.... tenderly with arms around you.... your sister in Christ Jesus..... vickie
Sunday, March 4, 2012
The Rapture: What Happens After, Part Two
In my last post I talked about the " rapture" and where you could find it in the
scriptures and today I want to talk about what happens after the rapture has already taken place...
In the book of Revelation it tells us what is going to happen...
Let's start with Revelation 5: Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David. The Lamb of God, we know Him as Christ Jesus. Revelation 6: 2 Shows us that a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer.. Who is that? Christ Jesus.
Rev 6:4 Red horse: War. : 6:5 Black Horse: Famine Rev. 6 : 8 Pale Horse: Death; Rev 6:9, fifth seal Martyrs, Rev 6:12, Sixth seal Cataclysm.
Matthew 24: Tell us the signs of the end of this age. Folks we are there. Many will come in my name, saying they are Christ and shall deceive many.. Now this we know has happened,,, look at Jim Jones, David Koresh, Marshal Applewhite, and David Shayler just to name a few of the more recent. War and rumors of war, , again we know this to be true too... each day the news is filled with war...nation against nation, again look at the daily news.. these are beginning of the sorrows. We can't say the name of Jesus Christ anymore for it offends. We have seen through mass media the Gospel preached throughout the world. It has happened folks. We have a famine in this world , a spiritual famine. People loving themselves more than loving God... Do you not see this happening? I have so many things running through my head right now and I hope this is making sense to you..
When the church is removed ( the Saints of God are the church) it will be a time of trouble so bad the world has NEVER known it before.... How then if you are not a believer before are you going to stand up against all this trouble when it comes?
Maybe it will go something like this..... maybe....
You go to church all your life but you have not really made the commitment to follow all the ways of Christ so when the " rapture" happens you are left behind.
Now what? People will be flocking to churches to see what they have to do.. will you be one of them? Everything will be in chaos, cars on the road will pile up because some of the drivers were " caught up", planes falling out of the sky, because some of the pilots were" caught up", people standing in line at the grocery store and the clerk ringing up there order, gone, " caught up. Your talking on the phone and the other person is suddenly gone, " caught up".. You are sitting in church and listening to the pastor and while looking at him , poof! he is no longer there and the congregation is missing, and you see your alone, what happened?/ They were " caught up" to meet Jesus in the air... and you were left behind.. You sit there and cry , and start saying take me , take me, I believe, pleas O Lord, take me.. But it is too late to be apart of the " rapture". Now what do you do?
Stay on your knees and commit, REALLY commit your life to the only one who can save you, Christ Jesus. Get ready to die for the name of Jesus Christ....It is what will happen... It is going to be a time of utter destruction on this planet earth.. No other time in the history of this planet will be this bad.....
God is getting ready to pour out His wrath on the planet....
The seventh seal is opened.. Revelation 8:
This is a good place to stop till the next post. I hope you will continue to read this, it is for those who are left behind.. Don't let that be you..
Tenderly with arms around you... your sister in Christ Jesus. vickie
Saturday, March 3, 2012
The Rapture; What happens after, Part One.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18;( KJV) talks about the sudden coming of the Lord.
In verses 16-18 it says: 16.) " For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17) Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18) Wherefore comfort one another with these words."
In Matthew 24 it talks about the Signs of the end of this age.. I believe that it speaking about today, yes, today the one you and I are living in... In Matthew 24: 39-42 it talks about the coming of the Lord. How there will be 2 in a field and one taken and one left, two woman grinding at the mill, one taken and one left. This is saying the same thing as 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; a " caught up", or as most of us know it " The Rapture". 1 Corinthians 15: 51-52. See these and other references ... In Latin the word for " caught up " is " rapturo", where we get the word rapture from... in the Greek it is the word " harpazo" meaning caught up.
So we know that this is a real event that is to take place.. I will go on with this but first I must ask you. Are you ready for this event to happen? I mean are you ready for this event to happen to YOU? You really don't have to do much to get ready for it; all you need to do is just give your life over to the one, the only one, who can save you..... Our Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, that is it... you just have to give your life over to Him.. NOW, if you want to be in the Bride of Christ you have some other things to do...". Repent, and be baptized everyone of you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." Acts 2:38 . This was Peter talking not Paul... So the choice is yours to be saved.... I am so praying right this minute that you will believe this and know that it is true and accept Jesus Christ right now... If you don't stand now how will you stand after the church is gone?
I will make another post on what happens after the rapture..
Remember: Smile it is a free gift from God for you to share with others.
your sister in Christ Jesus , vickie
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Book Review " One Second After"
I have finished reading this new book. It was an eye opener too. It was fiction but like the last book I read it was based on true facts. The book is called:
" One Second After" by William R. Forstchen. It has a foreword by Newt
Gingrich. I think it is something we should all know about at least.
The subject is EMP: Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon.
The book is about a man who lives in mountains of North Carolina and how when this weapon is used it sends the entire country back into the Dark Ages.
At home speaking with his friend on the telephone and then all of sudden
the phone is dead and the ceiling fan starts to slow down , thinking it must be
power outage, he goes ahead with his plans to cook out on the grill. Soon his daughter says to him, " Dad, something is strange". Silence, no sounds of traffic, no air traffic, nothing.. What is going on?
There are cars stopped on the roads not moving , power out everywhere.. Is it a solar storm that maybe has short circuited? Oh, here comes the mother-in-law with her old Edsel car.... They take it out to see the reason for all the stopped cars... He tries to start his own car and nothing. Being a retired military man he has an idea of what has happened.... EMP.
This weapon works like this: when an atomic bomb is detonated about the earth's atmosphere it can generate a " pulse wave" which travels at the speed of light and will short- circuit EVERY electronic device that the wave touches on the earth's surface...( taken from the Foreword by Newt Gingrich).
So, now with nothing electronic working, anything that is run by computers, ie: lights , all medical equipment, refrigeration, ect.... What will happen?
War breaks out within the community , looting, shooting, food shortage, death.
To find out more about EMP and the story line you need to read this amazing book. Is there really truth to it, or is it just a sci-fi type book to read? I guess you wil have to make up your own mind, I have.
Remember: Smile today it is when you are the most beautiful you can be and someone needs to see it today. God Bless and tenderly with arms wrapped about you..... your sister in Christ Jesus... vickie
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Just thinking Out Loud
I just finished my morning prayer and it made me start thinking about things.
Things like,,, the vastness of the universe, and how far Jesus had to come to live among us. Why He did what He did for us, you know, dying on the cross... How it must have felt for Him here. Being down here and doing all the miracles He did and STILL people turned away from Him.. I can not image why?
I heard a preacher talk about Paul last weekend and how when Paul was in prison and chained 24 hours a day to a prison guard and not knowing when he would be taken to be killed, how he remained calm and in touch with Christ.
I don't know about you, but I have read and read and heard many time the words of Paul but for some reason when I heard them this last time, it clicked.
The scripture this preacher talked about was in Philippians 4: 4. You know it I am sure...
" Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say again: Rejoice!"
Now, you have, like me heard that and read that many times... but have you ever thought about what that means? I apparently had not, until I heard it last week... Do you want to know a secret? I think the secret is 'in the Lord always".
Doesn't matter what your going through ,, good or bad. If we will just remember that "IN THE LORD " is where rejoicing is suppose to be, not in the trouble we have or the good things , but "IN THE LORD"..
I know how hard it is to do this... I have had troubles where I forgot and also I have forgotten in my good times... But , after listening to this preacher and how it was said I won't forget anymore..... Just remember that in your times of trouble, to just step outside of them and remember that to have peace you have to " Rejoice , in the Lord always, again , Rejoice" .
I know that most people already knew this so today I am really just speaking to
myself, sometimes I am pretty slow at catching on... It is about having a close personal relationship with our Savior, our Lord, our Father, our Friend, Jesus Christ.. I am so working on this relationship....
I pray that today you will have that closeness too... Dear Lord, for everyone who would read this, I pray that eyes will be open, hearts will heal, and that whomever it is that they would know , no matter where they go in this earthly body that You are truly standing with them... and they CAN rejoice because You
are there with them... Thank you for my revelation in this ... I love you , Lord.
I pray for your will to be done.. In Jesus name Amen.
Remember : Smile , it is a free gift from God to you to share with others...
Tenderly with arms wrapped about you... your sister in Christ Jesus.. vickie
Monday, February 13, 2012
New Book Review
I am going to give my opinion of a new book I just read.. The book is called
"The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that holds the Secret of America's Future
by Jonathan Cahn.
Pat Robertson " Extraordinary" , Joseph Farah, " Stunning" Sid Roth," Mind Blowing " This is what you will find on the front cover of this book.
While this book is Fiction it holds in it some basic truths.. When you read this book please remember you can look these facts up for yourself...
The book tells a story about what happened to Israel back in Isaiah 9:10-11 (KJV) and then goes on to show how it relates to us here in America today.
I am sure we who were old enough at the time of September 11, 2001, can remember where we were on that day , what we were doing, how we felt as we watched our country come under attack.... We also remember the days following the attack I am sure.... But did we all know how it was connected to
what happened to ancient Israel? I would think probably not.. I didn't anyway...
Rabbi Cahn, takes us through scriptures and explains to us what he believes the meaning behind the attacks were..... Please remember , if you must, you can always look up the facts yourself..... Rabbi Cahn even gives you a listing of where to find them as he did....
I know I will never look at the scriptures in Isaiah 9:10-11 the same again... I know that it is time for the people of the United States of America to wake up
and remember how our country was started and by whom....I really cannot say a lot more or I will give away the eye opening experience of every person who will take the time to read this amazing book...
Dear Lord God,
I pray that if just one person see this and gets this book. I pray that their eyes be open and they truly know what it means to give their life over to the Living God who created them... Thank you , Lord , for Rabbi Cahn and the words you gave him to tell us......
Remember to Smile: God gave it to each of us to pass it on!!!
your sister in Christ Jesus,
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Prayer Cloth
I have had family issues on my mind the last little bit and it is things that disturbed me to the point of finally reaching out to an outsider ( someone not
in my immediate family)... I am first and foremost thankful for the friendship of
this person..... She is the most wonderful and knowledgeable person I know. I trust her with my heart. So I thank her. I soon found out it was not just her that I would be so grateful and thankful for today..
I ask if I could have a prayer cloth for my son and family and in a very small group of people we prayed over this cloth... ( I don't know how all of you feel
about a prayer cloth or even if you know of such a thing) a prayer cloth is a
cloth that is anointed with oil and then the elders of the church and anyone else
who loves to pray and loves the Lord come down and pray and then you put the cloth under a pillow of that person or they carry it on their person and miraculous things happen... prayers are answered. I did that today and I can tell you the power of the Lord came down and I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW, that
all is well for the future.
Do you remember my friend the "Yellow Road Warrior"? Well, she taught today
in class about the Holy Spirit. It was good.... After church was out several of us went into the sanctuary to pray over the prayer cloths and I am here to tell you
that the power of God cam down. If you have never felt that then you need to get in a close personal relationship with God. We prayed through to get a answer and I believe I got one.. May not have been the one I was thinking about
but I believe I got the answer. I am so thankful and grateful for the men and woman in our church that they will stay and help you pray through...
I wrote this all down in my " yellow warrior book" and I will let you know when
it is answered , OK? I love my church family.
Remember to Smile: It is a free gift from God for you to share with all you meet.
Tenderly with arms wrapped about you... your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie
Monday, January 2, 2012
New Year 2012
Wow! Another year has come and gone. Do they seem to fly by really fast for you too? 2011, what a year of ups and downs.. I am sure we can all say that.
Are you ready for the New Year to start? How did you start your New Year off?
With it being on a Sunday this year, we started our New Year by going to church and hearing about The Tabernacle.. It was a good service... then Sunday evening we had a beautiful service.. Foot Washing and Communion.. If you have never experienced this , I am sorry... It is a very humbling and beautiful service.
This past year has been filled with struggles and failures but it has also been filled with miracles and victories. Out of tragedy we saw this past year a very real , powerful, and awesome miracle. A friend of mine was on life support and in a coma and they wanted to " pull the plug" and as the family got themselves
ready to do just that, BEHOLD my friend wakes up and sits up and talks and feeds herself and knows where she is and who she is.. .. She was brought back from the dead !!!! God is so totally AWESOME!!!! We saw people healed from cancer, babies hearing restored,woman get pregnant that couldn't, new babies born, hearts that were broken healed, the list goes on and on. These may not sound like miracles to everyone but if it had been you, then you would know the awesome blessings behind each one.. God is still on the Throne and still in the restoration business... If you are in need of a miracle then you need to ask God for it.....
If you don't know our Lord Jesus as your personal Savior and your not sure your ready to face the coming tribulation then it is really pretty easy to fix... You just have to ask Him into your heart... John 3:16 says that " WHOSOEVER believes in Him shall not perish , but have everlasting life." Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Do you believe he lived and was raised from the dead? Do you believe that He died on the cross for your sins? Do you believe that He is who He says He is? Then please don't delay in asking Him into your life... He will change what needs to be changed and you will spend eternity with Him... He just wants to have a close personal relationship with you, His Beloved. There is more, oh so much more but for now just asking Him into your heart is a good start . Then you need to according to the Holy Scriptures , Matthew 3:13-17, Luke 3:21-22,
St. John 3: 1-8, Acts 2;37-41 , so you can see the need to move forward as the scriptures tell us... Please find a good Bible believing church and learn. Study to show yourself approved.. I will be here if you need help.. PLEASE don't delay in making a decision today time is so, so short. JESUS IS COMING AND COMING SOON!!!!!
Remember to smile, it is a gift form God for you to share with all you meet...
God Bless you in this the New Year of 2012!!!!!!
tenderly with arms wrapped about you, your sister in Christ Jesus, vickie